
  A man had a parrot. It was a very beautiful bird and every day the man talked to it. “Pretty Polly,” he said, “You are a Pretty Polly.”

  Every day the man spoke new words to the parrot. “Hello,” he said to it, and then, “Goodbye.”

  One day the parrot was not in its cage. It was flying about the room. The man came into the room and saw the parrot, “What are you doing?” he said.

  “What are you doing?” the parrot repeated.

  The man laughed. Then he went out to visit his friends. That evening a thief (賊) came to the house. He walked round the house and looked into the windows. There was no one at home. The thief broke the door and found some bowls and vases (花瓶). He put them into a bag. Then he went into the bedroom. In the bedroom he found a gold watch and found some money. He put these into the bag, too. He stole many things from the house and put them into his bag.

  The bag was soon full. The thief put it over his shoulder (肩膀) and walked to the door.

  He opened the door and looked out. There was no one there.

  “What are you doing?” a voice (聲音) said.

  The thief jumped high into the air and dropped his bag. Then he ran out of the house and down the road.

  “What are you doing?” the voice said again. “Pretty Polly, Hello, Goodbye, What are you doing?”

1.What is a parrot? It is ________.

[  ]

A.a(chǎn) kind of bird that can be trained to talk.

B.a(chǎn) baby that can speak

C.a(chǎn)n animal that can fly

D.a(chǎn) robot (機(jī)器人) that can speak

2.The thief got into the room ________.

[  ]

A.through the bedroom window

B.by breaking the door open

C.to catch the parrot

D.by the sitting room window

3.The thief ran out of the house ________.

[  ]

A.because he knew a policeman had seen him

B.because he heard some people talking

C.with a bag full of nice things

D.because he was very frightened (害怕)

4.What did the thief take out of the house? ________.

[  ]

A.A gold watch

B.Some money


D.Bowls and Vases

5.In which order (次序) did things happen in the story?

a.One evening the man went out.

b.The thief stole many things and put them in his bag.

c.Once a man had a beautiful parrot.

d.The thief was so frightened that he ran away.

e.A thief came and broke into the house.

f.Suddenly the parrot started talking.

g.He talked to it every day.

[  ]


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


 When Mike and Kate were coming home from school yesterday afternoon, they saw a crowd of people.

 Mike and Kate joined the crowd. They were surprised to see two thieves in the street. The thieves were running out of the bank. They were holding bags full of money. The bank manager was running after them.

 A policeman was standing among the crowd, but he didn't do anything.

 “Quick! Mike shouted to the policeman, Can't you see those thieves?

 The policeman smiled. He pointed at a big camera. We're making a film, he said. Those men aren't real thieves. They're actors. And I'm not a real policeman, either. I'm an actor, too.

1Mike and Kate saw a crowd of people on their way     .    

[  ]

A to the school         B. to the cinema

C home           D. to the shop

2 Why were the children surprised? Because they saw     .    ]

A a policeman        B. two thieves

C a bank manager       D. an actor

3 The thieves were running away     .    

[  ]

A with much money      B. in a car

C with bags of books       D. with cameras

4 The policeman saw the thieves,     .    

[  ]

A and he did something      B. but he did anything

C and caught them       D. but he did nothing

5 What were the policeman and the thieves doing? They were     .

[  ]

A taking photos        B. putting on the play

C making a film        D. playing a game


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


    There is a small shop in our school. We can buy exercise books,pens, colour pencils and so on in this shop. We can buy some food   like bread, chocolate and orange juice there, too. Some of the things are cheap. The shop assistants(營業(yè)員)are very friendly   to us. They all work very hard. The shop is open from 8:00 a. m. to 4:00 p. m., so the teachers and the students can buy things when  。ó(dāng))they are at school.


  1. We have a small shop in our school. 

    (  )

  2. We can buy only things for study in the shop.

                         (  )

  3. All the things in the shop are cheap.

  (  )

  4. The shop isn't open after 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

                         (  )

  5. The shop is for the teachers and the students in our school.

                         (  )


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


  One day an American went to a small town in South America for his holiday.

Few people went there because it was far away from the cities.He felt ill(生病) and wanted to see a doctor very much.

  The American went to find out how he could find a fine doctor there.A man told him,“That's very easy.If there is a patient(病人) that a doctor can't cure(治愈),the doctor has to put a balloon over his clinic(診所).”

  The American thought,“The fewer balloons there are,the finer the doctor is.”He began to look for the finest doctor along the street.First he found a clinic.There were 20 balloons.After a few minutes he found another one?0 balloons.He thought neither doctor was fine.

  At last he found the third clinic.Only 5 balloons were there.He was very happy and went in.

  “Wait a minute,”said the doctor,“I'm too busy,you know.This clinic opened only yesterday.”The American was very surprised(感到吃驚) and said to himself, “Where can I find the finest doctor?”


_____ went to the small town for the holiday.

  A.Few people

B.No one  


D.A lot of people

[  ]


The American wanted to see a doctor because _____ .

  A.he didn't feel well

B.he was very happy

  C.he was very tired  

D.his leg was hurt

[  ]


There were _____ balloons over the second clinic than the first one.

A.less B.more C.better D.worse

[  ]


The doctor in the third clinic was _____ .

  A.a(chǎn) new doctor

B.a(chǎn)n old doctor

  C.the finest  

D.better than the first one

[  ]


How long was the third clinic over there?

  A.A week.

B.Two days.

C.A month.

D.A few days.

[  ]


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:050


  A lot of people went to the hill in the south of the country for their holidays. This time the town by the side of the hill invited(邀請) some good singers to sing in the park, so that (這樣) the people could have something to do in the evening. They sung every evening for a week.

  But on the first evening it rained. The singers were under cover (遮蓋物), but the people had to sit in the open (露天). The singers sang very well, but there was only one person (人) listening. The man was sitting in a chair, under an umbrella (傘).

  After some time, one of the singers came over to the man and said, "I'm sure you like music (音樂), don't you? It's so kind of you to sit here and listen to us."

  "No," said the man, "I don't like music at all. Please finish at once and then I'm going to close the gate and go home."


  1) A lot of people come to the town to ______.

[  ]

  A. sing in the park  B. listen to music  C. have a holiday

  2) The singers came to sing in the evening because ______.

[  ]

  A. they must have something to do

  B. they were invited (被邀請) to do so

  C. it was raining

  3) The singers had to (不得不) ______ while (當(dāng)…的時(shí)候) it was raining.

[  ]

  A. sit in the open  B. sing  C. stop

  4) ______ liked to hear the singers that evening.

[  ]

  A. Nobody  B. May people  C. Only one person

  5) The man wanted to close the gate because ______ .

[  ]

  A. it was raining

  B. he wanted to go home

  C. it was his work


科目:初中英語 來源:101網(wǎng)校同步練習(xí) 初一英語 外研版課標(biāo)本 外研版課標(biāo)本 題型:050


  Eric Wilson, the reporter from Lifestyle Magazine, interviews two persons on how they spend their day.Read what they say and answer some questions.

  My name’s Stella.I usually leave at around eight fifteen.It takes me around forty minutes, and we start at nine-sharp.I take a coffee break at eleven, and then have my lunch at one o’clock.Pretty much the same hours as most people, I guess.I generally get home around six o’clock, have a snack, and then watch the news on TV at seven.I eat around eight, watch more TV or read a book, and try to be in bed by ten.Pretty boring, really, but that’s life.

  My name’s Sophie.You ask my daily routine---that’s kind of a strange thing to ask.Still, if you really want to know…I get up around eleven thirty, and I hang out and read the paper and drink some tea.Then I go to the gym around twelve thirty, till about one fifteen, I guess.Well, then I might do some shopping or visit a friend.I usually have something to eat around three thirty, and I leave home at six thirty, and get to work around seven.I work until eleven.I’m usually home by eleven thirty.I have a meal, watch TV or a video, and try and be in bed by one o’clock.Unusual, maybe, but I like it.


What does around mean in the sentence “I usually leave at around eight fifteen.”

[  ]










What does the sentence “We start at nine-sharp” mean?

[  ]


We start earlier than nine o’clock.


We start at 9 o’clock.


We start later than 9 o’clock


We start at almost ten.


The word “unusual” probably means ________.

[  ]










After work, what does Stella do before supper?

[  ]


visit friends


watch TV


do some shopping


read a book


How long does it take Sophie to get to work?

[  ]


one hour


forty-five minutes


half an hour


forty minutes


What does Stella do when Sophie on her way home from work?

[  ]


She is in bed.


She hangs out.


She takes a coffee break.


She watches a video.


Which job do you think is possible for Sophie?

[  ]


She’s a student.


She’s a doctor.


She’s a teacher.


She’s a singer.

