Fill in each blank with the right verb.

How ________ you ________ (go) to school?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源: 題型:

An old man has spent all his life in a small village which is far from the city. One day, someone told him some interesting things about the city. He was so amazed at it that he decided to visit it. Everything was new and strange to him. The old man got excited and visited a lot of interesting places. Then he went into a large tall building and saw a lift. He didn’t know what it was used for. As he was watching it, an old woman got into the lift and the door closed behind her. After a few minutes, the door opened and a very beautiful young girl came out. The old man was very surprised. “What an interesting little room!” he said to himself, “Terrific, it can change an old woman into a young girl. I will be here with my wife next time.”
Fill in each blank according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.
From the passage, we know that the old man went to the city for the【小題1】 __________ time. He was very excited and surprised at what he saw. He didn’t know what the lift 【小題2】__________. One day, he saw that an old woman 【小題3】__________ the lift, then after a while a very beautiful girl came out, he decided to 【小題4】 __________ his wife here and 【小題5】 __________ her beautiful and young the next time.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011年浙江省杭州市中考英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:其他題

An old man has spent all his life in a small village which is far from the city. One day, someone told him some interesting things about the city. He was so amazed at it that he decided to visit it. Everything was new and strange to him. The old man got excited and visited a lot of interesting places. Then he went into a large tall building and saw a lift. He didn’t know what it was used for. As he was watching it, an old woman got into the lift and the door closed behind her. After a few minutes, the door opened and a very beautiful young girl came out. The old man was very surprised. “What an interesting little room!” he said to himself, “Terrific, it can change an old woman into a young girl. I will be here with my wife next time.”

Fill in each blank according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

From the passage, we know that the old man went to the city for the1. __________ time. He was very excited and surprised at what he saw. He didn’t know what the lift 2.__________. One day, he saw that an old woman 3.__________ the lift, then after a while a very beautiful girl came out, he decided to 4. __________ his wife here and 5. __________ her beautiful and young the next time.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:2011年廣東省河源市中考英語(yǔ)試卷 題型:其他題

An old man has spent all his life in a small village which is far from the city. One day, someone told him some interesting things about the city. He was so amazed at it that he decided to visit it. Everything was new and strange to him. The old man got excited and visited a lot of interesting places. Then he went into a large tall building and saw a lift. He didn’t know what it was used for. As he was watching it, an old woman got into the lift and the door closed behind her. After a few minutes, the door opened and a very beautiful young girl came out. The old man was very surprised. “What an interesting little room!” he said to himself, “Terrific, it can change an old woman into a young girl. I will be here with my wife next time.”

Fill in each blank according to the passage. Only one word for each blank.

From the passage, we know that the old man went to the city for the1. __________ time. He was very excited and surprised at what he saw. He didn’t know what the lift 2.__________. One day, he saw that an old woman 3.__________ the lift, then after a while a very beautiful girl came out, he decided to 4. __________ his wife here and 5. __________ her beautiful and young the next time.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:0108 期末題 題型:閱讀理解

Fill in each blank with a word according to the information given.
    Once in a while I was teaching English at a college in Boston, a foreign student came to class and was happy
with the first snow he has ever seen. Very excited, he shyly said to me, "I am writing a poem (詩(shī)) about the
    The next day, after more snow had fallen, he said he had bought boots but was having "much trouble with
slipping (滑) and falling." 
    After another heavy snow, I met my foreign student on the playground with deep snow. "How are you?" "I
have thrown away my poem."
1. Once in a while the writer was teaching _______ at a college in ________.
2. The student was so happy with the first snow he has ever seen that he wanted to _______ a ______.
3. The story doesn't say this, but we can know from it that it _______  _______ in the student's own
4. When the teacher asked how the student was, she wanted to know if he was _______  _______ with snow
5. It was not easy for the foreign student _______  _______ balance in the snow.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來源:月考題 題型:閱讀理解

Reading comprehension.
    I've got some information for everyone going to Britain next month. As you know, you'll be staying with
a family for two weeks. Now the most important thing is money. You should take about £30 in cash (現(xiàn)金)
and about £200 in traveler cheques (支票). Then when you arrive at the airport you'll be met by our host
(主人) family. You must remember to wear a red shirt so the family will find you easily. I've told them to
look out for the red shirts. You'll also need to take with you 4 photos of yourself and, of course, it's very
important that you take the school letter. While you are there, if you have any problems, you can call our
agent. I'll give you her office phone number now. it's 580-4436 and the person to ask for is Mrs. Belcher,
that's B-E-L-C-H-E-R. She's in the office from 9:00 a.m -5: 00 p.m. every day. OK! That's everything.
Have a good trip.
Fill in each blank according to the passage. (根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容填空, 詞數(shù)不限)
Traveler cheques: (1)_________       Wear: (2)_________
Take: (3)________                          Office phone number: (4)_________
Ask for: (5)_________

