What        at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?

  1. A.
    was you doing
  2. B.
    were you doing
  3. C.
    are they doing
點評:過去進行時是各類考試中必考的內容之一,要求學生必須掌握好基本用法和基本構成。把握有兩點,其一是過去的某個時刻,比如at that time yesterday;其二是正在進行的動作,有時還要注意上下文的語境。

科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年湖南寧鄉(xiāng)玉潭鎮(zhèn)城北中學八年級上學期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:單選題

What        at nine o’clock last Sunday morning?
A. was you doing       B. were you doing           C. are they doing


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省興化市楚水初級中學初三中考模擬英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A famous study was done in a school by a professor (教授) from a university. At the start of the school year, the teachers were given the names of five children. They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the class. But the fact was that these students were only average(中等),and they were not the best students at all. Well, guess what? At the end of the year, all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.
  What made these average students change so much to become top students?The only difference was the change in their teachers’ attitude(態(tài)度). Because the teachers believed that these five kids were the top students,they expected(期望) more from them. And so these five average students began to believe and expect more from themselves. So they worked harder to do as well as they could.
  Do you know why? If you expect the best from people, they’ll usually want to give you their best. A great leader said, “Treat(對待) a person just how he appears to be on the outside, and you’ll make him even worse. But treat a person like he’s already a success,and you’ll help make him the best he can be.”
  Like the true story of 7-year-old Johnny, his teacher got so angry with him that one day she said,“Johnny,you’re the naughtiest(最頑皮的) boy in this class. I’m sure you’ll never change.” The next year Johnny had a new teacher. And on the first day of class,she met with Johnny after school and said,“Johnny, I’ve heard a lot about you! But do you know that I don’t believe a word of it.” And every day after that, this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one of the smartest students even when Johnny did naughty things. Later on, Johnny became a school leader. Because that’s the power of our belief(信任) and attitude(態(tài)度) toward children.
【小題1】The professor started his research(研究)by _______.

A.teaching the five children himself
B.a(chǎn)sking the five children to find a new teacher
C.telling the five students to work harder than ever before
D.telling the teacher the five students were the best in the class
【小題2】The five average students became top students mainly because of ________.
A.the professor’s study
B.the teachers’ hard work
C.the change in the teachers’ attitude
D.the change in the professor’s attitude
【小題3】Why did the writer tell us the story of 7-year-old Johnny?
A.To let us know how good his new teacher was.
B.To show the importance of encouragement.
C.To show that the boy was clever enough.
D.To let us know the famous boy.
【小題4】The writer writes the passage mainly by ______.
A.giving reasons and result
B.giving result and examples
C.describing what he thinks
D.a(chǎn)sking and answering questions
【小題5】What does the passage mainly tell us?
A.If you want to get more,you should have new teachers.
B.A professor’s study can help you score highest.
C.Only teachers can make you a top student.
D.Attitude and belief can change a person.


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆寧夏吳忠市利通區(qū)八年級第一學期英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

What ______ at seven yesterday morning?

A. is she doing???? B. was she doing?? C. did she do??? D. does she do



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇省興化市初三中考模擬英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

A famous study was done in a school by a professor (教授) from a university. At the start of the school year, the teachers were given the names of five children. They were told that these five were the most excellent students in the class. But the fact was that these students were only average(中等),and they were not the best students at all. Well, guess what? At the end of the year, all the five average students scored among the highest in the class.

  What made these average students change so much to become top students?The only difference was the change in their teachers’ attitude(態(tài)度). Because the teachers believed that these five kids were the top students,they expected(期望) more from them. And so these five average students began to believe and expect more from themselves. So they worked harder to do as well as they could.

  Do you know why? If you expect the best from people, they’ll usually want to give you their best. A great leader said, “Treat(對待) a person just how he appears to be on the outside, and you’ll make him even worse. But treat a person like he’s already a success,and you’ll help make him the best he can be.”

  Like the true story of 7-year-old Johnny, his teacher got so angry with him that one day she said,“Johnny,you’re the naughtiest(最頑皮的) boy in this class. I’m sure you’ll never change.” The next year Johnny had a new teacher. And on the first day of class,she met with Johnny after school and said,“Johnny, I’ve heard a lot about you! But do you know that I don’t believe a word of it.” And every day after that, this new teacher treated Johnny as if he was one of the smartest students even when Johnny did naughty things. Later on, Johnny became a school leader. Because that’s the power of our belief(信任) and attitude(態(tài)度) toward children.

1.The professor started his research(研究)by _______.

A. teaching the five children himself

B. asking the five children to find a new teacher

C. telling the five students to work harder than ever before

D. telling the teacher the five students were the best in the class

2.The five average students became top students mainly because of ________.

A. the professor’s study              

B. the teachers’ hard work

C. the change in the teachers’ attitude       

D. the change in the professor’s attitude

3.Why did the writer tell us the story of 7-year-old Johnny?

A. To let us know how good his new teacher was.

B. To show the importance of encouragement.

C. To show that the boy was clever enough.

D. To let us know the famous boy.

4.The writer writes the passage mainly by ______.

A. giving reasons and result               

B. giving result and examples

C. describing what he thinks               

D. asking and answering questions

5.What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. If you want to get more,you should have new teachers.

B. A professor’s study can help you score highest.

C. Only teachers can make you a top student.

D. Attitude and belief can change a person.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆四川省仁壽縣聯(lián)誼學校初二上學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單項填空

What ____________ at nine o’clock last Sunday morning.?

A.was you doing

B.were you doing

C.a(chǎn)re they doing

D.do you do


