Strong earthquakes hit the east of Japan in the afternoon of March 11, causing several meter-high tsunami(海嘯), which killed more than 10,000 people in areas along the coast. Several nuclear plants(核電站) at the coast were broken by the earthquake and tsunami. People living near the plants have been asked to move away. People living within 30 kilometers of the first plant are asked to stay indoors and close all windows.
The breaking of the nuclear plants is causing electricity shortages(電力短缺) in Eastern Japan. As a result, electricity is cut off for 3-hour periods in the area of Tokyo and some other areas during daytime. In order to save electricity, some shops, restaurants and tourist places in the areas are closed for some time every day.  But all major airports and train lines are still open and operating.
For the above reasons, tourists are advised not to visit the eastern areas in the near future. Visits to Western Japan are not affected by the event. People who plan to travel over the coming weeks and months are advised to pay attention to the situation for a few more days before making decisions.
【小題1】This passage may probably be written by a _____.

A.scientistB.travelerC.story reporter
【小題2】People living near the plants were asked to move away because _____.
A.there would be more earthquakes and tsunamis
B.several nuclear plants had been broken
C.there were serious electricity shortages
D.their houses were washed away by the tsunami
【小題3】They closed some shops and restaurants for some time every day to____
A.a(chǎn)void making electricity shortages even worse
B.a(chǎn)void more people getting together
C.rebuild their broken buildings
D.keep away from nuclear radiation(核輻射)
【小題4】Which of the following is right?
A.The earthquake happened before the tsunami.
B.The earthquake happened after the tsunami.
C.There was no electricity in Eastern Japan.
D.People were not allowed to visit Western Japan.


【小題2】細(xì)節(jié)理解題,由文中語句“Several nuclear plants(核電站) at the coast were broken by the earthquake and tsunami. People living near the plants have been asked to move away”可知。
【小題3】細(xì)節(jié)理解題,由文中語句“In order to save electricity, some shops, restaurants and tourist places in the areas are closed for some time every day.”可知。
【小題4】細(xì)節(jié)理解題,由文中語句“Strong earthquakes hit the east of Japan in the afternoon of March 11, causing several meter-high tsunami(海嘯),”可知。


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年天津市北辰區(qū)五校八年級12月聯(lián)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

In the middle of a dark forest, there lives an owl(貓頭鷹). All the animals know that he is the wisest(聰明的) among all of them. So they often go to him and tell him their troubles. Then the owl always teaches them what they should do.
One day, a little bird goes up to the owl. She is crying. “what’s wrong with you?” asks the owl.
“I’m not happy at all. I don’t want to be a bird,” the bird says.
“Why don’t you want to be a bird?” asks the owl.
“I am so small, weak and useless,” she cries. “I want to be big and strong like the lion. He is very important, but I am not”
Then the owl whispers(耳語) something in her ear. At once the bird dries her tears and goes away. One week later, the bird came back. “Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl,” she says to the owl. “I am very happy now. Every day, I sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for(監(jiān)視) lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my voice. Then my friend all run and hide. They are very thankful to me. I am useful and important now”
The wise owl smiles and says, “No one in this world is useless.”
【小題1】The animals in the forest visit the owl because_____________

A.they are all afraid of him
B.the owl can help them when they don’t feel well
C.the owl can tell them what they should do when they have some problems.
D.they are wiser than the owl.
【小題2】The little bird is not happy because______________
A.the lion often beats her
B.she thinks she is too small, weak and useless
C.she wants to kill the lion
D.she is very important.
【小題3】The owl tells the bird_______________
A.that she is stronger than the lions and the tigers
B.that she must be happy
C.that she must run and hide sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for lions and tigers
【小題4】The underlined word “tears” means “_______” in Chinese.
【小題5】From the story we know ______________.
A.the bird’s friends are very thankful to her because she drives the tigers and lions away(趕走)
B.the lions and tigers run away when they hear the bird’s voice
C.the bird thinks that she is useful and important now
D.the owl is useless.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年江蘇省東臺市第一教研片九年級12月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

When this story happened, they were working around a very large house. Their job was to do the cleaning. It was not a difficult job, but sometimes it was a little dangerous, because they had to walk below where workmen were working. Often these workmen dropped something from the top of the house many meters high to the ground.

One morning Joe was working near the house with a cigarette behind one of his ears. Suddenly somebody on the top shouted, "Look out!" But Joe did not "look out". He looked up. And as he did so, a long knife missed Joe's head, but it cut off one of his ears. At once he put his hand to one side of his head and cried out, "I've lost an ear. Help! Help!"

Jeff ran up to help his friend. "Look for my ear," Joe told him. "It must be on the ground somewhere." Jeff looked everywhere for the missing ear. At last he found an ear on the ground. He picked it up and carried it to Joe. "Here you are," he said, "I've found it." Joe looked at it. "No, that's not my ear." he said, "Mine had a cigarette behind it."

1.What were Joe and Jeff?

A. Soldiers.                 B. Drivers.          C. Farmers.        D. Cleaners.

2.How did Joe lose his ear?

A. He cut it off by himself.          B. Jeff cut it off with a knife.

C. A falling knife cut it off.           D. A cigarette burned it up.

3. From the passage, we know Joe  was not _______.

A. strong            B. kind                C. foolish    D. clever

4.Which is the most possible title for this passage?

A. A Lost Ear              B. A Busy Cleaner

C. A Falling Knife          D. A forgetful Man



科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆天津市北辰區(qū)五校八年級12月聯(lián)考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

In the middle of a dark forest, there lives an owl(貓頭鷹). All the animals know that he is the wisest(聰明的) among all of them. So they often go to him and tell him their troubles. Then the owl always teaches them what they should do.

One day, a little bird goes up to the owl. She is crying. “what’s wrong with you?” asks the owl.

“I’m not happy at all. I don’t want to be a bird,” the bird says.

“Why don’t you want to be a bird?” asks the owl.

“I am so small, weak and useless,” she cries. “I want to be big and strong like the lion. He is very important, but I am not”

Then the owl whispers(耳語) something in her ear. At once the bird dries her tears and goes away. One week later, the bird came back. “Oh, thank you very much. You are a very wise owl,” she says to the owl. “I am very happy now. Every day, I sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for(監(jiān)視) lions and tigers. When they come near, I shout at the top of my voice. Then my friend all run and hide. They are very thankful to me. I am useful and important now”

The wise owl smiles and says, “No one in this world is useless.”

1.The animals in the forest visit the owl because_____________

A.they are all afraid of him

B.the owl can help them when they don’t feel well

C.the owl can tell them what they should do when they have some problems.

D.they are wiser than the owl.

2.The little bird is not happy because______________

A.the lion often beats her

B.she thinks she is too small, weak and useless

C.she wants to kill the lion

D.she is very important.

3.The owl tells the bird_______________

A.that she is stronger than the lions and the tigers

B.that she must be happy

C.that she must run and hide sit on top of the tallest tree and watch for lions and tigers

4.The underlined word “tears” means “_______” in Chinese.

A.眼珠             B.汗水             C.眼淚             D.雨水

5.From the story we know ______________.

A.the bird’s friends are very thankful to her because she drives the tigers and lions away(趕走)

B.the lions and tigers run away when they hear the bird’s voice

C.the bird thinks that she is useful and important now

D.the owl is useless.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省儀征市初一下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷 題型:完型填空

Mrs. Ball has a son. His name is Mick. She __1__ him very much and as he is not a __2 __ child, she is always __3__ that he may be ill, __4__ she takes him to see the best __5__ in the town four times a year and the doctor always looks him over__6__.

During one of these __7__, the doctor gives Mick all kinds of tests and then says to him, “Do you have any __8__ with your nose or ears these days?” Mick __9__ for a second and then answers, “Yes, I __10__.”

Mrs. Ball is very __11__. “But I’m sure you don’t tell me about__12__, Mick!” She says worriedly. “Oh, really?” Says the doctor seriously(嚴(yán)肅地). “And what trouble do you have __13__ your nose and ears, my boy?”“Well,” answers Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m __14__ my sweater off, because the __15__ is very tight(緊).”




















































































科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Mrs. Ball had a son. His name was Mick. She __1__ him very much and as he was not a __2 __ child, she was always __3__ that he might be ill, __4__ she used to take him to see the best __5__ in the town four times a year to be looked __6__.
  During one of these __7__, the doctor gave Mick all kinds of tests and then said to him, “Have you had any __8__ with your nose or ears recently?” Mick __9__ for a second and then answered, “Yes, I __10__.”
  Mrs. Ball was very __11__. “But I’m sure you have __12__ told me that, Mick!” She said worriedly. “Oh, really?” Said the doctor __13__. “And what trouble have you with your nose and ears, my boy?” “Well,” answered Mick, “I always have trouble with them when I’m __14__ my sweater off, because the __15__ is very tight.”

  1. A. loved            B. hated         C. missed              D. cared
  2. A. rich               B. clever        C. strong               D. happy
  3. A. afraid            B. surprised    C. glad                  D. sure
  4. A. which            B. for             C. but                   D. so
  5. A. player           B. teacher       C. doctor               D. lawyer
  6. A. round            B. over           C. for                    D. after
  7. A. talks                     B. years          C. visits                 D. stays
  8. A. answer          B. thing          C. word                 D. trouble
  9. A. waited           B. thought      C. stood                D. looked
  10. A. did                     B. will           C. have                 D. do
  11. A. excited         B. interested   C. pleased              D. surprised
  12. A. already        B. just            C. never                D. always
  13. A. angrily        B. seriously    C. happily             D. carefully
  14. A. turning        B. taking        C. keeping             D. putting
  15. A. collar          B. nose           C. mouth               D. ear

