—Look!How_____  the boys are!  
—Yes,they won the game this afternoon. 
[     ]

A. exciting              
B. excitement  
C. excite                  
D. excited

  • 全真模擬決勝期末100分系列答案
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  • 壹學教育計算天天練系列答案
  • 年級 高中課程 年級 初中課程
    高一 高一免費課程推薦! 初一 初一免費課程推薦!
    高二 高二免費課程推薦! 初二 初二免費課程推薦!
    高三 高三免費課程推薦! 初三 初三免費課程推薦!

    科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇省無錫市育才中學初二下學期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

    【小題1】---Where is Jim?    --- He           (go) to Shanghai.
    【小題2】Jimmy          (read) a science book when I came into his room.
    【小題3】It is twenty years since the bridge           (build).
    【小題4】The goal of the game is          (test) your knowledge of English grammar.
    【小題5】If you double-click on the icon, the web page          (appear) on the screen.
    【小題6】Spring is the best time for            (visit) Chinese gardens.
    【小題7】I often hear her           (sing) in her beautiful voice.
    【小題8】Look! How beautiful our city           (look)!


    科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇南京外國語學校初二上學期期末模擬聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:補充句子


    1.She decided ?????? (not stay) at home and she wanted to go shopping with her mother.

    2.All he needs ????????? (be) a bowl of noodles.

    3.Look! How carefully they ?????? (listen) to the teacher!

    4.Will you go climbing if it ???????? (not snow) the day after tomorrow?

    5.I hope you ?????????? (correct) your mistakes at once.

    6.Can you tell me how much the panda ????????? (weight) when it was two months old?

    7.Oh dear! Something ????????? (smell) terrible!

    8.We must prevent people ????????? (cut) down the trees.

    9.When I met my old classmate yesterday, I stopped ????????? (talk) to her.

    10.The boys funny story kept his friends ????????? (laugh) for a long time.



    科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年陜西西安音樂學院附屬中等音樂學校初一下期末英語卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

    One day Einstein(愛因斯坦) was walking in the street in New York. His friend met him and said to him, “Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how old your coat is!” But Einstein answered, “It doesn’t matter. Nobody knows me here.”

    After a few years Einstein became a famous scientist. But he still wore the old coat.

    His friend met him again and asked him to buy a new one. But Einstein said, “I needn’t buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.”

    1.Einstein was ______ scientist.

    A.a(chǎn)n English

    B.a(chǎn) Chinese

    C.a(chǎn)n American

    D.a(chǎn) Japanese

    2.Einstein’s coat was very old. His friend ______.

    A.gave him a new one

    B.a(chǎn)sked him to buy a new one

    C.helped him buy a new one

    D.helped him mend(修理) the old coat

    3.Einstein didn’t want to buy a new one because ______.

    A.nobodyknew him

    B.he likedthe old one

    C.he had no money

    D.he didn’t mind it

    4.A few years later Einstein ______.

    A.bought a new one

    B.became a great scientist

    C.still wore an old coat

    D.B and C

    5.The title(題目) of this article should(應(yīng)該) be ______.

    A.Einstein’s Coat

    B.Einstein and His New Coat

    C.Einstein and His friend




    科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年遼寧省錦州市初三第一次模擬考試英語試卷 題型:單項填空

    --Look! How fast he is running!

      --Hard to _______________his legs were once broken.

      A. know        B. realize      C. imagine    D. find




    科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011學年河北省廊坊市畢業(yè)生升學文化課第一次模擬考試英語試卷 題型:單項填空

    --Look! How fast he is running!

      --Hard to _______________his legs were once broken.

      A. know        B. realize      C. imagine    D. find



