     Two men are walking in the park. One is Mr Brown, a worker, __1__ is Mr. Black. Mr. Brown is
 going to a __2__ . It is __3__ the road. Mr Black is __4__ him. Mr Brown finds Mr Black. Now Mr Br
 own begins to walk faster. Because he wants to __5__ the chair before Mr Black. Now Mr Black begins
 to walk faster  because he__6__ wants to reach the chair first. Then they both run. Mr Black runs faster
  than Mr Brown. __7__ Bhe gets to the chair first and __8__ on it. Mr Brown runs after Mr Black. When
  he gets to the chair, he __9__ Mr Black sitting on it. He is sorry to show a notice (通知) with the
 words"Wet Paint (油漆未干)" to Mr Black. Now Mr Black knows __10__ Mr Brown is going to the
(     ) 1. A. other    
(     ) 2. A. desk      
(     ) 3. A. next      
(     ) 4. A. before    
(     ) 5. A. get      
(     ) 6. A. also      
(     ) 7. A. So        
(     ) 8. A. stand    
(     ) 9. A. look      
(     ) 10. A.why      
B. others    
B. chair    
B. behind    
B. after    
B. arrive    
B. too      
B. Because  
B. sit      
B. looks at  
B. because  
C. the other  
C. car        
C. next to    
C. with        
C. get to      
C. either      
C. And        
C. sit down    
C. see        
C. what        
D. the others            
D. tree                  
D. in the front of      
D. of                    
D. reach to              
D. never                
D. But                  
D. stand up              
D. sees                  
D. where                
1—5: CBCBC     6—10: AACDA


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:完形填空

     Two days ago, Bob _ 1   a letter from his girlfriend, Mary.  She wrote,   "I'll leave Beijing for London
at ten on June 3rd.  Please meet me at the   2  ."
     Now Bob was standing at the airport and   3   some flowers.  He was   4   because Mary's plane was
three hours late, but   5   knew why.  Bob walked over to the bar at the airport and had a drink.  He
walked back to the gate.  There was still   6   news. He walked back to the bar and had   7   drink.
       8  , Mary's plane landed and the people on the plane started coming out. Bob smiled and   9   Mary.  
After a time he stopped   10   because the last one from the plane was not Mary. Bob said to himself.  
"  11   luck! What has happened to her? "He went over to    12 .   6/ My name is Bob Waston," he said,  
"Have you got any message  13   me?" " Yes," said the girl standing there.  " A telephone message from
14 ." With the words, she handed him a piece of paper.  " Mr Bob Waston, London Airport.  Sorry,  I'll
return next Sunday. " Bob thanked the girl at the airport,  gave the  15  to her and said goodbye.
(     )1. A. heard                
(     )2. A. Beijing              
(     )3. A. hold                  
(     )4. A. worried              
(     )5. A. nobocly              
(     )6. A. some                  
(     )7. A. others                
(     )8. A.  Two hours late      
(     )9. A.  looked for          
(     )10. A. smile                
(     )11. A. Good                
(     )12. A. the information desk
(     )13. A, about                
(     )14. A. America              
(     )15. A. tickcts              
B. got            
B. airport        
B. holds          
B. pleased        
B. somebody        
B. good            
B. another        
B. Two hours later
B. looked at      
B. to smile        
B. Bad            
B. a policeman    
B. with            
B. India          
B. flowers        
C. receives      
C. London        
C. holding        
C. surprised      
C. everybody      
C. no            
C. the other      
C. Two hours after
C. looked after  
C. smiling        
C. Nice          
C. the bar        
C. in            
C. New York      
C. news          
D. borrowed      
D. New York      
D. to hold        
D. tired          
D. anybody        
D. any            
D. the others    
D. After two hour
D. looked down    
D. smiles        
D. Great          
D. the airport    
D. for            
D. China          
D. Papers        


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:完形填空

    Two friends   1   a picnic together. Their names are Jim and Tim. Tim is very lazy.   2   the first evening
of their holiday, Jim says to Tim, "Here's some money. Go and buy some meat." 
    "I'm too tired,"    3   Tim, "You go." 
    So Jim goes   4   the meat. 
      5   he comes back. He says to Tim, "Here's the meat now, please cook it."
    But Tim answers, "No, I'm not good at   6  , you do it," So Jim cooks it,   7   he says to Tim, "Go and
   8   some water."
    "No, I don't want to get my clothes dirty," Tim answers. 
       9   Jim says, "The meal is ready, come and eat it."
    "Yes, I'll do that," answers Tim, "I don't like  10  'No' all the time."
(     )1. A. have            
(     )2. A. In           
(     )3. A. answer       
(     )4. A. to buy       
(     )5. A. Later        
(     )6. A. cook         
(     )7. A. or           
(     )8. A. got          
(     )9. A. At last      
(     )10. A. telling  
B. has         
B. At          
B. answers     
B. buy         
B. In          
B. cooking      
B. and          
B. to get       
B. At first    
B. saying    
C. had            
C. On             
C. answered       
C. is buying      
C. At first       
C. cooks          
C. then           
C. getting        
C. Just now       
C. talking      
D. are having          
D. Of                       
D. in answering          
D. bought              
D. Before              
D. cooked              
D. but                 
D. get                 
D. At the moment               
D. speaking          


科目:初中英語 來源:模擬題 題型:完形填空

    Two years ago, Martin was a "problem child" and he often caused a lot of   1  . But he didn't usually give
his mother much trouble. However, after his father's death, Martin's life became much more   2  . His mother
didn't have enough money to   3   for his education. To do this, she had to work hard, and so she was not
often   4   with him.
     His mother looked after him as   5   as she could, but Martin still caused problems. He was interested
in   6   and he was often in trouble with the police. Luckily, his mother was very patient (有耐心的), and
didn't give up trying to help him. In the   7  , she made a difficult decision: to send him to a boy's boarding
school (寄宿學(xué)校). But Martin   8   it very much. One day, he told his headteacher he wanted to leave the
   9  . The headteacher said it was necessary for Martin to talk with his  10 . So Martin called his mother.
To his surprise, this phone call changed his life."  11  was really what I needed," he said later. "My mother
helped me to understand how much she had given me. She also told me that my father was watching me,
  12  he had died, and he would always be proud of everything good I did. I realized that after my father
died, I was  13  to be alone, and I tried to make my mother pay more attention (注意) to me."
     Martin has really changed. And he is now a  14  student in his class. How was he able to change? His
mother's love helped  15  to feel good about himself. As Martin says it's very important for parents to be
there for their children.
(     )1. A. fire   
(     )2. A. careful
(     )3. A. pay    
(     )4. A. at home
(     )5. A. fast   
(     )6. A. eating 
(     )7. A. end    
(     )8. A. improved    
(     )9. A. room   
(     )10. A. mother  
(     )11. A. I    
(     )12. A. if  
(     )13. A. nice   
(     )14. A. bad    
(     )15. A. it     
B. trouble       
B. beautiful   
B. ask         
B. at school      
B. well         
B. playing      
B. team         
B. liked       
B. library      
B. father       
B. It           
B. than         
B. glad         
B. good         
B. me         
C. water        
C. difficult  
C. look       
C. in trouble      
C. soon         
C. reading        
C. front        
C. hated        
C. street       
C. teacher      
C. He           
C. though       
C. afraid       
C. big          
C. her        
D. wood             
D. wonderful      
D. wait             
D. in hospital    
D. late             
D. studying             
D. school             
D. missed             
D. school          
D. headteacher            
D. One             
D. whether         
D. careful         
D. lazy            
D. him           


科目:初中英語 來源:模擬題 題型:完形填空

    Two friends were walking   1   the desert. During the journey they   2  . And the taller boy slapped the
shorter   3   in the face. The shorter boy was hurt. But    4  , he wrote in the sand, "Today my best friend
slapped me   5   the face."
    They   6   till they found a pond. And they decided to take a bath there. The shorter boy   7   in the mud
and started to sink. He   8  , "Help! Help!" Luckily, he was pulled to   9   by his friend. After that, he carved
on a stone, "Today my best friend  10 ." 
    The taller boy asked him, "After I hurt you, you  11  in the sand, but now you carve on the stone. Why?" 
    The shorter boy replied, "When someone  12  you, you should write it in the sand  13  the wind can erase
(清除) it easily. However, when someone  14  for you, you should carve it on a stone from which the wind
can  15  erase it."
(     )1.A.cross
(     )2.A.have discussion
(     )3.A.one
(     )4.A.with saying anything
(     )5.A.in
(     )6.A.kept walk
(     )7.A.stuck
(     )8.A.shout
(     )9.A.safe
(     )10.A.save life
(     )11.A.write
(     )12.A.hurt
(     )13.A.which
(     )14.A.does something good
(     )15.A.seldom
B.have a fight
B.with anything
B.kept on walking
B.in stuck
B.the safety
B.save my live
B.in which 
B.does good
C.had a quarrel
C.with saying nothing
C.kept in walking
C.is stuck
C.saved my life
C.was written
C.on which
C.does everything good

D.had an argument
D.without saying nothing
D.kept with walking
D.got stuck
D.saved my live
D.has written
D.is hurt
D.from which
D.does good everything


