

We are learning English, but how can we learn English well? A student can know a lot about English, but maybe we can’t speak English.

If you want to know how to swim, you must get into the river. And if you want to be a football player, you must play football.

So, you see, you can learn by using it, You should listen to your teacher in class. You should speak English to your classmates every day and also you could write something in English. Then one day you may find your English very good.
(   )1You know a lot about English, but maybe

_________ it.
       A.you can speak      B.you can study

C.you can’t speak 

(   )2You must get into the river___________.
     A.to learn how to swim  B.to play C.to jump
(   )3Do you want to be a football player? 

Please ____________.
       A.buy a football        B.play football

C.have some lessons 
(   )4You can learn by using it. For example:____
     A.listen to your teacher in class 

B.Speak English to your classmates every day

C.A and B

(   )5Which do you think is the best title for this

 article?     __________________.
A.How to swim       B.How to play football C.How can we learn English well

  Several years ago Robert knew a girl at a party. He loved her at once. But he hadn’t enough money to marry(娶)her. He went to another village and wanted to borrow five thousand dollars from Peter, one of his classmates. He said he was going to return the money in two years.

    Peter Black believed him and lent the money to him. And Robert thanked the young man very much.

    In the past four years Robert married the girl and she had a baby. They lived a happy life, but he didn’t give the money back to Peter.

    One day Peter’s mother was ill and needed an operation. He looked for Robert for a few times, but he never met him. One day Peter heard that the young man was in. He hurried there. He knocked at the door for a long time and Robert’s wife came out to meet him.

    “I’m sorry, Mr Black.” said the woman. “My husband has just gone out.”

    Peter thought for a while and said, “Yes, I met him on my way here. He told me that he had left all his money at home and let you return it to me.”

    “Don’t believe him, dear!”Robert came out in a hurry(匆忙) and called out. “I’ve never told him about it!”

(   )6Peter believe Robert because _______.

        A.they were old classmates

        B.they lived in different villages

        C.Peter was a rich man

        D.Robert once helped Peter

(   )7Robert wouldn’t meet Peter because _______.

        A.he did not want to pay back the money

        B.he had paid Peter all the money

        C.he was always very busy

        D.his wife didn’t let him do so

(   )8Robert’s wife said sorry to Peter because she wanted ______.

    A.to pay Peter the money  B.to make Peter leave

    C.to let Peter in         D.to go out to meet Peter

(   )9Robert came out in a hurry because _______.

A.he was afraid Peter would beat his wife

B.he was afraid Peter would take his wife to the police

    C.he decided to give the money back to Peter

    D.he was afraid his wife would give the money to Peter

(   )10Which of the following is true? ___________.

    A.The woman didn’t know her husband was at home.

    B.Robert had no money to pay Peter.

    C.Peter was clever enough to make Robert come out.

D.Robert thought Peter was a good friend.

1C  2A  3B  4C  5C  6A  7A  8B  9D  10C


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級上Module 9 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


When we think of Hollywood, we think of movies and famous movie stars. They are part of Hollywood’s history. Today people make movies in other places too. Not all famous movie stars live in Hollywood. But Hollywood is still a very special city in Los Angeles, California.

You can easily see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles. There is a big sign on the hills. It says “HOLLYWOOD”. The white letters are fifty feet tall. You can see the sign from far away. The Hollywood sign is a famous landmark in Los Angeles. Many postcards show this famous Hollywood landmark.

In the hills of Hollywood, there is also the Hollywood Bowl. This is an open-air theatre. It is one of the largest open-air theatres in the world. It has seventeen thousand seats and a very special stage. The stage was designed by the great American architect(建筑師) Frank Lloyd Wright. You can listen to all kinds of concerts at the Hollywood Bowl.

1.Today Hollywood is _______.

A.a(chǎn) special city in Los Angeles

B.a(chǎn) place where all the movie stars live

C.a(chǎn) place where they make all the movies

D.the biggest city in California

2. You can see where Hollywood is in Los Angeles because _______.

A.it is a hill

B.postcards show you

C.there is a big sign on the hills

D.local people will tell you

3. The Hollywood Bowl is _______.

A.a(chǎn) place where you see movies

B.one of the largest open-air theatres in the world

C.a(chǎn) hill in Hollywood

D.a(chǎn) big sign in Los Angeles

4. Which is not mentioned about the Hollywood Bowl?





5.What special things can we see in Hollywood?

A. The Hollywood hills.                   B. The Hollywood landmark.

C. The Hollywood Bowl.                    D. Both B and C.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版初中英語八年級下冊第十單元練習(xí)卷 題型:閱讀理解


A Trap

Mr. Smith left his car outside his apartment one night as usual, but when he came down the next morning to go to his office, he discovered that the car wasn’t there. He called the police and told them what had happened, and they said that they would try to find the car.

When Mr. Smith came home from his office that evening, the car was back again in its usual place in front of his house. He examined it carefully to see whether it had been damaged, and found two theater tickets on one of the seats and a letter which said, “We’re very sorry. We took your car because of an emergency.”

Mr. and Mrs. Smith went to the theater with the two tickets the next night and enjoyed themselves very much.

When they got home, they found that thieves had taken almost everything they had had in their apartment.

1.What did Mr. Smith find one morning?

A.His car was missing.

B.The door of the car was open.

C.His car was in the garage.

D.His car was outside of the garage.

2. What did he do then?

A.He got in and drove it.

B.He closed the door of his car.

C.He called the police.

D.He looked everywhere for it.

3. What happened when he came home from his office that evening?

A.The police was waiting for him.

B.His car was back.

C.His car was damaged.

D.His car was stolen.

4. What did Mr. Smith find on one of the seats in his car?

A.Some books.

B.Some tickets.

C.Some money.

D.Some food.

5. What did Mr. and Mrs. Smith do with the thing(s) they found in their car?

A.They sold them.

B.They gave them to their friends.

C.They threw them away.

D.They went to the theater with them.



科目:初中英語 來源:安徽省期末題 題型:閱讀理解

     We live in different places. For example, some people live in the mountains; some people live on plains;
some people live near water.
     Mary lives near the sea. The sea is blue. She likes to play on the beach with her friends.
     Tom lives by a lake. The lake is very big. The water is clear. He often goes boating with his family on
fine days. Sometimes he goes fishing with his father on Sundays.
     Jack lives in the mountains. The mountains are very high. In the summer, it's very cool there. In the
winter, the mountains are all white. Jack likes to play in the snow with his sister. 
     Jim lives on a plain (平原). He likes flying kites when the weather is fine.
     Tony lives in the desert (沙漠). It is very hot and dry. It doesn't get much rain. Tony likes to ride his
camel all around.
     David lives in a forest. The forest has many trees. It rains a lot there. David likes to climb the trees and
play in his tree house.
Name Place to live Things to do
Mary 1.__________ plays on the beach with her friends
Tom by a lake 2.__________
Jack in the mountains likes to play in the snow with his sister
Jim on a plain 3. __________
Tony  in the desert 4. __________ all around
David 5.__________ likes to climb the trees and play in the tree house


科目:初中英語 來源:北京中考真題 題型:閱讀理解

     We need to be responsible for our environment. Being a frugal consumer (節(jié)儉的消費(fèi)者) is one way
to help. But, what exactly does that mean?   
     Use It Up   
     You can use things up instead of wasting them. Squeeze that last bit of toothpaste out of the tube. Use
the last little piece of soap. Don't throw away any bits of the biscuit at the bottom of the box.   
     Wear It Out   
     You do not always need to have new things. Suppose your sneakers have broken laces, but they still
fit you. Repair them and wear them longer. You don't have the latest iPhone until the old one doesn't work
anymore. Then you can get a new one. Think twice before replacing something that still works.   
     Make It Do   
     When something you want is not on hand, look for something else that you already have to take its place.
Suppose you are packing your lunch for tomorrow and want a butter sandwich. You are out of butter. Have
a cheese sandwich instead so that you can use all of the cheese. Learn to fix broken toys instead of just
throwing them away. With a little thought, you can make something do, instead of buying something new.   
     Do Without   
     Think about all those things that you would like to have. Do you really need them? How long will you
really play with that new toy you saw on TV? Making the things that we want uses up your world's resources(資源). And, getting rid of the things we don't want any more takes up even more resources and space.
1. Do we need to be responsible for our environment?  
2. How do we deal with the last little piece of soap?  
3. When do we need to get a new iPhone?
4. What should we do when something we want is not on hand? 
5. What does the writer want to tell us?

