However ________, the native people do have something in common.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
從句尾的in common,表明the native people有些共性,句首的however表轉(zhuǎn)折,所以選A。

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省啟東市東海中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

It is interesting to visit another country, but there are some problems when you don’t know the   31  very well. It may be   32  to talk with the people there. We may not know how to use the telephone in the country that we are visiting. We may not know how to buy   33   we need. In a   34  country we might not know where to eat or what to order in a  35 . It is not easy to decide how  36  to tip waiters or taxi drivers. When we need help, we might not know how to ask for help. It is not pleasant to have an experience   37  that.   38  a short time, however, we learn what to do and what to   39 . We learn to enjoy life in another country and then we may be   40 to leave.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆浙江省杭州市蕭山區(qū)義蓮片九年級(jí)10月月考英語(yǔ)卷 題型:閱讀理解

Two magazines recently listed the best cities to live in. Here are two of the cities listed as “the world’s best.”
SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA  The city has comfortable weather all year round (15℃ to 26℃). Housing is not very expensive in San Jose. Also, many of the city’s older neighborhoods are very beautiful and have small hotels and cafés.Beautiful mountains are around the city. Lots of people go sightseeing there every year. But air pollution is a problem in the city center.
HONG KONG, CHINA   This lively city—once a small fishing village—is today an international business center. It is an interesting mix of East and West, old and new. Modern tall buildings are next to small temples (廟宇). Popular nightclubs are close to traditional teahouses. Busy people fill the streets at all hours of the day. But outside the city, there are parks for walking or relaxing. Hong Kong is famous for its wonderful native dishes. There’s also food from Europe, North America, and other parts of Asia. However, this small city has a large population of nearly seven million! That’s why housing is often very expensive. Traffic and air pollution are also a problem.
【小題1】Which of the following is NOT mentioned about San Jose?

A.The weather.B.The mountains. C.The air.D.The traffic.
【小題2】What makes Hong Kong the world’s best according to this passage?
A.The lively city and the wonderful dishes.
B.The large population and the traffic.
C.The expensive housing.D.The beautiful temples.
【小題3】The writer thinks housing in Hong Kong is expensive because ________. is a small fishing is a mix of East and West is a beautiful cityD.there are too many people in the city
【小題4】What do the two cities have in common?
A.They both have beautiful mountains.B.They both have a large population.
C.Air pollution is a problem in both.D.They are both crowded.
【小題5】From the passage, we can know that       .
A.San Jose and Hong Kong are the only two cities of the world’s best
B.San Jose has more natural sights than Hong Kong does
C.the weather in both cities is fine
D.San Jose used to be small fishing village


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2011年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(安徽蕪湖卷)英語(yǔ)(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

The new book Harry Potter and the Half-Blood is warmly welcomed by the children in China. It sells well across China. You can see and hear the advertisements about the book here and there.
Why is the book so attractive (吸引人的) to children? After reading it, I was attracted by the magic world. I can not help asking: where is our own Harry Potter?
China has a long history and colorful culture. With a large market of teenagers, China published (出版) many popular books among children. However, why are the present books not as good as those foreign ones?
Firstly, quiet a number of children’s are of strong sense of teaching, and they have little interest. Reading them, children often have a feeling of being “educated”. Certainly, they don’t like them. Secondly, fewer children like the same stories, but most Chinese books are usually much the same. One knows the ending as early as in the beginning. Finally, the writers seldom think about children’s needs.
First-class Reading for children should be interesting, and written in their language.
【小題1】About the present Chinese children’s books, which is NOT right?

A.They have little interest.
B.Our writers seldom know children’s needs.
C.Most of them are the same
D.They are better than foreign ones.
【小題2】Harry Potter is so popular, because __________.’s the same as Chinese books can lead children into a wonderful world’s not written in children’s language’s advertised more often on TV or posters
【小題3】The Chinese meaning of the underlined phrase “First-class Reading” is _______.
【小題4】“Where is our own Harry Potter?” means __________.
A.the writer can’t find any books for children
B.Chinese presents should buy Harry Potter for their children
C.our children should learn from Harry Potter
D.Chinese writers should write better books for children
【小題5】Which is the best title (標(biāo)題) of the passage?
A.Ways to read books.B.A magic boy, Harry Potter.
C.Books and advertisements.D.Our children need better books.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2010—2011學(xué)年山西省盂縣第一中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期月考試題英語(yǔ)卷 題型:閱讀理解

Not long ago, the only time you could see a robot was when you were reading a novel or watching a movie such as Star Wars (星球大戰(zhàn)) . Today, however, a lot of things in science stories have been science facts. Robots are starting to appear in our everyday lives. These robots have different sizes, shapes, and colors. But they all have the same type of man-made “brain”. Leading the robot revolution (革命)are industrial(企業(yè)) robots that work in factories. Industrial(工業(yè)) robots can do different kinds of jobs that are often boring and sometimes dangerous. Robots are also coming to American homes, though not as quickly as they are entering factories. These robots aren’t as friendly and bright as those you saw in  Star Wars. But, their makers say, today’s home robots “walk”, sense objects(感知物體) in their way (and sometimes knock into them), and even carry objects (which they sometimes drop). Well, nobody is perfect.
We may laugh at home robot today, but some day they may see and hear better than humans do. We humans can only see certain wavelengths(波長(zhǎng)) of light, and hear certain sounds. That’s because the abilities of our eyes and ears are limited. Robots, however, need not have the same limits as we have. Robot may also be equipped with devices that pick up information humans can’t. To understand what their sensing devices(傳感器) pick up is a hard job. Remember, man—made brains handle(處理)information, including all kinds of data, as zeroes and ones. Imagine the difficulty in trying to explain to a robot what a football looks like—using only zeroes and ones.
【小題1】 From the passage, we can see that factory robots _________. to improve other types of robots
B.a(chǎn)re most active in industrial revolution
C.a(chǎn)re playing a more important role than other types of robots
D.a(chǎn)re the tallest type among robots
【小題2】 It seems that home robots are __________________.
A.more widely used than factory robots
B.less common than factory robots
C.capable of doing any kind of housework from making mistakes while performing(執(zhí)行) duties
【小題3】 Robots may deal with information that humans can’t. Which of the following is not one of the reasons?
A.They do not have so many limits as humans do.
B.They have man-made brains.
C.They may be equipped with a special kind of sensing device.
D.They handle information by using zeroes and ones.
【小題4】The development of robots suggests that _________. and technology are developing fast
B.people are interested in new inventions
C.machines are more capable than humans
D.robots can be very interesting
【小題5】 According to this passage, present home robots ________.
A.a(chǎn)re better than human in seeing and hearing
B.a(chǎn)re as capable as those in Star Wars
C.can pick up objects more quickly than humans
D.sometimes perform wrong actions


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012-2011學(xué)年江蘇省江陰市夏港中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:單詞拼寫

Every day cars kill or hurt many people on roads. Sometimes the drivers drive too fast or do not drive c  1  enough. Some of them break the traffic rules and cause accidents.
According to some researches, it is usually the pedestrians(行人)who cause the accidents. A lot of road users are very careless. They walk or run a  2 the roads in front of the cars. They walk in the roads but not on the walkways. They get i  3  or out of cars in the middle of the road. Some do not take the trouble to wait for the green lights and s   4 cross the roads against the red lights.
Many people think accidents often h   5 in busy roads in large cities, but this is not always t  6 For example, Tokyo is one of the world’s l  7  cities and probably one of the busiest cities; however ,there are a few a  8 to pedestrians. The reason is that the police there are very strict and the pedestrians are very careful. Pedestrians never cross against a red light and they always f  9 traffic rules.
Do you know alcohol(酒精)is a  10  main cause of traffic accidents? It delays people’s response. Those who have drunk alcohol are slow in making decisions. They n  11 a few more seconds to react(反應(yīng)).Alcohol drinking is e  12 dangerous for motor car drivers. It is not only drivers who may have accidents after drinking. drunken pedestrians may put their lives in danger as well.

