2. 謝謝你。                          
3. 請給比爾打個(gè)電話。                
4. 失物招領(lǐng)箱里的那塊手表是你的嗎?
5. 這是一串鑰匙。                   
1.This is your school ID card
2. Thank you.
3. Please call Bill.
4. Is that your watch in the lost and found case?
5. This is a set of keys.

科目:初中英語 來源:2012年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(四川達(dá)州卷)英語(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Now the idea of “car sharing” has become popular in Europe and the United States. That’s to say, people share(分享) one car, not each person has one . (65)As we know, most cars are parked in garages for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars as long as one or two hours a day on average. When we don’t use them, We have to pay for parking and other things. (66)We spend too much money on that. If we share a car, we’ll only pay when we use it. (67)Because some people want to save money, they come up with the idea of “car sharing”. Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have joined it. Japan is also trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country. (68)car, is, of, new, sharing, transportation, beginning, a, idea, the, in .(69)This is also very easy for us to travel here and there without buying cars. Do you love to share a car with others?
【小題2】That             us too much money.
【小題3】                                                         ?
任務(wù)5:(69)處有一處錯(cuò)誤,請找出錯(cuò)誤并改在下面的橫線上。(可用文字?jǐn)⑹觯?br />【小題5】                                                      


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(四川達(dá)州卷)英語(解析版) 題型:基礎(chǔ)寫作


Now the idea of “car sharing” has become popular in Europe and the United States. That’s to say, people share(分享) one car, not each person has one . (65)As we know, most cars are parked in garages for much time. In fact, we drive our own cars as long as one or two hours a day on average. When we don’t use them, We have to pay for parking and other things. (66)We spend too much money on that. If we share a car, we’ll only pay when we use it. (67)Because some people want to save money, they come up with the idea of “car sharing”. Now many people are starting to do car sharing. In Switzerland, almost 40,000 people have joined it. Japan is also trying to make “car sharing” popular around the country. (68)car, is, of, new, sharing, transportation, beginning, a, idea, the, in .(69)This is also very easy for us to travel here and there without buying cars. Do you love to share a car with others?




2.That             us too much money.


3.                                                          ?







科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

    In 1996, 39 American children started a very interesting project (計(jì)劃)-the Green Tree Project. The
students began the project by gathering walnuts (核桃) in autumn. The nuts were buried in cages in the
school garden in mid-November. (1)In this way, the seeds (種子) could be kept cool and moist (潮濕)
for several months before they started growing.

    In February, the seeds were dug up, so they could begin to sprout (發(fā)芽). Sprouted seeds were kept
in fridges, so they could be stopped from growing until the time to plant. (2)This helped keep the trees
about the same size at planting time
. In March, sprouted seeds were planted in paper soft drink cups.
Each student was asked to plant 12 trees. (3)Then the trees were carefully watered and watched. The
first walnut trees began to appear in about a week…
    On April 29th, the trees were transplanted (移植) to the lake. (4)It took the children only 90 minutes
to plant all the trees
. It was so interesting to see a treeless area turn into a forest right before their eyes.
     (1)                                                                                                                                                            (2)                                                                                                                                                        


科目:初中英語 來源:四川省中考真題 題型:閱讀理解

    How can you think in English? I think the best way is to practice as what a football player does every day.
During the practice the football player will pass the ball to his teammates over and over again. So (1)he won't
have to think about passing the ball in the game
, he will just do it.
    (2)You can train yourself to think in English in this way. The first step is to think of the words that you
use daily, simple everyday words like book, shoe or tree. For example, whenever you see a"book", you should
think of it in English instead of in your mother language.
    After you have learned to think of several words in English, then move on to the next step-think of sentences
in English. (3)聽是學(xué)英語的一個(gè)非常有用的方法. Listen first and don't care too much about whether you
fully understand what you're hearing. Try to repeat (重復(fù)) what you hear. (5)The you listen, the you learn.
After you reach a higher level, start having conversations with yourself in English. This will lead you to think
in English.
            1. He_____________ think about passing the ball in the game.
            2. ______________________________________________________________________
            3. ______________________________________________________________________
            4. The first step is to think of the words, and the second step is to __________________
            5. The ___________________ you listen, the ___________________ you learn.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


(1)Russia is proud of its circus馬戲performers.It has the oldest circus school in the world—Moscow Circus School.(2)Every year more than a thousand children from other countries want to enter this school.However,only about 70 of them are chosen.(3)lessthe,oldbe,must,eleven,students,years,than.They must be talented and good at sports as well.

Students at the Moscow Circus School learn a lot.Besides the same basic(基礎(chǔ))subjects as those in other schools,they have to learn four circus subjects.Those subjects sound fun,but they are difficult to learn.For example,it can take years of practice for a student to walk on the high wire.While learning and practicing,the students always wear safety belts.(4)So if they________ mistakes,they will not get hurt.

After seven years of study,(5)the students are supposed to leave school.The graduates usually work in the circuses and can make a lot of money.


1.Russia ______________ its circus performers.






4.So if they ______________ mistakes,they will not get hurt.



