Can they play chess? No, ______

  1. A.
    they are
  2. B.
    they can
  3. C.
    they can’t
  4. D.
    an, He
根據(jù)后面no 的回答可知,選擇否定回答,保持一致。

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Lin Tao and Chen Hai are good friends. They are in the same class. They are in the same team. Lin Tao sits behind Chen Hai. Now it is four o'clock. School is over. They often go to play games after school. They can't look after their things very well. So their mothers don't give them watches. They don't have watches. They don't know the time. But they can ask a man under the big tree. His watch is very nice. They can also see the clock on the wall of the classroom. Now it's about five in the afternoon. It's time to go home. They must put on their clothes and go home.
【小題1】Where do Lin Tao and Chen Hai sit in the classroom?
A.They sit in the same row (排).B.Chen Hai sits behind Lin Tao.
C.They sit in the same class.D.Lin Tao sits behind Chen Hai.
【小題2】What do they do after school?
A.They go home.B.They do their homework.
C.They look after each other.D.They play games.
【小題3】Why don't they have watches?
A.Because they don't need watches.
B.Because they can't look after their things well.
C.Because their watches are in their desks.
D.Sorry, I don't know.
【小題4】How can they know the time?
A.They can see the teacher's watch
B.They can ask the man under the big tree.
C.They can go home and ask their mothers.
D.They can see the sun
【小題5】What time do they go home in the afternoon?
A.At about 10 a. m.B.At about 5 a. m.
C.At about 5 p. m.D.At about lo p. m.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇阜寧初三第一次調(diào)研英語卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

Yesterday I visited the Baihai Zoo.I was s­­­­­­  【小題1】   to find few people there.Zoos are very important places.They p  【小題2】   homes for many endangered animals.They also help to educate the public about caring f  【小題3】   them.If we don’t s  【小題4】   our zoos, they won’t have e  【小題5】   money to take care of so many fine animals.Therefore, people should go and visit the zoos m  【小題6】   often to learn about animals and help to protect them better.
H  【小題7】  , some people don’t think so.They think zoos are t  【小題8】   places for animals to live.“I’ve visited a lot of zoos in my life, and I have never seen o  【小題9】    I liked or one that was suitable for animals to live in.” Jenny said.‘The animals are k   【小題10】    in small cages and can hardly move at all.What’s more, they are only given food once a week.That’s terrible.”


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇無錫宜興實驗學(xué)校九年級5月中考適應(yīng)性考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:單詞拼寫

短文填空 先通讀下面的短文,然后根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容和所給首字母,在空格內(nèi)填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~,使短文意思完整。所填單詞必須在答卷標(biāo)有題號的橫線上完整寫出。(本大題共10空,每空0.5 分,共5分)
According to the school rules, students shall wear school uniforms. H       【小題1】, for most students, school uniforms are not w       【小題2】they like. “Why not wear the school uniform just one day a week? Always wearing the same clothes makes me feel b      【小題3】of them.” A senior sutdent from a high school said. Most studetns don’t like the school uniforms’ s       【小題4】colors, boring designs and bad quality. And a teacher at a high school in Guangzhou said. “ A      【小題5】a teacher and mother, I hope the quality of school uniforms will be i       【小題6】soon.” What has caused all these problems? Chen Hong, a uniform designer in Shenzhen, pointed out. “There are no professionals (專業(yè)人員) who work for students. “Besides, high quality m        【小題7】 a high price.” said Chen. “But in some schools the price for each student’s uniform is only 50 to 60 yuan. How can we p     【小題8】high quality clothes with so little money?”
Even with these problems, e       【小題9】has been put into changing the situation. It won’t be long b       【小題10】the perfect school uniforms come onto the market, which will remind the students of the values and history of their school and make them take pride in their school.


科目:初中英語 來源:2014年上海市閘北區(qū)中考一模英語試卷(解析版) 題型:單詞拼寫

The story behind the shopping cart


Sylvan Goldman – owner of a grocery shop

Fred Young – Sylvan’s friend, a mechanic(機(jī)械師)

One night in 1936, in an American city. Inside Fred’s workshop, Sylvan sits next to Fred, who is making adjustments(調(diào)試) to their new i? 1. – a shopping cart.

Sylvan:????????????? My customers don’t like our shopping cart.

Fred:????????????? Really? So they p? 2. shopping with those heavy baskets?

Sylvan:????????????? (nods) I’ve got a huge crowd of customers every day, b 3. none of them wants to use the cart.

Fred:????????????? I don’t understand. We invented the cart so that people don’t need to carry a basket around the shop.

Sylvan:????????????? (laughs) And so that they will buy more groceries!

Fred:????????????? So why don’t they like the shopping cart?

Sylvan:????????????? Young men think that pushing a cart around makes them look w 4. and slow, and young women think it’s unfashionable.

Fred:????????????? Of course it isn’t fashionable right now. It’s only just been invented! But I’m sure older people will appreciate it.

Sylvan:????????????? Um…

Fred:????????????? What? They don’t like the cart e? 5.? ?

Sylvan:????????????? Well, they think pushing it makes them look helpless!

Fred:????????????? Oh no. We need to do something, Fred. We can’t just g? 6. up on this invention!

Sylvan:????????????? We won’t. (He gets up and walks around the room. Suddenly, he stops.) Aha! I’ve got an idea.

Fred:????????????? What is it?

Sylvan:????????????? I’ll hire(雇傭) some good-looking guys and girls to push the carts around and pretend they’re shopping.

Fred:????????????? Oh! So the real shoppers will see these attractive people using the carts and think, “Hey, if it’s good enough for them, it’s good enough for me!”

Sylvan:????????????? E 7. .

Fred:????????????? Hey! Maybe you could get one of the girls to greet your customers and encourage them to use the cart.

Sylvan:????????????? Great idea!



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆山東泰安第十中學(xué)八年級下期期末模擬考試英語卷(解析版) 題型:選詞填空


Long, long ago there was a bad king. All of his people h  1.   him.

One hot day he was taking a walk along a river when he decided to have a swim in it. He was a good s  2.   . But while he was in the river, he s  3. fell ill, and was nearly drowned(淹死). At that time two f  4. were working in the field n  5.They came over, jumped into the river, and he was 6.   . They didn’t know who he was until they p  7.   him out of the water.

The king was happy. He said to the two farmers, “Ask for a  8.  , I’ll give it to you. I’m the r  9.   in the world. And today you have saved my life.”

One of them answered, “You can do one thing for us.” “What is it?” asked the king. He thought that they would ask for a lot of money.

“Don’t tell a  10.  that we have saved you.”


