Who made a speech ________ of the meeting?

  1. A.
    in the end
  2. B.
    by the end
  3. C.
    at the end
  4. D.
    in end

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆北京市朝陽(yáng)區(qū)初三上學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Exchange Students’ Experience

Name:  Susan Lane
Exchange Country:  Iceland
I think it was a turning point in my life. I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing a different culture in this country.
Name:     Sara Small 
Exchange Country:  Germany
I enjoyed this trip. I found German people were not as serious as I thought before. Although I made a lot of German friends, I still missed my family and friends in Australia.
Name:     David Links 
Exchange Country:  Australia
I wanted to try something that was very different from Australia in culture. In Australia everything was different, but I soon got used to it.
Name:    Tom Jennings  
Exchange Country:  France
There were some challenges (挑戰(zhàn)), but I liked them, experiencing a different culture. You just have to face each situation as it comes.
【小題1】Where did Susan Lane study?
A.In Iceland.B.In Germany.C.In Australia.D.In France.
【小題2】Who made a lot of friends in Germany?
A.Susan Lane.B.Sara Small.C.David Links.D.Tom Jennings.
【小題3】How many students talk about their exchange experience?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年北京市朝陽(yáng)區(qū)初三上學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Exchange Students’ Experience

Name:  Susan Lane

Exchange Country:  Iceland

I think it was a turning point in my life. I began to understand more about my own culture by experiencing a different culture in this country.


Name:     Sara Small 

Exchange Country:  Germany

I enjoyed this trip. I found German people were not as serious as I thought before. Although I made a lot of German friends, I still missed my family and friends in Australia.


Name:     David Links 

Exchange Country:  Australia

I wanted to try something that was very different from Australia in culture. In Australia everything was different, but I soon got used to it.


Name:    Tom Jennings  

Exchange Country:  France

There were some challenges (挑戰(zhàn)), but I liked them, experiencing a different culture. You just have to face each situation as it comes.

1.Where did Susan Lane study?

A.In Iceland.

B.In Germany.

C.In Australia.

D.In France.

2.Who made a lot of friends in Germany?

A.Susan Lane.

B.Sara Small.

C.David Links.

D.Tom Jennings.

3.How many students talk about their exchange experience?







科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:單選題

--Who made a phone call for me just now, David?

--I don’t know, but it was a girl’s ________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解


       Many years ago, there was a carpenter (木匠) who made a wooden girl that looked like a real  
one.  When a painter heard about it, he was very interested and paid the carpenter a visit.    
       The carpenter and the painter talked and drank until late at night.  Finally, the carpenter said. "I'll let
you rest now.  lf there's anything you need, just call the servant (仆人). " Then he went to sleep in another
       The painter told the servant girl to bring him a cup of tea, but she just stood there as if (似乎是)  she was not listening.  
       The painter realized that the servant girl was the wooden girl. He got very angry.     The next morning, the carpcnter wanted to see how amused the painter was.  He opened the door.  To his surprise,  there
was plenty of food on the table.  He was very happy.  He tried to cat a piece of bread, but couldn't pick
it up.  It turned out (原來(lái)) everything he was seeing was just a painting.     
       The carpenter was so embarrassed.  The painter went out and said,   "If you make fun of others,  
you'll be made fun of too ! "

1. What did the carpenter make?
2. Did a painter pay the carpenter a visit when he heard about it?
3. Who did the carpenter tell the painter to call if he needed help?
4. How did the painter feel when he realized that it wasn't a real girl?
5. Why couldn't the carpenter pick up a piece of bread on the table?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

        The police in the big city were looking for a thief. At last they caught (捉住catch的過(guò)去式) him.
When they were taking photos of him from the front, from the left, from the right, with a hat, without
(不戴) a hat, he suddenly attacked (襲擊) the police and ran off. The police tried to catch (捉住) him,
but he got away. A week later the telephone rang in the police station, and somebody said, “You are
looking for Bill Cross, aren’t you? Well, he went to Waterbridge an hour ago.”Waterbridge was a
small town 150 kms away from the city. Four photos of the thief were sent (送到) to the police in
Waterbridge at once by (由) the city police.Not more than 12 hours later they got a call from the
police station in Waterbridge, “We caught 3 of the man,” they said happily, “and we will catch the
4th this evening, we think.”
1. In the passage, “somebody” may (可能) be           .
A. the police in Waterbridge
B. someone in the city
C. the man taking photos        
D. the thief himself
2. The police in Waterbridge caught three of men according to (根據(jù))           .
A. the facts (事實(shí))
B. the phone
C. the photos  
D. the news
3. In fact (實(shí)際上) the police           the thief.
A. caught
B. did not catch    
C. were sure (確信) to catch  
D. were not sure to catch
4. The story happened (發(fā)生) in           .

A. a city      
B. a town      
C. the country  
D. A and B

5. Who made a ridiculous mistake (可笑的錯(cuò)誤) in the passage?
A. the police in the city        
B. the thief
C. the police in Waterbridge    
D. the police in the city

