It's 7 a.m. It's time to go to school. What? You don't want to go? Well, maybe you don't have to. Many children don't go to school.They stay at home. Someone teaches them at home. Usually,their parents teach them, but sometimes a special teacher teaches them. This is home schooling.
There are many reasons for home schooling. Some children are very sick and cnnnot go to school. Some students live very far in the country. There aren't any schools near their homes. Sometimes, parents just don't like the schools near their homes.
Home schooling sounds easy, but it's really not. Home-school students have to do the same work as regular(正規(guī)的)students. They study the same subjects and have homework. Also, home-school students don't meet other students in school. Sometimes, finding friends can be hard for them. Not going to school can be harder than you think.
Home _____【小題1】______

Home schooling is that
some children study at_【小題2】___
Home-school students' teachers are
some special teachers or their___【小題3】____
Some students study at home because
they are ___【小題4】___
they don't live ____【小題5】_____ school
the school near their home is not ___【小題6】___
Students who study at home
learn the same __【小題7】__ as regular students
also have __【小題8】___ to do.
usually don't have many___【小題9】____.
In fact home schooling is


【小題1】縱觀全文,可知,本文主要講的就是家庭教育。故這里填home school 或者home schooling。
【小題2】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Someone teaches them at home.在家里上課。可知,家庭教育就是孩子們在家里學習。故填home
【小題3】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Usually,their parents teach them, but sometimes a special teacher teaches them.通常,他們的父母教他們,但有時是一個專門的老師教。故這里填parents
【小題4】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Some children are very sick and cnnnot go to school.一些孩子身體很差不能去學校。故填sick。
【小題5】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Some students live very far in the country. There aren't any schools near their homes.一些學生住的非常遠,他們家附近沒有學校?芍@里是他們沒有住在學校附近。故填near。
【小題6】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Sometimes, parents just don't like the schools near their homes.有時候,家長不喜歡他們附近的學校?芍麄兗腋浇膶W校不好。故填good。
【小題7】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Home-school students have to do the same work as regular(正規(guī)的)students. They study the same subjects and have homework.在家學習的學生和正規(guī)學校的學生有著同樣的工作,他們學習同樣的科目,也有家庭作業(yè)。故這里填subjects。
【小題9】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章home-school students don't meet other students in school. Sometimes, finding friends can be hard for them.在家學習的學生不能見學校的其他同學,有時候,對他們來說,找到一個朋友非常難。可知,他們沒有很多朋友。故填friends。
【小題10】細節(jié)題。根據(jù)文章Not going to school can be harder than you think.不去學校學習比你想象的要難的多。故填hard/difficult。


科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇寶應縣南片六校初二下學期5月份月度調(diào)研英語卷(解析版) 題型:其他題

任務型閱讀 (共10空, 每空1分,滿分10分)


There are many things you can do to improve your memo­ry. Among them are many kinds of useful ways as well as taking special care of your health.

It is important that you make yourself excited to make your memory more active. You can do this by doing some new activi­ties and by changing your daily habits. Learning a new skill helps your brain(大腦)to develop. When trying to remember something, you should pay special attention to the most impor­tant things about it. Do not allow other thoughts to enter your mind because this will reduce your chances of making right memories.

An excellent way to help memory is to connect information with pictures. Try to see the pictures in your mind. Taking notes and keeping a diary will also be helpful.

Healthy food and plenty of vitamins are necessary for your memory to work well. Drinking a lot of water also helps keep your memory. You must allow your brain to have enough sleep and rest. When you are asleep , your brain stores memory. Not enough sleep can cause problems with storing information. And being tired will also stop you from being able to think clearly and well.

In order to keep your mind on your work , you must be free from worry. Generally, keeping fit and normal health checks are both important as well — not just for improving your memory.


How to   1.   your memory



* Take special care of your health

* You can make yourself excited to make your memory more active by ____3.___ in some new activi­ties and changing your daily habits

*Learning a new skill is___4._____ to your brain.

*Pay attention to the most important things in order to add to your chances to ____5._____ right memories

* ___6.______ information with pictures is a very good way to help memory.

* You’d better take notes and keep ____7._______


Other ways

*It’s necessary to eat ____8.______ and take plenty of vitamins

* You should drink ____9._____ water

*Having enough sleep and rest will __10.__ you think clearly and well




科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇省泰州市七年級12月練習英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


It’s a good idea for families to talk about what they can do to escape(逃脫)from a fire(火災) . Do you know what to do if there is a fire in your flat? Here are some tips for you:

1. Shout out. Shout as loudly as you can, because people may be asleep.

2. Call 119. Never try to put out a fire yourself. Tell 119 where you are and what is on fire.

3. Keep down close to the floor. There is less smoke down there, so it’s easier to breathe (呼吸) and see where you are going.

4. Test the door. If the door is cool, open it carefully. If not, do not open it! Try to find a different way out.

5. Get out. Do not stop to pick up anything. A fire can become very big in a few seconds!

6. Don’t use the lift(電梯). Always use the stairs (樓梯) . The lift may go wrong. It isn’t safe and many keep you inside in a fire.

7. Don’t go back. Even if you leave your pet or favorite toy inside, do not go back for it. Animals have a very good sense of smell. They often get out of buildings before people.

   1  to do in a fire

Shout  2 and then people can hear you.

It is dangerous to put out a fire  3 .

Keep down close to the floor because there is

   4   smoke there.

If the door is    5  , we should find another

way out

Do not stop to pick up   6 because a fire

can become very big soon.

A lift is not   7   in a fire because it can’t

  8  at that time.

 Animals can get out because they have a good sense of   9  .

Remember:  It’s important for everyone to be    10  with fire.




科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省泰州市七年級3月練習英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


It's 7 a.m. It's time to go to school. What? You don't want to go? Well, maybe you don't have to. Many children don't go to school.They stay at home. Someone teaches them at home. Usually,their parents teach them, but sometimes a special teacher teaches them. This is home schooling.

There are many reasons for home schooling. Some children are very sick and cnnnot go to school. Some students live very far in the country. There aren't any schools near their homes. Sometimes, parents just don't like the schools near their homes.

Home schooling sounds easy, but it's really not. Home-school students have to do the same work as regular(正規(guī)的)students. They study the same subjects and have homework. Also, home-school students don't meet other students in school. Sometimes, finding friends can be hard for them. Not going to school can be harder than you think.

Home _____1.______

Home schooling is that

some children study at_2.___

Home-school students' teachers are

some special teachers or their___3.____


Some students study at home because

they are ___4.___

they don't live ____5._____ school

the school near their home is not ___6.___


Students who study at home

learn the same __7.__ as regular students

also have __8.___ to do.

usually don't have many___9.____.

In fact home schooling is





科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆度重慶市初二下學期期中考試英語卷 題型:其他題


Zhalong is a nature reserve in Heilongjiang in northeast China. It is one of the world’s most important wetlands. The area provides food and shelter for wildlife. It is an ideal home for different kinds of plants, fish and birds.

Many birds live comfortably in Zhalong Nature Reserve all year round, while some only stay there for a short time. There are many fish in the wetlands, and the birds can easily catch them for food. Zhalong Nature Reserve is an important living area for the rare red-crowned cranes. There are not many red-crowned cranes in the world. Some of them live in Zhalong.

Some people want to change the wetlands to make more space for farms and buildings. This means there will be less and less space for wildlife.

More and more birds are in danger because they do not have enough living space. Many of them died. The Chinese government wants to protect these endangered birds, and they can be safe in Zhalong.

    Every year, a lot of tourists go to Zhalong to watch birds. This year, members of our Bird Watching Club are going to study the different kinds of birds in Zhalong and the changes in their numbers. The study begins next month.

   We do a bird count once a year. We are now inviting secondary school students to help. We need more people to help us count and do something to help the birds. Many people do not understand the importance of the wetlands. We hope this information will help them understand and make them actively take action to protect wildlife.

A special place called Zhalong

Location( 位置 )

In    1     China


One of the world’s most important   2    

   3   food and shelter for birds, including   4     red-crowned cranes

An    5      home for wildlife

Purpose ( 目的 ) to build this

   7     reserve

To    6     the endangered birds and make them   8      in Zhalong


Do a bird _   10     every year and help understand the important of wetlands



