On December 5th, 2013, Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, died at the age of 95.

He was born in Transkei, South Africa on July 18, 1918.When he was a child, he worshiped(崇拜) national heroes very much. After he graduated from the university, he threw himself into the struggle(斗爭(zhēng)) for anti-apartheid (反種族隔離制度). He was sentenced to life imprisonment(終身監(jiān)禁) and was in prison(監(jiān)獄) for 27 years. In 1994, Mandela became the first black president in the history of South Africa. In his life, he won nearly 100 awards. In 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

   Mandela also paid close attention to AIDS. He established AIDS Foundation(艾滋病基金)named after him. As we all know that Africans love sports very much. In order to hold the 2010 World Cup, he also did his best, though he was very old and weak. The World Cup of South Africa began on June 11, 2010. This was not only a football match for Africans but something more. It was filled with his strong wish—peace and unity(團(tuán)結(jié)). Mandela got the respect from all over the world. So South African people said, “Our nation has lost its greatest son, our people have lost a father.” Now, the birthday of Mandela, July 18th, became an international festival—the International Mandela Day.

1.Who was Nelson Mandela?

A. Former President of South Africa           B. A football player

C. An AIDS patient                          D. A thief

2.How old was he when he died?

A. 74                                     B. 95                            C. 27                            D.75

3.What does “sentenced” mean in Chinese?                 

A.  句子                      B. 練習(xí)                       C.宣判                    D. 暗殺   

4.When is the International Mandela Day?

A. June 18                     B. June 11              C. January 18          D. July 18

5.Which of the following is NOT true about the passage?

A. Mandela was put into the prison because he was a thief.

B. Mandela loved peace and freedom.

C. Mandela got the respect of the world.

D. Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize.











1.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)On December 5th, 2013, Nelson Mandela, former President of South Africa, 描述,可知曼德拉是南非的前總統(tǒng)。故選A。

2.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)died at the age of 95.描述,可知曼德拉死于95歲。故選B。

3.詞義猜測(cè)題。聯(lián)系下文to life imprisonment(終身監(jiān)禁) and was in prison(監(jiān)獄) for 27 years.描述,可知此處指的是,他被判終身監(jiān)禁。故選C。

4.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)最后一段Now, the birthday of Mandela, July 18th, became an international festival—the International Mandela Day.描述,可知國際曼德拉日在七月十八日。故選D。

5.細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)After he graduated from the university, he threw himself into the struggle(斗爭(zhēng)) for anti-apartheid (反種族隔離制度).描述,可知曼德拉被投入監(jiān)獄的原因是因?yàn)樗磳?duì)種族隔離制度。故選項(xiàng)A描述錯(cuò)誤。




科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省南京市鼓樓區(qū)中考一模英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:完型填空

It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.
I was the nurse on duty that day. I didn't think there would be any patients. Just then five bodies   1    at my desk, a pale woman and four small children.
“Are you all sick?” I asked.
“Yes,” she said   2   , lowering her head.
But when they described their problems, things got a little strange. Two of the children had headaches, but they didn’t show any    3  of headaches at all. Two children had earaches, but only one could tell me which ear was affected. The mother  4  of a cough but seemed to work to produce it.
I didn't say anything,  5 I explained that they might wait for a little while before a doctor saw her. She answered, “Take your time; it's warm here.”
I checked the chart after another nurse had finished registering(登記) the family. No 6  —they were homeless. The waiting room was warm.
I looked at the family by the Christmas tree. The littlest one was pointing at the television and saying something to her mother. The oldest one was looking at lights on the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses' station and mentioned we had a homeless family in the waiting room. The nurses who felt bored with  7  Christmas, turned to compassion((憐憫) for the family just trying to get warm on Christmas. The team went into action. We began to prepare a party for our Christmas  8 . We needed presents. We put together oranges and apples in a basket. We collected from different departments candies, crayons and other things available that could be presents.
   9 , as the family walked to the door to leave, the four-year-old child came running back, gave me a hug and    10 , “Thanks for being our angels today.”

A.set upB.put upC.cheered upD.showed up
A.explainedB.expressed C.complainedD.compared
A.nurses B.doctorsC.guestsD.patients


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省通州市中考網(wǎng)閱適應(yīng)性測(cè)試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

On December 23, 2008, Niu Niu held a piano concert at the national Grand Theater (國家大劇院). As an eleven-year-old boy, he became the youngest pianist ever to perform a concert at the theater.
Never too young to learn
Niu Niu was born into a musical family in Xiamen. His father Zhang was a piano teacher. Niu Niu grew up listening to his father’s students playing the piano. At just three years old, Niu Niu asked his father to teach him to play, too.
“I gave Niu Niu some sheet music and helped him find the eight notes when he first played the piano. To my surprise, he played nearly 80 percent correct,” said the father. He used to think that three years old is too young an age to learn piano, but Niu Niu changed his mind. He continued to allow Niu Niu to watch his teaching of other students and gave him more sheet music to play.
Playing for fun
Zhang started teaching Niu Niu standard piano lessons when he was four. Unlike many other piano teachers, Zhang didn’t insist that Niu Niu play strictly with the correct finger positioning (位置). He said that the strict finger positioning would rob some kids of fun of playing. So Niu Niu could play in his own way. He could play the tone successfully. But Niu Niu was required to play the music without looking at the sheet music. Now he can remember about 80 pages.
Rising to fame
In 2003, at the age of 6, Niu Niu successfully held a sole concert in his hometown Xiamen. At the age of 8, he gave a performance at the International Piano Festival in France. At the age of 10, Niu Niu played in London and his performance was praised by Prince Charles. Last year, this young pianist published his first album “Niu Niu Plays Mozart” and over 10,000 copies have been sold in the world.
We are very glad to see a young Chinese pianist rising in the music world.
【小題1】How old was Niu Niu when he performed a concert at the National Grand Theater?
【小題2】What was Niu Niu’s father?
【小題3】What did Niu Niu’s father feel when Niu Niu played nearly 80 percent of the sheet music correct?
【小題4】What did Niu Niu’s father say about the strict finger positioning?
【小題5】What do you think of Zhang’s way of teaching his son Niu Niu? (請(qǐng)自擬一句話作答)


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇南京溧水縣六校九年級(jí)12月學(xué)情調(diào)研聯(lián)考測(cè)試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Special Offers

【小題1】The information above is probably taken from                   .

A.a(chǎn) sports reportB.a(chǎn) story book
C.a(chǎn) fashion magazineD.a(chǎn)n advertisement poster
【小題2】If the price of the book is 40 yuan, you need to pay                   .
A.4 yuanB.36 yuanC.40 yuanD.44 yuan
【小題3】You can get another tie for free                    at LOTTE-Mart’s Menswear.
A.on November 9B.on November 11
C.on December 10D.on Christmas Day
【小題4】How long can you park your car for free at most after spending 108 yuan in RT-Mart?
A.1 hour.B.5 hours.C.6 hours.D.7 hours.
【小題5】What can Tom get for free after he has spent 7 yuan at Mike’s Café?
A.A soft drink.B.The best hamburgers.
C.The best snacks.D.A delicious meal


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江西省九年級(jí)第一次段考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


The Longest Bicycle

The longest true bicycle was 28.1 meters long and had two wheels. It was built by the students at the  Delft  University  of Technology  in  the Netherlands. The bicycle was ridden more than 100 meters in Delft on December 11, 2002.  The Most Expensive Jeans

A pair of Levis jeans which was over 115 years old then was sold by Randy Knight to a Japanese buyer over the Internet on June 15, 2005. The jeans cost the buyer $60,000.

The Heaviest Apple

The heaviest apple weighed 1.849 kilos. It was grown by Chisato Iwasaki on his apple farm in Japan. Chisato picked the apple on October 24, 2005.                                    The Largest Mobile Phone

The Iargest mobile phone was the Sony Ericsson W810i. It was 2.50×1.14×0.49m and was measured (量) at the MTN Scien Centre in Cape Town, South Africa, on September 20, 2007.

1.The longest bicycle ______.

A. was made in the USA.

B. couldn't be ridden

C. was about 100 meters long

D. had only two wheels

2.Which of the following is NOT true about the most expensive pair of jeans?

A.It was sold over the Internet.

B.It cost the buyer $60,000.

C.It was sold to an American buyer.

D.It is more than 100 years old now.

3.According to the passage, what happened on October 24, 2005?

A.The heaviest apple was grown.

B.The longest bicycle was built.

C.The largest mobile phone was made.

D.The heaviest apple was picked.



科目:初中英語 來源:2010年遼寧省大連市七年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

My favorite physicist (物理學(xué)家) is Qian Xuesen. He was born in Shanghai on December 11, 1911. He was a little fat and of medium height. And his eyes were wise. He liked music, art and science (科學(xué)).

He studied the important implementation (實(shí)施) plan for the Chinese rocket (火箭) and the missile (導(dǎo)彈). He worked very hard for our country. I liked him very much.

Qian Xuesen had famous words: I am very tiny (微小的). It is the Chinese people that are truly great!

Qian Xuesen died on October 31, 2009. I’m very sad to hear the news, and Chinese people are the same as me. He is our hero. We should learn from him and I think I won’t forget the great scientist for ever.

1.Qian Xuesen died at the age of _______.

   A. 68      B. 78     C. 88     D. 98

2.According to the passage, what’s Qian Xuesen’s hobby?

   A. He liked playing the piano.     B. He liked piano and science.

   C. He like maths, art and science.   D. He liked music, art and science.

3.Which of the following sentence is NOT true?

   A. Qian Xuesen was born in Beijing.

   B. Qian Xuesen died on October 31, 2009.

   C. Chinese people are sad about Qian Xuesen’s death (死).

   D. Qian Xuesen was too fat.

4.What did Qian Xuesan work as?

   A. A Scientist.   B. A teacher.    C. A farmer.   D. An artist (藝術(shù)家).


