She gave me two tickets ________ that film.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇無錫東林中學(xué)九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Saturday morning was bright and fresh. There was a song in every heart, cheer on every face, and a spring in every step.
Tom appeared with a bucket(桶)of white paint in one hand and a brush in the other. His Aunt Polly told him to paint the fence(籬笆)around the garden. It was ninety feet long and nine feet high. He felt very blue.
Then he had a wonderful idea. He picked up his brush and started to work.
Soon Ben came along the road. He was happily eating an apple. He stopped to look at Tom. Tom went on painting and pretended(假裝)not to see Ben.
“I’m going swimming,” said Ben. “Do you want to go swimming, Tom? But I guess you can’t. You have to stay and work, don’t you?”       
“Work?” Tom said. “This isn’t work. I’m enjoying myself. Does a boy get a chance to paint a fence like this every day?”
Ben thought about this. Tom continued painting carefully. Sometimes he stopped, stood back to look at the fence like an artist, and then added(增加)a bit more paint in just the right place. Ben was watching Tom paint with great interest. He was getting more and more eager(渴望的)to have a try himself.
After a while, Ben asked Tom if he would let him paint a little. Tom thought about it, and said, “No, Ben, I can’t. You see. Aunt Polly wants it to be done well. Aunt Polly said that I must paint it with great care.”
“Oh, please, Tom,” begged Ben. “I can do it. I’ll be really careful. Just let me try. I’ll give you half of my apple. Well, I’ll give you all of it!”
“Well, all right, Ben,” said Tom. “You must be very careful.”
He gave Ben his brush with worry on his face but joy in his heart. He sat down under the tree, and started to eat Ben’s apple. All day, boys came to make fun of Tom, but they ended up staying to paint. When Ben got tired, Billy was waiting. He gave Tom a kite for a chance to paint. Then Johnny offered him a basketball, and so on.
By late afternoon Tom had got all kinds of toys, and the fence had got three coats of paint. Later Aunt Polly came to look at the painted fence. She was so pleased with Tom’s work that she gave Tom a large cake!
【小題1】Why did Tom pretend not to see Ben when he came and watched him painting?

A.He saw Ben eating an apple happily.
B.He tried to make Ben interested in it.
C.He didn’t want to go swimming with Ben at all.
D.He didn’t want Ben to share the chance to paint the fence.
【小題2】What does the underlined word “spring” probably mean in Chinese?
【小題3】What do you think of Tom?


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆湖北省黃岡教育網(wǎng)九年級(jí)中考模擬英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A thief returned a mobile phone and thousands of yuan he had stolen from a woman after receiving 21 text messages from her, a local newspaper reported.
Pan Aiying, a Chinese teacher at Wutou Middle School in Qihe County, in East China’s Shandong Province, didn’t think her text messages would help to get her belongings back.
A young man riding a motorcycle robbed her of her bag, in which there was her mobile phone, bank cards and 4,900 yuan, as she was riding her bicycle home on Saturday evening.
Pan said at first she considered calling the police, but then decided to try to persuade(說服)the young man to return her bag. Pan called her lost phone with her friend’s, but couldn’t get through. So she began sending messages.
“Hey, I’m Pan Aiying, a teacher from Wutou Middle School. You must be going through a difficult time. If so, I will not blame you. ” Wrote Pan in her first text message, which got no answer. “Keep the 4,900 yuan if you really need it, but please return the other things to me. You are still young. To make mistakes is human. Correcting your mistake is more important than anything. ” Pan wrote in another message.
She gave up hope after sending 21 text messages without any answer and planned to call the police the next morning. However, as she left her home on Sunday morning, Pan found her stolen bag lying in the courtyard. Nothing was lost.
“Dear Pan: I am sorry. I made a mistake. Please forgive me. You are so kind even though I stole from you. I’ll correct my ways and be an honest person,” said a letter left with the bag.
【小題1】Where was Pan Aiying robbed?

A.In the school.B.At home.
C.In the courtyard.D.In the street.
【小題2】Why didn’t Pan Aiying call the police at first?
A.Because she thought the police wouldn’t help her.
B.Because it was too late at that time.
C.Because she wanted to communicate with the thief first.
D.Because her friend asked her not to.
【小題3】How long was Pan Aiying’s bag missing?
A.About two days.B.About 12 hours.
C.About one day and a half.D.About 24 hours.
【小題4】From the news we can learn that ____________.
A.the young man would not steal any more
B.Pan Aiying didn’t give up hope after sending 21 text messages
C.the young man would pay a visit to Pan Aiying personally
D.Pan Aiying teaches English in a middle school in Shandong Province


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年江蘇省無錫市九年級(jí)3月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

The warm day was the only day of the week without rain. I opened the door and went to the yard, took a seat and began to enjoy the wonderful sunshine. Suddenly, I noticed that the house near mine had been sold. An elderly lady was in front of the door, with some beautiful flowers beside her. I walked to her. She looked to be in her early eighties and had the prettiest white hair.

    “Hi! My name is Robert,” I said smiling brightly at the old lady. She smiled back and said, “Hello, Robert. I’m Charlene.” Her voice was very strong for someone at her age. Later, I learned she was alone and had no family or relatives to look after her. From that day on, I often visited her and helped her with her housework and sometimes she gave me some delicious food. A year passed, and I considered Charlene to be one of my best friends.

    One day, I walked over for my morning visit and knocked on the door, but there was no answer. I knocked again, and she still didn’t turn up. So I let myself in, using the key she had given me. I checked her living room and then her kitchen. I finally went into her bedroom, and she was lying peacefully on her bed. Beside her there were two notes. One was her will(遺囑), which said all that she had would be given to me. The other was a thank-you note. I went to her bedside and cried sadly.

   Although it has been a long time, I still miss her deeply. Whenever I look at the beautiful flowers in front of her house, I remember the wonderful friendship we had.

1.The writer came out of the house to ____________.

A. look at the old lady              B. enjoy some flowers

C. enjoy the sunshine               D. clean the house nearby

2.Through visiting the old lady, the writer learned that the old lady__________.

A. disliked all her relatives         

B. had no one to look after her

C. didn’t want to live with her family 

D. was looking for someone to look after her

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A. The old lady was not kind to others except Robert.

B. The writer didn’t have any other good friends .

C. The old lady didn’t know how to make food.

D. The writer got along very well with the old lady.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年浙江省九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Dear Disney,

Last weekend, the four members of my family spent an enjoyable holiday at the Magic Kingdom - Disneyland. And one event made our visit seem truly magical.

We got to the front of the line at Space Mountain, only to find out that our little daughter Gloria couldn't take her ice-cream on the ride. We were so excited that we all forgot ice-cream was not allowed on the ride.

Gloria broke into tears and we all had no idea what to do. Then Murphy, one of the staff(員工) members, came over. She bent down and told Gloria that she would hold the ice-cream for her and give it to her when she finished the ride. Gloria said, "Promise?" Then she gave Murphy her ice-cream, and she completely enjoyed the ride.

Sure enough, as we walked out the exit, there was Gloria's new friend with "her" ice-cream. Now you and I both know what happened, because we know that an ice-cream won't last twenty minutes on a summer afternoon in Florida. Murphy knew what time we would get off the ride; she went to the nearest shop and bought a brand-new ice-cream thirty seconds before we walked out the exit. Gloria said, "Thank you," but I'm sure she thought it was the same ice-cream.

We know that someone tried hard to make our visit special. Thanks so much for going above and beyond! 

Your fan,                                                                Carmen Rivera                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

1.Before the ride, Gloria cried because _________.

A. she couldn't find her parents in the line     

B. she was too little to take the ride

C. she couldn't take her ice-cream on the ride  

D. she had to wait for twenty minutes

2.Murphy was waiting for Gloria ___________ after the ride.

A. in the ice-cream shop                    B. at the exit

C. in the front of the line                    D. at the entrance

3.In order to keep the promise, Murphy __________.

A. took Gloria to the nearest shop

B. asked her new friend to help Gloria

C. helped Gloria get off the ride

D. bought a new ice-cream for Gloria

4.The underlined word "someone" in the last paragraph refers to (指的是) ______.

A. Murphy       B. Disney         C. Gloria          D. Carmen

5.Carmen Rivera wrote the letter to __________.

A. order ice-creams                         B. promise to visit again

C. express her thanks                        D. give some suggestions



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級(jí)下Module 7 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


It is a very common thing for a person to have a good friend. My good friend is Diana. She is a rich and proud girl. She often thinks that she is too good for anyone, so nobody wants to be her friend.

One day after school, I was waiting for Diana when Vivien came up to me. She gave me a biscuit. I accepted it. We talked and joked, and from then on, I began to spend more time with Vivien than with Diana. I felt a little uneasy.

After a few days, I went to see Diana for some snacks when Vivien came and sat with me. She offered me a sandwich. She also offered one to Diana, but Diana refused it. She walked away. I was angry with Diana for being so rude and thoughtless.

“Never mind,” Vivien said, “I’m used to it.

After school, I tried to catch up with Diana. While walking home, I tried to correct her attitude, but she would not listen to me. She said, “Go and join your ‘dear’ Vivien. I know you make new friends and forget the old ones.”

For the next few weeks, we did not talk to each other. Then, one day, Diana came to Vivien and me, saying, “I’m really sorry about what I did. I’m a spoiled(寵壞的)girl, but I also need good friends just like you. Would you please forgive(原諒)me?” Vivien and I looked at each other and smiled. From then on, Diana, Vivien and I have been best friends.

1.The writer was angry with Diana __________.

A.because she was too good for anyone.

B.when Diana refused Vivien’s sandwich

C.though she asked the writer to forgive Diana walked away

2. According to the passage, it is clear that __________.

A.Diana and the writer had been good friends.

B.Diana didn’t like sandwiches.

C.Vivien didn’t want to make new friends at all

D.the writer forgot her old friends after she had new one.

3. Vivien’s saying “I’m used to it” shows that _________.

A.someone refused to give her things

B.Vivien used to be rude to others.

C.she lied to be refused.

D.some people were rude to her before.

4. Diana asked Vivien and the writer to forgive because ________.

A.they didn’t spend much time with her.

B.she realized she was wrong.

C.Vivien and the writer didn’t talk to her.

D.she was a rich and proud girl.

5. The reading is mainly about __________.  

A.the mistake among the three friends.

B.two best friends at a school

C.three friends at a school

D.the trouble between Diana and Vivien


