假如你是李華,你的美國筆友Daniel計劃今年暑假來江西度假,他向你了解江西城市生活和農(nóng)村生活的情況,以便選擇度假地點(diǎn),請根據(jù)下圖提供的關(guān)鍵詞,給他寫一封郵件,先介紹城市生活和農(nóng)村生活的相同點(diǎn)和不同點(diǎn),然后說說你自己更喜歡哪種生活,并說明理由 。
supermarket. restaurant. apartment. car. bus. cinema. club. park
vegetable. rice. house. motorbike. bicycle. visiting neighbors
One Possible Version;
Dear Daniel,
I'm very happy that you are coming to Jiangxi to spend your summer holiday. There are some similarities and differences between city life and country life. Both in the city and in the country, people's life is getting better and better. They pay more and more . attention to keeping fit. However, there are some differences. In the city people go to supermarkets to buy what they need. They eat at home or in restaurants. They live in apartments and travel around by car or bus. After work, they go to cinemas, clubs or parks to relax themselves. In the country, people grow vegetables and rice by themselves.  They live in houses and ride motorbikes or bicycles to go around. In their spare time they would like to visit their neighbors or watch TV at home. As for me, I prefer to live in the city because there are more places to enjoy myself. I often go to libraries, bookstores and science museums, where I can learn much about the world.
I am looking forward to meeting you! Best wishes!
Li Hua解析:

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

There isn't any ______in the fridge. We need to go shopping.
A. oranges                  B. milk              C. eggs


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Stephen Hawking can’t walk or even speak,_____he has become very successful.
A.but B.a(chǎn)nd C.or D.then


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Hi, guys. Where are you heading now?
—Home. We _________all our money, so we have to walk home now.
A.spendB.spentC.have spentD.a(chǎn)re spending


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Would you like to go for a walk with me, Allen?
—I'd love to, ________you don't want to go alone.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Big, busy restaurant.
2 years' experience,
part time, $ 8 an hour.
Apply(申請) in
person at
6756 Main St.
Office work, full time,
Francisco's Shoe Shop.
no experience,
$ 13 an hour,
speak Spanish.
Fax resume(簡歷)
to 555-0001.
Busy department store.
No experience,
$ 10 an hour,
will train.
Apply in person at 224
West Rose Ave.
Love travel?
Join us!
Full time,
speak English,
$ 12 an hour.
Email resume:
【小題1】 If you want to find a job as a waiter, you can_   _ to apply for it.
A.go to 6756 Main St. SouthgateB.go to 224 West Rose Ave. Richmond
C.fax resume to 555-0001 D.email resume: lewisnclark@dot. org
【小題2】If you do office work at Francisco's Shoe Shop, you should_______.
A. be trained          B. have experience
C. speak English       D. know Spanish
【小題3】 If you work as a guide, you can get_______an hour.
A $8       B.$10      C.$12      D.I13


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

I'm now in New York with my friend Jenny. We_________ by plane on Monday.
A.a(chǎn)rriveB.a(chǎn)rrivedC.a(chǎn)re arrivingD.will arrive


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

For a long time being happy was considered natural,and there was nothing special to do about it. Now we know that we can work at getting along well with other people. It is possible to act in such a way that other people will like us better.
One way is being unselfish,not wanting everything your own way or asking for the best share of everything, including the attention of your friends. Another way is to look for good points, not bad ones in other people.
You don’t have to be spineless(無骨氣的)in order to be popular. In fact,you will be liked and respected(尊重)if you are not afraid to stand up for your rights(權(quán)利). But do it politely and pleasantly. One way to develop a good character is being friendly and polite to your own group,  to older people,to strangers and especially to those who do not look important or do not interest you.
You cannot expect to be perfect,  so you must learn not to be too unhappy when you make a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, and no one is to be blamed unless he refuses to learn from them. Many young people become discouraged(泄氣的) when they know their unpleasant qualities—selfishness,laziness,etc. Just remember that we all have some of these faults and have to fight against them.
When sometMng is wrong,it is best to try to make it right. Perhaps you don’t like a teacher or a classmate. Try to see why,and look at yourself,too. Make sure that you are not doing something to make others dislike you. In time, things may turn out all right, then you simply have to learn to get along the best you can with the situation, without thinking too much about it. Worrying never helps in a situation you can’t change.
【小題1】Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined part?
A.Not sharing anything with others.
B.Not thinking too much of yourself.
C.Not attracting the attention of your friends.
D.Not making friends with people who have bad points.
【小題2】How can we get along well with others according to the passage?
A.We should find out unpleasant qualities in others and in ourselves.
B.We should show others our unpleasant qualities.
C.We should stand up for our rights in any way we like.
D.We should fight against our unpleasant qualities.
【小題3】What can we know from the passage?
A.Even if we don’t have good relationships with others,we needn’t work at it.
B.Even if someone is not important to us,we still need to treat him politely.
C.Even if we are willing to learn from ouy mistakes,we are still to be blamed.
D.Even if the situation cannot be changed, we still need to worry much about it.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

-What about finding out ______ Alice is going to Taizhou?
-I’m afraid her friends have told her Taizhou has many places of great interest.
A.whereB.that C.why D.how

