    The big red American car was much too wide for an English country road. When Jack saw it coming
toward him. he stopped his own car at the side if the road to make room for it to past. The American car went
slowly past, so close that he could see the driver's face quite clearly.   
     "Where have I seen that face before?" he thought., ''Wait a minute! I remember now. It was in the
newspaper!'"He took out the newspaper from his bag, turned quickly to the middle page. There was a picture
of the face in it. Yes, it bad a large mouth and small ears., and his eyes were behind dark glasses. 
     "Wanted by the police," read by Jack. "The City Bank will give a lot of money to anyone who helps the
police to catch this man.."   
    "Call the police at once," he said to himself. But a few minutes later, he was sad. "This man was caught this
morning," answered the police..
1. In which country did the story happen?   
A. It happened in America.   
B. It happened in Australia.  
C. It happened in England.   
D. The story didn't tell us.
2. Why did Jack stop his car?  
A. He wanted to see who the driver was.   
B. He didn't want to pass by first.  
C. The road was too narrow for the two cars to pass at the same time.   
D. Because it was good for an Englishman to stop to let other go.
3. Who was wanted by the police in this passage?   
A. Jack.   
B. The driver in the American car.   
C. Either Jack or the driver.   
D. Neither Jack nor the American driver.
4. What did Jack do when he had read the newspaper again?   
A. He drove to the City Bank.   
B. He drove to the police.   
C. He made a telephone call.   
D. He stopped the American car.
5. Who caught the man with a large mouth and small ears?   
A. The police.      
B. Jack.   
C. Nobody.        
D. The American driver.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:湖北省宜昌市長(zhǎng)陽(yáng)縣2011-2012學(xué)年八年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末模擬英語(yǔ)試題 題型:053


  Do you keep a diary(日記)every day? Do you think it is great to remember just what you did on a day many years ago? One way to remember each day is to write about it in a diary.Many people write their diaries every day.They write about what they did, what they ate, whom they saw and met, how they did something and how they felt during that day.

  Most people do not want anyone else to read their diaries.They keep them in a safe(安全的)place.Some Chinese students try to keep diaries in English not only to help themselves to remember something, but also to practice English.

  Long ago, many people wrote diaries, too.People have found some of those old diaries.Some diaries are useful because we can learn about the life long ago, or we can get to know something important or something interesting.

  There are many famous diaries in the world.Most people in China have read the Diaries of Lei Feng.Lei Feng was a soldier(戰(zhàn)士).In his short life, he did a lot of good things for others and for his country.He was always ready to give, but never asked for anything from people.He kept diaries and from them, people learn what a great man he was.In China’s schools, students learn some of his diaries as texts(課文).

1.Many people write diaries every day because they don’t want to forget what they did or how they ________

2.Some Chinese students ________ ________ in English to remember something and practice English.

3.From Lei Feng’s diaries, people know that he was always ready to _______, but asked for _______ from people.

4.In order to stop anyone else reading their diaries, most people keep them in a _______.

5.You can find some of Lei Feng’s diaries in _______ _______ textbooks(課本).


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:活學(xué)巧練八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下 題型:050


  One day the Mullah, an important man in the village found his donkey(驢) was gone when he wanted to go to visit a friend. He was very angry and ran around to look for his donkey.

  The Mullah ran about looking until he was too tired. He sat down to rest at his gate, A few friends came to join him.

  “That no-good lazy donkey!” said he,“If I ever see her again. I'll sell her for a dollar!” Selling a donkey for a dollar was just a joke.

  Just then the Mullah heard the sound of his donkey' s feet, He looked around. There was his donkey, on her back rode a boy.

  “Where did you find her?” asked the Mullah, “We couldn't find her anywhere.”

  “I know where I would go if I were a donkey,” said the boy,“I found her eating grass with the sheep and goats(山羊).”

  Suddenly, the Mullah looked to one side and saw one of his friends holding up a dollar. On the other side he saw another with a dollar.

  “I' 11 buy your donkey.” said the two.

  “I was joking!” said the Mullah.

  “You didn't sound as if you were joking,” said the two.

1.Mullah looked for his donkey________.

[  ]

D.here and there

2.Mullah ________ his donkey anywhere.

[  ]

A.looked for
B.didn't look for
D.didn't find

3.________helped the Mullah to find his donkey.

[  ]

A.A boy
B.A girl
C.A friend
D.A farmer

4.The donkey ________ with the sheep and goats.

[  ]

A.was sleeping
B.was playing
C.was eating grass
D.was going home

5.The Mullah's friends wanted ________ his donkey with a dollar.

[  ]

D.to buy


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:三點(diǎn)一測(cè)叢書八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上 題型:050


  Tadatoyo Yamamoto is a Japanese businessman. He visits the USA from time to time. While he was telephoning at a hotel on a visit to Chicago, he put his bag on the floor. A few minutes later, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto reached down for it, but it was gone. Inside it were about $ 900, his passport, photos of his family, and his return ticket to Japan.

  But three weeks after he returned to Tokyo, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto received an envelope. There was nothing inside but his passport, his airline ticket and money order(匯票) for more than $ 900 and a letter from Mr Joseph Loveras. It said, “I hope this money order and the things will make you believe in the people of Chicago.”

  The next time he traveled to the USA, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto called on Mr Joseph Loveras. He was 67 years old and in bad health. He got only $ 493 a month. He said that he saw the bag on a street corner and found the money and the ticket in the top part of the bag. He changed the money into money order and spent his own money to send it to Japan.

  Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto was very moved by what Mr Loveras had done. “I asked him why he would go to all the trouble to return everything to me. He told me that if he had not done it, it would have made him feel bad for the rest of his life.”

  Now they have become friends. Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto visits Mr Loveras every time he is in the USA.

1.While he was visiting Chicago, Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto ________.

[  ]

A.lost his bag

B.lost his way

C.changed his money into money order

D.made friends with an old American

2.When Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto couldn't find his lost things ________.

[  ]

A.he felt sorry for the people of Chicago

B.he thought the people of Chicago were very friendly

C.he thought they would never be found

D.he thought they would be soon returned to him

3.Mr Loveras sent back the things to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto because he wanted ________.

[  ]

A.to get some money from him in return

B.to help him to do more business in USA

C.him to come to visit America more often

D.him to know most people in Chicago are nice

4.From the passage we know that Mr Loveras was ________.

[  ]

A.very rich
B.not rich
C.a(chǎn) business
D.very healthy

5.Which of the following is true?

[  ]

A.Mr Loveras took the bag away from the hotel and then returned it to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto.

B.A thief took the bag away and threw it on a street corner.

C.If Mr Loveras didn't return everything to Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto, he would die.

D.Mr Loveras knew Mr Tadatoyo Yamamoto very well before.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:輕松新課堂·初中英語(yǔ)作業(yè)本·9A(牛津版) 牛津版 題型:053


  Clara Barton was a great American woman who worked all her life to help others.She started the American Red Cross, a group which still helps millions of people.

  During the Civil War she nursed the wounded(受傷的)ones.① She was called the angel of the Battlefield(戰(zhàn)場(chǎng)).At first the American government didn't help her, but later they realized how important she was.They realized that the Red Cross could help not only soldiers, but also other people.② Many of our people ③ h ________ ④ b ________ ⑤ h ________ in time of emergency(緊急治療)by the Red Cross.People need help during a disaster such as a flood.Clara Barton took part in many kinds of charitable work.She wrote books and patriotic(愛國(guó)的)works, too.


B)根據(jù)首字母提示寫出單詞:③h ________、躡 ________ ⑤h ________


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:輕松新課堂·初中英語(yǔ)作業(yè)本·9A(牛津版) 牛津版 題型:053


  There are many colours in nature.But do you know if a colour has weight?I think you'll say“no”.But I am afraid you are wrong.If you don't believe, you may do a small experiment.

  First, put two objects with the same weight into two boxes.Then cover the box.Third, wrap(包)one box with a red piece of paper, the other with a white piece of paper.OK.Now hold the boxes before your hand one by one.It is certain that you will think the red one is a little heavier.

  Why do you think so?A scientist found that colours, different, different, have, in, man's, mind, weight.① So he did many tests and at last he got the result.That is to say, every colour has its own weight in our mind and their order is the same.The h ________ colour is red, then blue, green, orange, yellow and white.

  A scientist told us that colours also have s ________.Can you smell the colour?Of course not.Then why did the scientist say so?That is because every colour stands for(代表)a kind of light with a certain wave-length(波長(zhǎng)).It reaches our brain through sense organs(感覺器官).

  According to this discovery, scientists say that people accept(接受)the colours they like, and refuse the colours they hate.So your body and mind will be h ________ by using the colours you like.Or you'll be nervous or get ill.For example, if you stay in a room with red windows, wallpapers and furniture for two hours, you'll feel you have been there for four hours.But if the room is blue, you'll feel you have been there for only one hour.Another example, if a person walks out of a red room and into a blue room, his temperature will fall.That means our body temperature will change with different colours⑤.



2.完成短文中所缺的單詞:②h ________; ③s ________; ④h ________



□Stay in a room with red wallpapers and furniture, and you'll feel the time is slow.

□If a person walks out of a blue room and into a red room his temperature will fall.

□Not all colours stand for a kind of light with a certain wave-length.

