On December 23, 2008, Niu Niu held a piano concert at the national Grand Theater (國家大劇院). As an eleven-year-old boy, he became the youngest pianist ever to perform a concert at the theater.
Never too young to learn
Niu Niu was born into a musical family in Xiamen. His father Zhang was a piano teacher. Niu Niu grew up listening to his father’s students playing the piano. At just three years old, Niu Niu asked his father to teach him to play, too.
“I gave Niu Niu some sheet music and helped him find the eight notes when he first played the piano. To my surprise, he played nearly 80 percent correct,” said the father. He used to think that three years old is too young an age to learn piano, but Niu Niu changed his mind. He continued to allow Niu Niu to watch his teaching of other students and gave him more sheet music to play.
Playing for fun
Zhang started teaching Niu Niu standard piano lessons when he was four. Unlike many other piano teachers, Zhang didn’t insist that Niu Niu play strictly with the correct finger positioning (位置). He said that the strict finger positioning would rob some kids of fun of playing. So Niu Niu could play in his own way. He could play the tone successfully. But Niu Niu was required to play the music without looking at the sheet music. Now he can remember about 80 pages.
Rising to fame
In 2003, at the age of 6, Niu Niu successfully held a sole concert in his hometown Xiamen. At the age of 8, he gave a performance at the International Piano Festival in France. At the age of 10, Niu Niu played in London and his performance was praised by Prince Charles. Last year, this young pianist published his first album “Niu Niu Plays Mozart” and over 10,000 copies have been sold in the world.
We are very glad to see a young Chinese pianist rising in the music world.

  1. 1.

    How old was Niu Niu when he performed a concert at the National Grand Theater?

  2. 2.

    What was Niu Niu’s father?

  3. 3.

    What did Niu Niu’s father feel when Niu Niu played nearly 80 percent of the sheet music correct?

  4. 4.

    What did Niu Niu’s father say about the strict finger positioning?

  5. 5.

    What do you think of Zhang’s way of teaching his son Niu Niu? (請自擬一句話作答)

1. (He was) 11 years old./ He was 11
2. (He was) A piano teacher
3. He felt surprised./ Surprised
4. (He said that) The strict finger positioning would rob some kids of fun of playing
5. It (His way) was good/ wonderful/ successful/ effective./ It was a proper way/ …

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Qian Zhongshu was one of the most well-known Chinese __【小題1】__ to the western world. Born on November 21, 1910 in Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, he grew up with his uncle, who didn’t have a son.
Qian liked reading books and had a ___【小題2】___ memory(記憶力). He only needed to read something once before learning it by heart. (【小題3】)He showed his good memory(記憶力) at an early age. When he was a small boy, his uncle often__【小題4】___ him to tea houses. He liked reading story books in the tea houses. When they returned home, he could repeat the stories to his cousins.
Qian went to Tsinghua University in 1929. Although he failed his math test, (【小題5】)he entered the university because he was so good at Chinese and English. In Tsinghua University he met his wife Yang Jiang, who is one year __【小題6】___ than him and a famous writer, too. They married in 1935. (【小題7】)兩年以后,他們的女兒錢媛出生了。
Qian died of illness on December 19, 1998. He left many works to the world. His most famous novel, Fortress Besieged(圍城), came out in 1947. It has been translated into(已經(jīng)被翻譯成)more than six foreign languages.
young  take write  surprise 
【小題8】________ 【小題9】__________ 【小題10】_________ 【小題11】_________
he entered the university because he ___ so _____   ______ Chinese and English.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

It was two days before Christmas, when my ten-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike.  Her bike was too   16  , and it needed repairing as well.
As Christmas   17  ,  her dream for a bike seemed to disappear, we thought, for she didn't say it again. We were busy   18  some beautiful story books, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than   19  .
Now we didn't know   20  to do. It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing   21  presents, parents' presents, a brother's present and friends' presents till midnight. So there was   22  time to take to buy the "right hike" for our little girl. Thinking we were parents who would make their child unhappy, we felt sorry and   23  .
Suddenly my husband had an idea. "What about making a little bike with clay (mi) and writing a note that she could trade in (交換) the model bike for a real one?" So he spent the next five hours carefully   24  with clay to make a small bike.
25  Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the   26  loudly. She looked at me and said, "So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real   27   ?" Smiling, I said, "Yes!" Almie Rose had tears in her eyes when she replied, "I would   28  trade in this beautiful bike   29  Daddy made me. I   30  keep it than get a real bike. This is the best Christmas present I have ever got in my life!"
A.came nearerB.was overC.went byD.passed
A.buyB.boughtC.to buyD.buying
A.something else B.a(chǎn)nything elseC.else somethingD.else anything
A.enoughB.noC.muchD.still a little
A.worksB.workedC.workingD.to work
A.usuallyB.certainlyC.neverD.of course
A.a(chǎn)m going toB.would like toC.had betterD.would rather


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年江蘇省初中九年級12月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子


1.As a citizen, we mustn’t do anything        ( 違反) the law.

2.Our earth is becoming more and more        (擁擠的) .

3. .         (無論如何), you have to pay attention to the traffic rules.

4.Chang'e-3 lunar probe was          (成功)sent up into space at two to six on December,2nd, 2013.

5.Andy Lau is very famous in china and his achievements has gone far        (超越) many other actors.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年江蘇省無錫市九年級上學期第一次階段性測試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A Nobel Prize is considered by most people one of the highest international honours(榮譽) a person can receive. As you know, the prizes were started by a Swede called Alfred Nobel. He was born in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Alfred Nobel was a great scientist. He made two important inventions, and so he became very rich. Although he was rich, Nobel was not a happy man. He never married or had children. Also, he was a sick man during his large part of life. When he died at the age of 63, he left a fund of $9,000,000. The money was to be used in giving prizes to those who made great achievements in physics, chemistry(化學), medicine and literature(文學), and for world peace.

     The first Nobel Prizes were given on December 10, 1901, five years after Nobel’s death. Since then many famous people from all over the world have been given Nobel Prizes for their achievements.

      Each prize has three parts. The first part is a gold medal. Second, a winner of a Nobel Prize is given a certificate saying that he has been given the prize. The third part of the prize is a large amount of money-about $40,000.

    Often a prize is given to just one person, but not always. Sometimes a prize is shared. It may be given to two or more people who have worked together. It is also sometimes true that a prize is not given at all if there is no great achievement. In 1972, for example, no Nobel Peace Prize was given.

1.When was Alfred Nobel born?

A. In 1938.                 B. In 1833.               C. In 1896.              D. In 1906.[

2.What kind of person would you say Alfred Nobel was?

A. He was a rich, happy and lucky man.

B. He was a poor, unhappy and unlucky man.

C. He was a rich, but unhappy and unlucky man.

D. He was a poor, but happy and lucky man.

3.When he died, Nobel left a large amount of money ________.

A. to his wife

B. to his children

C. for helping the poor people in Sweden

D. for setting five prizes



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年湖北省黃岡市九年級上學期期末考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

When is April Fool’s Day?

A.On December 25th. B.On October 1st.     C.On January1st.      D.On April 1st.


