Li: Hi, Wang Hai! It's a long time since we met last.   1  
Wang: I've been to Kunming with my friends.
Li:   2  
Wang: Yes, of course. And we saw many kinds of flowersthere.   3  
Li: Did you meet any foreign visitors?
Wang: Yes, a lot. And I talked with some of them.
Li:   4  
Wang: They said we were very friendly.
Li:   5  
Wang: The delicious food and the places of interest.
A. What did they say about Chinese people?
B. You've just come back,haven't you?
C. Did you have a good journey?
D. What did they like best about China?
E. Where have you been?
F. There were many foreigners,too.
G. All of them were very beautiful.
1. _____   2. _____   3. _____   4. _____   5. _____  

科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Li Ming: Do you know something (1)________ the U.S.?
Wang Gang: I know the U.S. is a (2)________ big country. (3)________ capital city of the U.S. is
                   (4)________, D.C.
Li Ming: (5)________ do they speak in the U.S.?
Wang Gang: They speak English.
Li Ming: (6)________ is the U.S.?
Wang Gang: It's (7)________ of China, and (8)________of Canada.
Li Ming: What else (別的) do you know?
Wang Gang: I know the flag (9)________the U.S. and the White House. The Statue of Liberty is
                   (10)________New York.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Li Lei: 1. ______ me, Tom.  Do you have 2. ______ eraser?
Tom: Sorry. I 3. ______
Li Lei: Do you think David 4. ______ one?
Tom: I think so. You can ask 5. ______
Li Lei: David, may I have 6. ______ eraser, please'?
David: Sorry, Lucy has 7. ______eraser. Please go and ask her.
Li Lei: Excuse 8. ______ Lucy. May I borrow David's eraser?
Lucy: Certainly. Here you 9. ______ But you must give it back to him soon.
Li Lei: OK. 10. ______ a lot.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Li Lei: Oh, it’s you, Lucy. 1._____to see you.
Lucy: Nice to 2._____you, too. Mary.
Li Lei: Come in, please, Mum, 3._____is Lucy, my friend. She 4._____
American. And this is my mother, Lucy.
Mum: 5._____do you do, Lucy?
Lucy: 6._____do you do, Aunt?
Mum: Sit down, please, Lucy.
Li Lei: 7._____ you like 8._____ milk?
Mum: I don’t like 9._____very much.
Li Lei: 10._____would you like?
Lucy: I’d 11._____a pear.
Li Lei: OK. 12._____you 13._____! What 14._____ something to drink?
Lucy: All right.
Li Lei: 15._____it is!
Lucy: Thanks!


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Li Peng and Yang Bin are talking about what they are going to do in the future.
L: (1)___________________?
Y: I'm thinking about becoming a pilot. That way I would be able to travel.
L: (2)___________________?
Y: Of course I do. I like to visit different places, make different friends and learn different things.
L: That sounds good. You seem to be very healthy. (3)___________________?
Y: It's just so-so. I find it difficult to learn English well. L: What can you do if you are not good at English?
Y: It's hard to say. I'll try to learn it better. (4)___________________?
L: Maybe I'll be a businessman. I'd like to go into business and make some money.
Y: (5)___________________.
L: But I think being busy is better than doing nothing.
Y: Yes. I agree with you.

