________ away the dirty shirt and ________ me the clean one.

  1. A.
    Take, bring
  2. B.
    Bring, take
  3. C.
    Carry, take
  4. D.
    Put, carry

科目:初中英語 來源:2010年湖北省荊州市初中升學(xué)考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

One midnight, a little girl woke up to pass water. She by herself got up and down her bed, walked to the bedroom door and opened it. She looked outside and walked back, for it was so dark in the hall that she feared.
Her mother said, “Don’t be afraid, honey. Take courage!”
“What’s courage?” she asked, running to her mother’s bed.
“Courage is the brave breath,” her mother answered.
“Mum, do you have courage?”
The girl held out her little hands, saying, “Mum, blow some of your breath of courage to me.”
After her mother blew out two mouthfuls of breath into her little cold hands, the little girl clenched her fists(握拳) nervously, afraid that the “breath of courage” would run away. Then with her fists clenched, she walked out of the bedroom towards the bathroom with nothing to fear.
Her mother said to herself, “It will be nice if someone can blow some kind of ‘breath’ to me. Then I can hold it in my hands too when I feel terrified or lost.”
In fact, mostly, what we are terrified of is nothing but the fear in our mind. Who we should defeat(戰(zhàn)勝) is nobody but ourselves.
【小題1】The girl walked back because __________.

A.the bathroom was too far away.B.her mother wouldn’t go with her
C.she was too afraid of the darkD.the bedroom door was locked
【小題2】We learn from the reading that ___________.
A.the girl went to the bathroom by herself
B.the girl pretended to be terrified of nothing
C.the girl’s mother was able to blow brave breath
D.the girl’s mother was very proud of herself
【小題3】To stop “mother’s breath” from running away, the girl __________.
A.held out her little handsB.clenched her fists
C.talk to her motherD.held her own breath
【小題4】The writer mainly wants to tell us that ________.
A.a(chǎn)dults are always brave enough
B.children learn to be brave quickly
C.the fear in one’s mind is the real problem
D.the mother can deal with anything with breath
【小題5】Which is the best title of the passage?
A.The Fearless MotherB.One Lonely Girl
C.One midnightD.The Breath of Courage


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年浙江省桐鄉(xiāng)市九年級上學(xué)期基礎(chǔ)調(diào)研英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Scientists have found a new use for children’s imaginations(想象力)—to make Stomachaches go away.   

The BBC reports a new study that shows: “Children can be taught to use their Imaginations to deal with stomachaches.” This may be very good news for parents who need a quick cure for their sick children.

Any mother or father understands the stomach problem is one of the most frequent(時常發(fā)生的) things their children complain about. Around twenty percent of children suffer from stomachaches that doctors cannot find a reason for.

This new research is especially good for kids with active imaginations. Researchers found that the more creative the child is, the better he or she is at imagining the pain away.

The researchers used a relaxing CD with children. A voice guided them through different fantasy(幻想) situations. One of these was pretending to be floating on a cloud. Thirty children took part in the tests. Half of them used the “guided imagery” method, and the other half received normal medicines. Researchers found 73.3 percent of the CD users reported a reduction in pain. This compared to only 26.7 percent of kids who got normal treatment.

Study leader Dr Miranda Tilburg was very excited about her findings. She believed that it was a very cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches. She said it would not work as well with adults.

1.The new study may be good news for those who____________.

A. have less imaginations

B. don’t know how to relax

C. want to stop their kids’ stomachaches in a short time

D. can find why children suffer from stomachaches

2.What kind of kids will benefit most from the new research?

A. Kids who like listening to music.

B. Kids who are good at remembering things.

C. The independent(獨(dú)立的) kids.

D. Kids with active imaginations.

3.From the end of the passage, we know that__________.

A. adults can also use their imaginations to make stomachaches go away

B. Dr Miranda Tilburg wasn’t pleased with her findings

C. the normal cure for stomachaches will not be used

D. a cheap and easy way to stop children’s stomachaches has been found

4. What is the best title for this passage?

A. How to stop stomachaches in public places.

B. Children can “imagine” their pain away.

C. Children’s imaginations are very active.

D. How to develop children’s imaginations.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江蘇揚(yáng)州邗江區(qū)九年級下學(xué)期期中考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Taking away a city’s rubbish is a big job. Every day trucks come into a city to collect it. Most rubbish is made up of things we can’t eat or use. If we kept these things we would soon have a mountain of rubbish.

In some cities the rubbish is collected and taken outside of the city to a dump(垃圾站). Often the city dump is placed where the ground is low or there is a big hole. The kitchen rubbish is broken into small pieces and sent into the sewage system. The sewage system takes away the used water from toilets, bathtubs(澡盆) and other places.

To keep mice and flies away, some earth is used to cover the newly dumped rubbish. Later, grass may be planted on the rubbish-filled land. Finally, a house or a school may be built there, and then you’d never know that this had once been an old rubbish dump.

In other cities the rubbish is burnt in special places. The fire burns everything but the metal. Sometimes the metal can be used again in factories where things are made of metal. The food parts of rubbish are put in special piles where they slowly change into something called humus(腐殖土), which looks like black earth. It is rich with kinds of things that feed plants and help make them grow.

1.You can most probably read the passage in _______.

A.a(chǎn) history book      B.a(chǎn) TV guide         C.a(chǎn) science book     D.a(chǎn) telephone book

2.The underlined word “sewage” in the passage means_______.

A.排污             B.染色             C.洗滌             D.吸塵

3.According to the passage, the food parts of rubbish can be used again_______.

A.to feed animals     B.to feed plants      C.to build a house     D.to make machines

4.How should we take care of a used metal box according to the passage?

A.By burning it off.                        B.By putting it in water.

C.By throwing it away.                      D.By reusing and recycling it.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省泰州市八年級3月練習(xí)英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空


This morning I got a funny feeling. Today I had to give a report in my __1__ , and I had been doing this for a long time!

Mum came into the kitchen asking,” Are you ready,__2__ ?”

“Yes,” I answered quietly. __3__ in fact I wasn’t really ready!”

On my way __4__ school, I could feel my heart beating fast. I hated this.

I went into Mrs. Owen’s class. She is smiling, and saying __5__ to all her students as she did every morning .

“Hi, Sam,” she said to me as I walked __6__ the classroom.

“Hi,” I said and quickly sat in my __7__. I looked at the clock. The class was about to begin. Then Mrs. Owens started , “Sam, it’s time for you to give your speech.” __8__in front of everybody? Oh, no!

I got up slowly, looking __9__ the ground as I walked to the front of the classroom. Then, I looked up , and everyone was looking at me. Mrs. Owens knew I was __10__, so she came beside me, and put her hand on my back.

She said to the class, “Sam has worked very hard on his __11__ and I know it is a very interesting report.” Then she turned to me and asked, “Sam, __12__ did you like best about report on Hawaii?”

I thought about the funny things I had read about surfing , and I started to  __13__. I talked and talked __14__ the whole class, and I was not nervous at all. It was great fun. I wasn’t frightened. The class cheered as I finished and Mrs. Owens was __15__.

1.                A.class           B.house          C.party D.hometown


2.                A.friends         B.classmates       C.Owens   D.Sam


3.                A.Then           B.But            C.So   D.Or


4.                A.on            B.from           C.to   D.in


5.                A.sorry          B.hello           C.goodbye  D.thanks


6.                A.into           B.out of          C.a(chǎn)way from D.far from


7.                A.bed           B.seat            C.dining- room   D.reading room


8.                A.Putting         B.Being shy       C.Stand up  D.Do well


9.                A.for            B.over           C.a(chǎn)t   D.a(chǎn)fter


10.               A.glad           B.nervous        C.a(chǎn)ctive D.happy


11.               A.dictionary       B.magazine       C.newspaper D.report


12.               A.what           B.who           C.where D.whom


13.               A.tell            B.say            C.talk about  D.talk


14.               A.in front of       B.over           C.beside    D.near


15.               A.playing         B.dancing        C.singing    D.smiling




科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年浙江省湖州市環(huán)渚學(xué)校九年級上學(xué)期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Singapore’s public transport system (公共交通系統(tǒng)) is one of the best in the world, so you should have no problem finding your way around like a local (當(dāng)?shù)厝?. There are three main forms of public transport that you would find in any other major city—trains, buses and taxis.


Trains run from 6 a.m. to midnight. Single trip tickets start at 80 cents. If you buy an EZ-Link card for $15, you can ride the trains and buses all you like.

If you need more information, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.


There are several bus services in Singapore and fares (車費(fèi)) start at 80 cents. Be sure to always ask the driver the cost of your ticket as he can not give changes.

If you need help, just call Transit Link on 1800 767 4333.


There are three main taxi companies—City Cab (6552 2222), Comfort (6552 1111) and Tibs (6552 8888). Booking (預(yù)訂) can also be made easily by calling the numbers listed above.


Driving in Singapore is a pleasure and if you like to travel at your own pace, renting a car is a good choice. Renting takes away the trouble of getting to places around Singapore. Just sit back and enjoy the city. It also means you’ll get to see a lot more that a train or a bus won’t let you see.

For car rental, call Avis on +65 6737 1668.

1.If you need to find the bus number, you may call____________.

A.+65 6737 1668                         B.6552 8888

C.1800 767 4333                         D.6552 2222

2.By an EZ-Link card, you can take____________.

A.both buses and trains                    B.only trains

C.both buses and taxis                     D.only rental cars

3.When you take a bus there, always remember to ____________.

A.take your own license with you             B.a(chǎn)sk the driver how much your ticket is

C.buy the bus map of Singapore              D.book your ticket ahead of time

4.What do you know about traveling in Singapore from the passage?

A.A local has no trouble finding his way around.

B.It’s much cheaper to go around by bus than by train.

C.You can see a lot more in Singapore only by renting a car.

D.It’s very convenient(方便的) for visitors to travel in Singapore.


