We call Chinese New Year the Spring Festival. There is a name for each Chinese year. ( 1 )We may call it the year of sheep, the       of horse       the year of dog. ( 2 ) And this year is the year of dragon.
Before New Year’s Day, people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses. On New Year’s Eve, there is a big family dinner. All the families stay up late to welcome the New Year after dinner. On the first day of the New Year, people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives. They say “Happy New Year and good luck.” and some other greetings(祝福)to each other. People usually have a good time during Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival.
【小題1】將(1)句的空白處分別填上一個(gè)適當(dāng)?shù)脑~語(yǔ), 使句意完整、上下文通順。
___________; ___________
【小題3】回答問(wèn)題:What do Chinese people do before New Year’s Day?
【小題4】在文中找出與A lot of families don’t sleep early because they want to welcome the New Year.的同義句。

【小題1】Year; or
【小題3】They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses./ They do shopping and clean the houses
【小題4】All the families stay up late to welcome the New Year.
【小題5】People usually have a good time during Chinese New Year, the Spring Festival.解析:

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

—_____ milk is there in the bottle?
A.How many            B.How                C.How much


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

—Whose is the printer?
—It belongs to________.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Welcome to the zoo!
Opening time 
Monday to Friday
9:00 a.m.~6:30 p.m.
Adults  ¥10
15~18  ¥8
8~14  ¥5
Under 8  free 
Saturday to Sunday
8:00 a.m.~8:30 p.m.
Keep the zoo clean !
Do not touch the heads of the animals or give food to them.
【小題1】The zoo opens       days a week.
【小題2】On Sunday, the zoo opens at        .
A.7:00 a.m.B.8:30 a.m.C.9:00 a.m. D.8:00 a.m.
【小題3】Tom is 15, his brother is 9 and his sister is 6. If they go to the zoo, they need        .
A.¥23B.¥15 C.¥13D.¥17
【小題4】The zoo closes at        on Wednesday.
A.9:00 a.m.B.8:30 p.m.C.8:00 p.m.D.6:30 p.m.
【小題5】We must       in the zoo.
A.give the food to the animals
B.keep the zoo clean
C.touch the heads of the animals
D.have lunch everywhere


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

  Everyone has worries(憂(yōu)慮,憂(yōu)愁). How do you deal with(處理,對(duì)付) your worries? There is always something you can do to help yourself feel less worried. Sitting there worrying is no fun and it won't solve your problems.
Grades(分?jǐn)?shù),得分) at school are often a top worry for children. If you worry most about grades, ask yourself these questions:
●  Why are grades important? What do grades mean to me?
●  How do I get ready for class? Do I go over my notes even when there isn't a test?
●  Do I have a good place to do my homework?
●  Have I tried different ways of studying?
If your worry is about a fight you had with your friend, you might write down all the things you could do----write a note to him or her, invite him or her to watch a basketball game, say sorry to him or her and so on. Once you have a list of things you could do, you can choose one thing that could get your friend back.
You can ask for help when you're worried. You can find someone to talk to, such as your parents, friends, and teachers.
【小題1】What do children often worry most about?
A.Their hobbies.B.Their homework.
C.Their grades at school.D.A fight with their friends.
【小題2】According to the passage, when you're worried, you'd better _______.
A.work hardB.a(chǎn)sk for help and talk to someone
C.get ready for classD.do your homework
【小題3】If you're worried about grades, DON'T ask yourself "_______".
A.Why are grades important?
B.What do grades mean to me?
C.How do I get ready for class?
D.Why not give up(放棄) my studies?
【小題4】If you had a fight with a friend, you could _______.
A.invite him or her to watch a game
B.put the blame(責(zé)備)on him or her
C.try to make new friends
D.leave him or her alone
【小題5】What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.Who is often worried.
B.When people are worried.
C.How to deal with worries.
D.What kinds of worries people have.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

【小題1】____________(study) Zhalong helps us learn about protecting wildlife.
【小題2】Some of the students___________(remove)the snow when we arrived there.
【小題3】One of my classmates __________________ ( be) to the Great Wall twice.
【小題4】Father’s Day is coming, but I__________ (buy) a present for my father yet.
【小題5】Tom ____________ (live) in Nanjing for ten months in 2005.
【小題6】There__________ (be) many great changes in many areas in China since 2000.
【小題7】The teacher has told us many times that light _____________ (travel) faster than sound.
【小題8】We did everything we can____________ (protect) animals in danger.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

The mountain isn’t too ________.  ______afraid, dear.
A.small; Not beB.big; Isn’tC.high; Don’t beD.tall; Be not


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

2.我家在公園路(Park Road)上,它有三層,客廳和書(shū)房在一樓,我從我的臥室可以向外看到公園。
3.你可以坐飛機(jī)到泰州。然后坐出租車(chē)到我們小鎮(zhèn)。在中國(guó)銀行(Bank of China)前下車(chē)。沿著公園路向前走,在第一個(gè)紅綠燈處向右轉(zhuǎn)。我家就在你右邊。
Dear Zhou Xiang,
How are you? I miss you very much.Today I’d like to introduce my hometown and my home to
    Welcome to my hometown! Welcome to my home.                              
Best wishes
Wu Tao

