You need ________ some medicine for your cough.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.
    to buy
need作為動(dòng)詞后面可以接名詞或不定式,如 need help teachers需要幫助/老師,need to learn。need作情態(tài)動(dòng)詞主要用于否定句和疑問(wèn)句中:Need I go? Must he come? No, he needn't come。此外 need還可以做名詞用:I have no need of money。

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

WHETHER you like it or not, your parents are responsible (負(fù)責(zé)任的) for you, at least until you’re out of school. Does it feel like your parents are stressing you out with their love? Do you often fight with them?
Hu Muqing, 16, of Shenyang, complains that his parents are only concerned about his grades and not his other needs. He and his parents fight the most about the time he spends watching TV and on the Internet. The Shenyang teenager said, “They think because I’m in middle school I should concentrate on my work. However, I need to be able to relax. Most of my friends can watch TV and surf the Web a lot. Sometimes it’s hard to talk to them.”
After some negotiations (商談), Hu has been allowed to watch TV for 15 to 20 minutes every night, but has been told to keep away from the computer.
Shen Ying, 17, Jianyang, Sichuan Province. Since she feels she’s grown up now, she wants more respect from her parents. “My father shouted at me when he’s in a bad mood. He doesn’t listen to me, but instead acts like, ‘I’m the boss’!” said the teenager “I’d like my parents to treat me like a friend and understand that respect is a two-way street.”
Lu Yiting, 15, of Shantou, has a different problem with her parents. They think she spends too much time with her friends and is falling into bad company. “I want trust from my parents,” Lu said.
It’s the age when teenagers are becoming more independent (獨(dú)立的), but their parents are very concerned about their kids’ futures, said Sun Yunxiao, a senior researcher at the China Youth and Children Research Center. Sun suggests that teenagers should learn to communicate with their parents effectively. “Find the right time for a talk. On Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, say ‘Thank you’ to your parents or give them a small gift with a letter so they can get inside your head a little,” he advised. Sun also believes that teenagers have to work to earn trust and respect from their parents. “You need to make sure they know that you’re not going to screw up (搞砸) your exams or let them down. Let them know that you want to do well, and that you will do well,” he said.
【小題1】 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容完成句子填空(每空一詞)
According to the passage, we can learn Hu Muqing wants more time to relax, Shen Ying wants more _____________ from her parents and Lu Yiting needs more _____________ from his parents.
【小題2】Hu Muqing’s parents care much about his _____________ and Lu Yiting’s parents concern about her _____________ she makes.
Does it seem that your parents’ love make you stressed out?
【小題4】 根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,把畫線句子翻譯為漢語(yǔ)。
On Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, say ‘Thank you’ to your parents or give them a small gift with a letter, so they can get inside your head a little.”
In Mr Sun Yunxiao’s opinion, what should the teenagers do to get along well with their paretns?
(One of the opinions is enough)


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

A Russian, a Cuban, an American businessman and an American lawyer were on a train traveling across England. The Russian took out a large bottle of vodka, gave each of the men a drink and then threw the rest half bottle of vodka out of the window. “Why did you do that?” asked the American businessman. “There’s too much vodka in my country,” said the Russian, “And really we have more than we will ever use.” A little later, the Cuban passed around fine Havana Cigars. Then he threw his out of the window. “I thought Cuba is not a rich country,” the businessman said. “But you threw that very good cigars out of the window!”“Cigars,” the Cuban answered, “are the cheapest in my country. We have more of them than we know what to do with.” The American businessman sat quietly for a moment. Then he got up, caught the lawyer by the arm and threw him of the window.
【小題1】The people in the story are from ______ countries.
【小題2】The four people are traveling by _______.
【小題3】Vodka is a kind of _______.
【小題4】The Russian and the Cuban both wanted to _______.
A.tell the businessman that their countries are rich
B.prove(證明) that they were rich
C.a(chǎn)sk the two Americans to visit their countries
D.make the businessman happy
【小題5】What did the businessman want to say by throwing the lawyer out of the window?
A.I want to buy some vodka.
B.We have too many lawyers in my country.
C.I’ll go to Cuba and do some business of cigars.
D.If you need lawyers, come to America.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:閱讀理解

A.It’s the best medicine.
B.Many old people like watching TV.
C.You must stay safe when you are playing sports.
D.You must avoid(避免) smoking and drinking.
E.So don’t go to school without breakfast.
You need to have healthy eating habits. Breakfast gives you enough energy(能量) for the morning.  _______1_______ Fruit and vegetables are good for your health, but fast food, like potato chips, will make you fat and unhealthy. So eat the right food to keep you healthy.
Playing sports can also help you keep fit. But sometimes it may cause accidents(引發(fā)事故). _______2_______
Happiness is important for your health. _______3_____ When you are ill, try to be happy and you’ll feel better. On the other hand, you may feel sick if you are always unhappy. So, be happy to be healthy.
______4______. Many students thinks it’s cool to smoke and drink. But they don’t know smoking and drinking can cause many illness. You should say no to smoking and drinking.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆福建省福州延安中學(xué)初三中考模擬英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:補(bǔ)充句子

A: What’s your trouble, Madam?
B: I feel very weak. I can hardly do any work.
A: How long have you been like this?
B: Ever   1  last month.
A: Have you got a headache?
B: No.
A: Do you usually   2  well at night?
B: Yes.
A: Do you often eat much?
B: No, I don’t often have breakfast. And I have a little food for lunch because I want
to   3  thin.
A: Oh, I see. There’s nothing   4  . You need to take much food and have three meals a day. And do some   5  every day. Then you’ll get better soon.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2015屆河南省項(xiàng)城市八年級(jí)英語(yǔ)第二次月考英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Sally and Li Ming are talking about making the delicious chicken.

 L: The chicken tastes great.


L: Could you tell me how to cook it? I want to have a try.

 S: Of course. 2.                 


S: Next, fill the chicken with many herbs, and put the chicken into the oven.

L: And then?


L: That’s a long time.

 S: Yeah. Finally when the chicken is ready, put it on the table and then cut it into slices.

 L: Thanks for your recipe.


A. You should cook the chicken in the oven for several hours.

B. Thanks for saying so.

C. What can I do for you?

D. My pleasure.

E. First, you need to clean the chicken.

F. I’m sorry. I don’t like it.

G. What’s the next?


