句型轉(zhuǎn)換 根據(jù)要求完成下列句子

96. My mother spends about 30 minutes cooking dinner for us every day.(同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)

   It _______ my mother 30 minutes _______ cook dinner for us every day.

97. He seldom plays football after school. (對劃線部分提問)

   ________ _______ does he play football after school?

98. There are some old sheep under the trees. (改為單數(shù))

   There ______ _______ old sheep under the tree.

99. Please give me ten apples. (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)

   Please _______ ten apples _______ me.

100. How do you like your new diet? (同義句轉(zhuǎn)換)

    _______ do you ______ of your new diet?


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Which symbol has the meaning of “percent”?

  A. ﹥ B.! C.∵ D. %


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

A gentleman stopped his car at the door of a flower shop. He planned to order flowers and asked the shopkeeper to deliver them to his mother, who was far away in his hometown.

The gentleman saw a little girl crying on the road before he entered the shop. The gentleman asked her: “Why are you crying?”

“I want to buy a rose for my mother, but I haven’t got enough money,” said the girl.

The gentleman took the girl’s hand and entered the flower shop. He first ordered the bouquet (花束) for his mother and bought a rose for the girl.

When he was walking out of the shop, the gentleman asked the girl if she would like a ride home.

“Will you really drive me home?” she asked.

“Of course,” the gentleman replied.

“Then drive me to my mother. But the place where my mother lives is very far.”

The gentleman drove along the mountain road and finally came to the cemetery (墓地).

The little girl put the flower onto a new grave (墳?zāi)?. In order to send a rose to her mother who had died a month before, she had gone on a very long journey.

The gentleman drove the girl to her home and then returned to the flower shop. He cancelled(取消)the bouquet and bought a big bunch (束) of fresh flowers instead. He drove directly to his mother’s home, a five-hour drive from here. He would send the flowers to his mother in person.

(   )42. The word “deliver” in Paragraph 1 means “______________”.

A. give                 B. take                  C.  send                      D. bring

(   )43. Why was the little girl crying?

A. Because her mother died.             B. Because she lost her money.

C. Because she lost her way home.    D. Because she couldn’t afford a rose.

(   )44. The little girl asked the gentleman to drive her ______________.

A. to her home    B. to her school     C. to a cemetery    D. to a mountain

(   )45. We can tell from the story that ___________.

A. The little girl loves her mother very much

B. The gentleman doesn’t care about his mother

C. The little girl’s mother lives far away from her home

D. The gentleman’s mother passed away a month ago



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

---You look hungry. Would you like some bread?

--- ______. I would like some hamburgers.

  A. Yes, please     B. No, thanks       C. Yes, I’d like to  D. Yes, thank you


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

       One morning, the students of Class Three, Grade One are having an English lesson. Mr. Zhang finds Li Lei doesn’t listen to him. He goes to Li Lei and has a look. Oh, Li Lei is drawing a boy.

   The teacher asks Li Lei to stand up. “Do you like drawing?”

   “Yes, Mr. Zhang,” answers Li Lei. “And I draw very well.”

“You can draw after class, I think,” says the teacher. “You can’t draw anything in class.”

   “You are wrong, Mr. Zhang. I can draw when I have an Art class. And I like it very much,” says Li Lei with a smile.

   “You are right. And you must draw one hundred boys before the class is over,” says the teacher angrily.

   After five minutes, Li Lei finishes drawing and puts up his hand. The teacher looks at the picture and asks, “I ask you to draw one hundred boys. But you draw only two. One is standing at the door and the other is standing in front of the window. Where are the others?”

“The others are sitting in the classroom. You can’t see them,” answers Li Lei.

66. What is Mr. Zhang?

  A. He is a Chinese teacher.                 B. He is a Maths teacher.

  C. He is an Art teacher.                           D. He is an English teacher.

67. The underlined sentence in Paragraph 4 means that       .

  A. the boy can draw something               B. the boy can’t draw in art class

  C. the boy can’t draw in an English class D. the boy likes drawing after class

68. How many boys does Li Lei draw?

  A. Two.                 B. Ten.              C. One.                    D. One hundred.

69. What does Li Lei like?

  A. Playing football.    B. Drawing.        C. Studying.                D. Watching TV.

70. How many boys does Mr. Zhang ask Li Lei to draw?

A. Two.                 B. One hundred.     C. Three.                  D. One.



科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 —Do you have any Swiss watches in the shop?

—__________, you should wait until next week.

 A. Nothing     B. Something   C.None       D. No one


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

— I think his suggestion is worth __________of carefully.

— I agree __________ you.

      A. thinking; with   B. thinking; to    C. to think; with D. to think; to


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解


Taking kids to the movies sounds fun. Now we recommend that you read about our suggestions.

Choose the right movie

(1)Be sure that you’ve chosen a suitable film for your __________ and that the running time(持續(xù)時(shí)間) isn’t too __________. Avoid (避免) opening days, especially with younger children, as too many people can mean long lines and more noise.

Pre-purchase(預(yù)購) the tickets, and bring your own snacks

Save your time at ticket counters (售票處) and snack bars, and get organized before you leave the house. (2) You can buy your tickets online, and bringing snacks from home saves money as well as time. You can bring a family-sized box of popcorn to share. Also, bringing small drinks can help to avoid toilet-trips.

Let the kids know the rules (規(guī)則)

It’s time to talk about a few rules. Make sure your children know the usual cinema rules about being quiet, staying in their seats and not disturbing other movie-goers. Ask them to remind you of the rules before you go into the cinema — that’ll make sure they remember. Make sure the kids (and you) are well-rested.

Save the attention span (注意力的持續(xù)時(shí)間) for the movie

Trying to get your children to sit still through two hours of anything can be difficult. Make it easy on them by skipping the endless previews (預(yù)告片) and advertisements at the start of a film. Ask about the exact (確切) time the main feature will start and don’t get into the theatre until then.

91.在(1)句空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~:___________  ___________

92.把(2) 劃線句子翻譯成中文:_______________________________________

93.回答問題: How many suggestions does the text mention?



It’s difficult to let your children sit quietly in their seats for two hours.





科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 It’s five years _____ our teacher came to Jiangyan.

              A. since                B. when                C. although          D. if

