

聽(tīng)一遍。根據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的句子,從A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最恰當(dāng)?shù)拇鹫Z(yǔ).

1.A.I’m fine. B.How do you do? C.Nice to meet you, too.

2.A.I’m Li Ping. B.I’m 15. C.I’m OK.

3.A.All right. B.No.I can’t. C.A cup of tea, please.

4.A.No, I don’t. B.Good idea. C.Good luck.

5.A.Sure, here you are. B.He doesn’t think so. C.I can help you.

6.A.Yes, it is. B.You’re welcome. C.Thank you.


聽(tīng)一遍。報(bào)據(jù)你所聽(tīng)到的對(duì)話和問(wèn)題,從A、B、C 三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出正確答案.

7.A.Yes, he does. B.No.he doesn’t. C.I don’t know.

8.A.It’s 6∶00. B.It’s 6∶30. C.It’s 7∶30,

9.A.On a farm. B.In a school. C.In a shop.

10.A.By bus. B.By bike, C.On foot.

11.A.Henry. B.Henry’s father. C.Henry’s mother.

12.A.Once a week. B.Twice a week. C.Three times a week.




13.It was a ________ day.

A.cold B.hot C.nice

14.The little girl wanted to buy ________

A.some water B.some tea C.a(chǎn)n ice-cream

15.Tom asked the little girl to pay ________

A.$2 B.$8 C.$10

16.After Tom heard the little girl’s words, he said ________ to her.

A.hello B.sorry C.goodbye


17.________ is rich and famous now.

A.Mike B.Miss Brown C.Mike’s friend

18.Miss Brown was the boy’s

A.teacher B.sister C.a(chǎn)unt

19.The boy’s dream was to ________

A.grow up B.go to school C.be rich and famous

20.It was ________ for the boy to make his dream come true.

A.easy B.difficult C.interesting

21.The boy became successful because ________

A.he had a big house B.he had a friend C.he never gave up

