This past month saw one of the most devastating storms in history brings death and destruction on the Philippines. The number of lives lost is still being calculated, but it is already sitting above five thousand. In the flurryof news about the storm and its aftermath, the cries of “I told you so” from environmentalists rang out loud and clear.

  These scientists were especially vocal during the United Nations Climate Change Conference, which just wrapped up in Warsaw, Poland. The timing of the conference and Typhoon Haiyan was an eerie coincidence, but perhaps the concurrence offered a wakeup call for all.

  Christiana Figures, Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) said, “We are witnessing ever more frequent extreme weather events, and the poor and vulnerable are already paying the price.”

  Scientists claim that storms like Typhoon Haiyan are an inevitable result of the effect greenhouse gases are having on our environment. Environmental analysts claim that rising temperatures around the globe and changing weather patterns are all part of the same problem.

  This isn’t breaking news. We’ve heard the warnings for years. The UN has been hosting the Climate Change Conference since1995.But the changes that need to be made are huge. Added to this, the developed nations and developing countries have competing interests that are difficult to settle. The issue of who takes responsibility becomes difficult to resolve.

  We may feel far away from Poland and resolving conflicts between countries, but we mustn’t feel far away from the issue. When we watch neighboring countries suffer in severe weather, when we hear reports of increasing global temperatures, when we walk outside and find it difficult to breathe the Shanghai air, we know we have a very real problem. So what are we going to do about it? Are we making every-day choices that can have a positive impact? Are we reducing our carbon footprint? Are we choosing to walk, ride a bicycle or take public transportation instead of a car? Are we recycling? Are we turning off the lights and electronics whenever possible?

  The problem is complex, but saving our earth starts with each of us taking simple steps.

1.What is the most terrible typhoon in 2013? It is _________.

A. Haiyan??? ???? B. Bebinca????????? C. Danas?? ???????? D.Cimaron

2.Warsaw isnt in Poland,is it?

A. Yes, it is?????? B. No, it isnt????? ? C. Yes, it isnt ????? D. No, it is

3.How many years have we heard the warnings? For nearly ______years.

A. 21????? ?????? B. 18???? ???????? C. 19?????? ??????? D. 20

4.Which of the following is NOT FALSE?

A. The environment is worse and worse and we have no ideas about it.

B. The environment is worse and we neednt do anything about it.

C. Saving our environment is not so complex.

D. The environment is a big problem and we must take simple steps









1.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段Typhoon Haiyan was an eerie coincidence, but perhaps the concurrence offered a wakeup call for all.描述,可知在2013年最可怕的臺風是海神。故選A。

2.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第二段which just wrapped up in Warsaw, Poland.描述,可知華沙是波蘭的城市,故用肯定回答,英語中的反義疑問句只根據(jù)事實回應,故選A。

3.推理判斷題。根據(jù)第五段he UN has been hosting the Climate Change Conference since1995描述,可知我們已經(jīng)聽到這些經(jīng)過將有20年的時間。故選D。

4.細節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)The problem is complex, but saving our earth starts with each of us taking simple steps.描述,可知環(huán)境問題是個大問題,我們必須采取簡單的步驟。故選D。



科目:初中英語 來源:我愛學習 八年級英語(上) 題型:053


Longjing Tea

  The Smith family and the King family have become good friends since they have lived in Beijing. Often they travel together. This past Spring Festival they went travelling together because they couldn't visit their families. They travelled to Hangzhou, Shanghai, Suzhou and Wuxi, David and Tom both like to take pictures. Their parents call them the “family photographers.” Both Tom and David like to compare (比較) their photos after they are developed (沖洗). They have just received their photos from Hangzhou and are looking at them right now.

  “Tom, look at this picture of the silk market in Hangzhou. I really like the different colors of the silk. It makes the picture seem very happy and bright, don't you think so?”

  “Yeah, I agree with you. Oh, look at this color of silk, it's the same color of the Dragon Well water, see?”

  “Hey you're right! I thought going to the Dragon Well would be very boring, but it ended up being interesting. What did you think about it, Dave?”

  “I liked it too. I liked the way the water of the well ran into three different wells. And the water was such a deep blue, like that silk. Though, I don't really like to drink tea, I liked going to the tea house and watching the tea ceremony (儀式). I thought it was really interesting when they told us about the tea. I didn't know that tea can become old. and then isn't good to drink, and that's why you don't like to drink it.”

  “Maybe you've just gotten some old tea to drink, and that's why you don't like to drink it.”

  “Heha, you've so funny,” laughed Dave. “Anyhow, I thought it was interesting to watch the tea leaves stand straight up after the hot water was poured over them.”

  “Yeah, like soldiers, stand at attention, very straight. The tea leaves do the same.”

  “Tom, you've full of jokes today!”

(1)What places did the Smith and the King families go during Spring Festival?


(2)Where did they go in Hangzhou?


(3)What did Dave like about going to the Dragon Well?


(4)Who liked going to the tea house and watching the tea ceremony?


(5)Why is Tom “full of jokes today?”



科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年內蒙古呼倫貝爾市初三上學期期中考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Many kinds of birds live in the United States, but the number of the birds is becoming smaller every year. One of the leading reasons is the growing number of pet cats. By keeping your pet cats in your home, you can help give birds a better possible chance to live.

Of the 90 million pet cats in this country, about two—thirds are allowed to go outside. It is said that these cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year, as well as billions of small animals such as rabbits and field mice.

They can also bring illness to the animals that live I n people's yard(院子), further weakening the health of the natural populations.

Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife, it's also bad for the cats themselves. Outdoor cats can get sick very easily. They are in danger from traffic and attacks(攻擊)from other animals. In fact, outdoor cats usually don't live past the age of five, while indoor cats often live to be 17 or older.

Keep your pet cat inside! If you raise a young cat, it's your duty to let it play inside.


The number of birds is becoming 1._____; at the same time,many pet cats are in 2.______from traffic and attacks from other animals.

Reason for the problem :

Pet cats are 3._____to go outside freely.

What to do:

People who 4.____ a young cat have the 5.____ to let it play inside.



科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆浙江臺州書生中學七年級下期第一次月考英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Tom gets up at half past seven in the morning. He has an egg and some milk for his breakfast. Then he begins to go to school slowly. When he is on his way to school, he thinks, “I tell my teacher my mother is ill on Monday morning. I tell him my bike is wrong on Tuesday. What do I tell my teacher today?”

Tom thinks over but he doesn’t find a good idea before he gets to school.“May I come in?” Tom shouts at the door of the classroom.

“ Oh, my boy,” says Mr Green. “ Please look at the clock on the wall. What time is it now?”

“ It’s ten past eight,” answers Tom.

Mr Green is not happy. “ You are late for class three times this week. If all the students are like you, the clock is no use, I think.”

“ You are right, Mr Green,” says Tom. “ If we don’t have the clock, how do you know I am late for class?”

1.Tom has breakfast             . school the station home  a restaurant

2.What does Tom tell the teacher on Tuesday?

A.His mother is ill.     B.His bike is wrong.    C.He is ill.           D.We don’t know.

3.On his way to school, Tom            .

A.sings             B.runs              C.talks             D.thinks

4.Tom is late for school              this week.

A.five times         B.four times         C.three times        D.once

5.There is a              on the wall of the classroom.             B.clock             C.card             D.bird



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

 Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (將下列單詞或詞組填入空格。每空限填一詞,每詞只能填一次)  (共8分)

A. experience   B. ways     C. afford     D. find out   E. quickly   F. local

  G. serious      H. century    I. politely

March 5 is “Lei Feng Day”. It started fifty years ago. Now half a ____51_____has passed. Is the spirit (精神)of Lei Feng outdated(過時的)?

Some people have shown us that it’s not. But people have also changed the ways in which they help others.

Zhao has been a volunteer for 18 years. She still remembers her ____52_____ at a nursing home several years ago. An old man held her hand and said: “You don’t need to do anything for us. Seeing young people here is all we need.”

Those words made Zhao think: in what ____53_____ can we better help people? “Every person does what they can, no matter how small it is, to give out positive energy(正能量). And before we lend a helping hand, we should ____54_____ what they want,” Zhao said to the Qilu Evening News.

As well as Zhao, other people have shown their understanding of the spirit of Lei Feng.

This past January, beginning with an online post, “noodle fever” swept Zhengzhou, Henan. One ____55_____ man, Li Gang, 42, said in his post that he had a ____56_____ illness and needed a lot of money for an operation to fight it. However, what he asked for wasn’t charity, but for more people to come to eat noodles at his restaurant.

Li’s post spread ____57_____. Soon his restaurant was filled with customers every day and Li was able to ____58_____ to have his operation on Feb. 2.

In this way, people could help Li without hurting his dignity(自尊).

