
  This is a story about Geneva Emmons who got a prize for growing pumpkins.

  Geneva Emmons saw a p  1   of an 827-pound pumpkin in a newspaper and thought she could do b  2  .Nine years later, she took part in a pumpkin competition(比賽)in Oregon, USA, with a pumpkin of 1,262 pounds!

  Geneva set the world’s record for the biggest pumpkin and w  3   worldwide fame.But how did she grow such a BIG v  4  ?Emmons said:“Good seed(種子), good soil(土壤), good w  5  , and good luck.”

  Geneva Emmons is l  6   to get enough help.She had an assistant who studies the soil, a husband who gave the technical(技術(shù))help, and a son who b  7   a cart(推車(chē))to carry the pumpkin.The pumpkin set the record, but it was c  8  , because two other pumpkins were as h  9   as 1,000 pounds.

  The pumpkin will be carved(雕刻)by some a  10   of an art museum for kids in Washington.












1.picture/photo 2.better 3.won 4.vegetable 5.weather 6.lucky 7.built 8.close 9.heavy 10.a(chǎn)rtists


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:黃岡重點(diǎn)作業(yè)·初二英語(yǔ)(下) 題型:053


  Mr Parker was living in the country. One day he wanted to go to an office in the c 1 . He took out of the k 2 , got i 3 his car and drove to the city. He drove to the office and stopped in front of the door. He locked his car a 4 started to go into the office, but then he turned and went b 5 to his car.“I left my keys in the car!”he said to himself. He telephoned his wife and said,“Excuse me, I locked my keys in the car. Please b 6 me y 7 .”

  Mrs Parker got into their second car and drove twenty miles to help her h 8 . But when he was waiting for her, he walked a 9 his car and tried the other door. It wasn't locked t But he locked it q 10 before his wife came.

1.c________  2.k________

3.i________  4.a(chǎn)________

5.b________  6.b________

7.y________  8.h________

9.a(chǎn)________  10.q________


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:黃岡重點(diǎn)作業(yè)·初二英語(yǔ)(下) 題型:053


  A Chinese visitor called Wu Dong went for a walk one Friday evening in the m 1 of England. He was w 2 some friends. They went p 3 a busy restaurant called“TGIF”. “What does‘TGIF’mean?”He asked his friends.

  “‘TGIF’means ‘Thank goodness, its F 4 ’.” They laughed.

  “Most people feel very p 5 when the weekend comes, some of them enjoy g 6 to a restaurant on Friday evening.

  “Don't you have the s 7 thing in China?”asked one of them.

  “M 8 people in China are very hard-working,”Wu Dong answered ,“The w 9 are also Saturday and Sunday. We also h 10 a lot of‘TGIF’restaurants.”

1.m________  2.w________

3.p________  4.F________

5.p________  6.g________

7.s________  8.M________

9.w________  10.h________


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:百分百學(xué)生作業(yè)本 課時(shí)3練1測(cè) 七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) 人教目標(biāo)版 題型:053


  I am a businessman.My job is to s   1   computers.I work very h   2  .Every morning I get up at seven.I do some e   3   and have a light breakfast.Then I d   4   to my office.It takes me forty minutes, so I usually get there e   5   than others.

  I am very busy.I think every minute c   6  , so I plan(計(jì)劃)my work very carefully.I k   7   a diary(日記)to help me remember things.I meet and t   8   with many people.I m   9   a lot of telephone calls.I often go out and visit people.I t   10   to cities in the USA and many foreign countries like China, Japan and India.

1.s ________ 2.h ________ 3.e ________ 4.d ________ 5.e ________

6.c ________ 7.k ________ 8.t ________ 9.m ________ 10.t ________


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:百分百學(xué)生作業(yè)本 課時(shí)3練1測(cè) 七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) 人教目標(biāo)版 題型:053


While I was growing up, I never h   1   a guitar.I t   2   piano lessons and p   3   trumpet in our school band, but I never had a chance to study how to play the guitar.Sometimes I really regretted it, too.It seemed that guitar p   4   had all the f   5  .When they got out their instrument, everybody wanted to gather a   6   and sing a   7  .But who wants to sing along w   8   a trumpet player?Finally, in 1990, I decided to get a guitar and take lessons.After s   9   around, I bought a nice guitar, I started learning to play the guitar.I even began playing“the music of the masters”like Bach and Beethoven.It's really g   10   to have my guitar around.

1.h ________ 2.t ________ 3.p ________ 4.p ________ 5.f ________

6.a(chǎn) ________ 7.a(chǎn) ________ 8.w ________ 9.s ________ 10.g ________


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:百分百學(xué)生作業(yè)本 課時(shí)3練1測(cè) 七年級(jí)英語(yǔ)下冊(cè) 人教目標(biāo)版 題型:053


There are many d   1   kinds of stars in the world, such as(諸如)singing stars, f   2   stars and football stars.T   3   are famous(著名的)people and many people like them.As we know, Michael Jackson is a singing star b   4   he sings very well.Julia Roberts is a film star because she acts(表演)q   5   well.David Beckham is a football star because he p   6   football well.People all over(遍及)the world like David Beckham because he is not only(不但)very handsome(英俊瀟灑的)but also(而且)t   7  .He h   8   a h   9   family.His wife is Victoria Beckham, a member of the Spicy Girls.They have three s   10  

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________

