【小題1】 Ningxia has some fantastic sights, ___________ (包括) the Sand Lake and Shapotou.
【小題2】If I had a million dollars, I’d give it to ____________ (醫(yī)學的) research.
【小題3】You’d better have a first-aid book on a nearby ____________ (書架) in your home.
【小題4】Doctors say that the risk of cancer can ___________ (增加) by eating burnt food.
【小題5】I don’t think students should be ____________ (允許) to bring mobile phones to school.

【小題1】 including  



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年安徽省蕪湖市無為縣八年級上學期期中測試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】Hainan  is a  good place to go s________.
【小題2】Tom and Sam are twins,but there are some d__________between them.
【小題3】F_______ is quite important to everyone .We all need friends.
【小題4】You should practice more to __________(提高)your English.
【小題5】I am _________(口渴的)and I  world like something to drink.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年浙江蘭溪柏社中學八年級上學期單元練習英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

根據(jù)短文內容和所給漢語提示, 寫出空白處各單詞的正確形式,每空限填一詞(10%)
Have you ever 【小題1】_______(看) a book called Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland? It is an interesting story about a girl 【小題2】_______(名叫) Alice.
One day, Alice was 【小題3】__ (坐) with her sister by the river. Her sister was reading a book but Alice had 【小題4】________ (無事) to do. She felt bored. So she was thinking of【小題5】_______(制作) a daisy chain when a white rabbit 【小題6】______ (跑) by her. At first she didn’t think it was【小題7】______(奇怪的), suddenly she 【小題8】_____(聽見) the rabbit saying: “Oh dear, I’ll be late”. Alice followed the rabbit and she saw the rabbit go down a rabbit 【小題9】_______(洞). Alice did so and【小題10】_____(從不) thought about how to get out again.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省蘭溪市梅江初中九年級上學期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

How important keeping healthy to everyone is!There are many __【小題1】 (方法) to keep healthy.
Food is very important to everyone’s health. Healthy food may keep you healthy, but unhealthy food may cause some 【小題2】(問題)of your body. We should eat more _【小題3】(蔬菜) and fruits, and don’t eat too _【小題4】(多) sweet food. I’d like to eat food that 【小題5】  (它的) smell is nice and that __【小題6】 (品嘗) good. Actually, we should eat a balanced diet.
_【小題7】(睡覺)is also important to everyone’s health. We need at least __【小題8】  (八) hours’ sleep every night. If you don’t sleep well at night, maybe you will feel sleepy in the day time, and you will do __【小題9】 (更壞) in your schoolwork.
We should do_【小題10】_(運動) often to keep healthy.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年寧夏銀川四中八年級上學期期末考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】 My aunt goes shopping ____________(two) a week.
【小題2】 A lot of ____________ (visit) visited our school last year.
【小題3】 Mary had much fun ____________ (play) at the aquarium with her mother two weeks ago.
【小題4】 I think math is the ___________ ____________ (important) of all the subjects.
【小題5】 Please don’t forget ___________ ____________ (finish) your homework first.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年福建省福州文博中學八年級上學期期末考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】What ________ you _______ ( do ) from eight to ten yesterday morning ?
【小題2】 The music_________ ( sound ) great .
【小題3】Would you mind ______________ ( not smoke ) here ?
【小題4】They learned Japanese by ________( they ) last year .
【小題5】Several _________( science ) took part in the important meeting yesterday .


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆甘肅省武威第五中學九年級上學期11月月考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】These ___________(teenager )like to go out at night .
【小題2】If you don’t know how _______(spell) new words ,please look them up in a dictionary.
【小題3】I’m very ______(worry )about my son’s health.
【小題4】Whose notebook is this ?----It must be my _______(uncle)
【小題5】I wish I _______(be ) you .
【小題6】Wearing _______(ear) is not good for school girls.
【小題7】She is afraid of _______(fly ) in an airplane.
【小題8】The sweater is ______(real) nice and I like it .
【小題9】I am trying to study .Please turn off the TV and don’t be ______(noise).
【小題10】Be ________(care)of the dog that does not bark.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年福建仙游縣承璜第二學校八年級上學期期末考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

短文填詞 根據(jù)短文內容和以下提示:1)首字母提示,2)語境提示,3)漢語提示,在每個空格內填入一個適當?shù)挠⑽膯卧~。所填單詞要求意義正確,拼寫準確。(10分)
I like playing chess very much. Now I can play it _【小題1】    well. It’s one of the greatest games in the world. My mother taught me to play it when I was seven years old. She was the winner every time in the first year. But on my eighth birthday, I_w【小題2】 for the first time. Now I am always the winner   【小題3】  us.
You don’t need much to play chesses---just a chess set and someone to play with. You only  【小題4】   (花費)a day learning the rules. But if you want to be _【小題5】  at it, you have to practice it for years.
There is a chess __【小題6】    (俱樂部)in our school. We meet every week to play with each other. I am the best  【小題7】    (選手)in the club .We will play __【小題8】   No.1 Middle School next Sunday. Ten of us will   【小題9】   in it. I hope we will win. I want to take part in the Olympics in the   【小題10】   .


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆浙江省寧波市五校九年級3月聯(lián)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

【小題1】Don’t forget to check your test paper (仔細)__________before the exam is over.
【小題2】He only          (睡覺)for four hours last night. Now he feels very tired.
【小題3】We believe our sports meeting will surely be a complete         (成功).
【小題4】 More and more people get to know the __________(重要性) of learning English.
【小題5】His sister worked as a nurse in the      (當?shù)氐? hospital after graduating from the college.

