Some people believe that dreams can tell them what will happen in the future.     Nobody knows why this is so, but there are many stories about people. The people make their dreams  1  . One of these people was a man called John Chapman, who lived in Swaffham in England many years ago. John Chapman dreamt that he    stood on London Bridge and a man told him how to become rich. John Chapman was a poor man and he needed  2   , so the next day he decided to leave for London.  3     was 100 miles(英里) from Swaffham to London. He walked for two days and at last he  4    London Bridge. There were many people on the bridge, but they weren’t   5     in John Chapman. No one talked tohim. After three days, John Chapman decided to go home.And before he could do this, a shopkeeper came up to him. “I am watching you these days,” he said. “Are you   6   someone?” “Yes,” said John. “I had a dream about a man here. He would help me to get much

money.” “Oh,” said the shopkeeper. “You shouldn’t believe in dreams.   7    I believe in dreams, I’d be in Swaffham right now. I had a dream a few days ago about a man called John Chapman from Swaffham. He had   8   in his garden, near an old apple tree.” John Chapman felt   9   by what the shopkeeper said. At once he went home and dug near an old apple tree. He soon found many pieces of gold. He was so happy that he   10   some of the gold to his poor neighbours. What a kind man he was! For the rest of his life, he was a rich man.

1. A. come out   B. come up      C. come true     D. come to

2. A. dream      B. future       C. money        D. apple

3. A. This        B. It          C. That          D. Its

4.A. reached     B. arrived      C. got           D. went

5.A. interes      B. interests     C. interesting     D. interested

6. A. waiting for   B. asking for   C. waitting for    D. looking after

7. A. When       B. Where      C. If            D. How

8. A. money      B. apple       C. tree           D. gold

9.A. angry       B. surprised    C. interested      D. sad

10.A. borrowed    B. gave       C. brought        D. got
















1..根據(jù)dream“夢,夢想”我可知,應(yīng)該是實現(xiàn)夢想或夢想實現(xiàn)。四個選項中come out “出版”“發(fā)芽”,come up “走近”,come true“實現(xiàn)”come to“想起”,所以本題選C。

2.通過John Chapman was a poor man 可知,他是個窮人,他應(yīng)該需要錢。所以本題選C。



5.通過but以及No one talked to him.可知,沒人對他感興趣。be interested in“對…感興趣”是固定用法,所以本題選D。

6.本題所提供的四個選項中,wait for“等候”,ask for“請求”,look after“照顧”,根據(jù)題意應(yīng)該是wait for,而wait for不能雙寫t加ing。所以本題選A。

7.根據(jù)You shouldn’t believe in dreams.可推,這個售貨員應(yīng)該是在勸John Chapman不要相信夢,如果他自己相信夢的話,剛才應(yīng)該在Swaffham 。所以本題應(yīng)該用if,表示假設(shè)。而其他詞,并沒有這種用法。所以本題選C。

8.通過He soon found many pieces of gold可知,此處應(yīng)該是gold。本句的意思是“在他的花園中有金子!彼员绢}選D。

9..通過閱讀文章我們知道,John Chapman做的夢與售貨員說的一樣,所以應(yīng)該很吃驚。而angry “生氣的”,interested “有趣的”sad“難過的”明顯與題干不符,所以本題選B。

10..通過What a kind man he was!可知他是個好人,是因為他將金子給了窮人。而borrow“借”brought“拿來”和got“得到與題意不符。所以本題選B。


點評:本文講述了一個窮人John Chapman通過夢來發(fā)財?shù)墓适。在完成本題時應(yīng)該在仔細(xì)閱讀的前提下,聯(lián)系上下文,根據(jù)常識進(jìn)行推斷空格的內(nèi)容,還要注意固定用法以及詞類的辨析等。如36、39都是辨析題。



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年北京市師大附中初二上學(xué)期期末考試英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

 was born in Brussels, on June 25th, 1928. His real name was Pierre Culliford. At first, he almost became a dentist’s assistant. Luckily, he got a job in a cartoon studio. There he met and worked with some of Europe’s most famous comic book artists such as Franquin and Morris. Unfortunately the studio closed down and Peyo decided to become a full-time comic artist. He found himself a pen name from his childhood nickname ‘Pe- yot’.
Peyo became successful as a comic (連環(huán)畫) artist. He decided to draw what he really loved,
stories based in the Middle Ages. He created the character Johan and drew some Johan strips (漫畫) for the Belgian daily newspaper ‘Le Soir’ and then for ‘Spirou’ magazine. Johan soon became a huge success and one of the magazine’s main characters.

For Johan’s ninth book of adventures, Peyo needed a group of imps (小精靈) to build a magic flute. At a meal with his friend Andre Franquin. he asked Franquin to pass him the salt. But he couldn’t remember the word so he said, “Pass me the … um… the smurf!”. Franquin handed it over and answered, “Here’s the smurf. Onee you’ve smurfed with it you can smurf it back to me!” And so the name and language of the little imps were invented. The readers soon fell in love with these little smurfs, who love having fun, live in mushroom-shaped houses and speak a strange and wonderful language.
The Smurfs films were first seen on Belgian television and then in France and the Netherlands. In 1981. The Smurfs was on the American NBC TV Channel for the first time, but the success didn’t stop there. The success of the Smurfs became planetary in the 80’s because of the cartoons. There are few regions left where people don’t know smurfs, but their name changes in every county; the Smurfs, die Schlümpfe, Los Pitufos, I Puffi. de Smurfen, les Schtroumpfs… and 藍(lán)精靈 in Chinese.
In August 2011, the Smurfs make their return to the big screen again, this time in 3D! Peyo left us on December 24, 1992, but the Smurfs have continued their many adventures and are today looking forward to a bright and even more exciting future.
【小題1】Peyo’s real name was       .

【小題2】Peyo tried many different jobs except       .
A.a(chǎn)s a dentist’s assistantB.the one in a cartoon studio
C.a(chǎn)s a full-time comic artistD.a(chǎn)s a newsagent
【小題3】The Smurfs        .
A.a(chǎn)re a group of blue imps from Peyo’s book
B.a(chǎn)re serious and hate having fun
C.soon became one of the ‘Spirou’ magazine’s main characters
D.will be in the movie on December 24th, 2011
【小題4】The last paragraph tells us        .
A.The Smurfs have come back to their big screen home.
B.Peyo has left for another country.
C.The Smurfs’ story stops after Peyo left us.
D.There might be more works about Smurfs in the future.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年江蘇省宿遷市七年級下學(xué)期期中測試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

School BBS (校園論壇)
Topics(話題): Ask for help

I’m shy. I want to talk to my classmates, but I am afraid they will laugh at me. What should I do?
There are so many net bars(網(wǎng)吧) around us. I spend too much time and money in playing computer games. I can’t pass the exams. My parents are angry with me. What should I do?
Father’s Day is coming. My father is good at playing basketball. He also likes to watch films. What present should I give to my father?
I like Chinese. I am good at Chinese. I often win the writing competition(競賽). But my English is not good. I can’t speak English well. What should I do to learn English well?
【小題1】The topic of the BBS is             . to learn English ask for help to make friends
D.Don’t play computer games.
【小題2】If you want to help Simon, what should he do ?
A.Don’t play computer games any more, and spend more time on lessons.
B.Go on playing computer games.
C.Don’t play computer games in the net bars, just play games at home.
D.Pay no attention to (不在意) parents and teachers.
【小題3】Which is the best present for Tom’s father?
A.A coat.B.A pair of sports shoes.
C.Some flowers.D.Some story books.
【小題4】Which is Jim’s favourite subject?
【小題5】If you have problems, what will you do?
A.Don’t tell anyone about your problems.
B.Have a talk to your classmates and ask them to help you.
C.Pay no attention to (不在意) them.
D.B and C


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省灌南縣實驗中學(xué)九年級上學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

The keys to reaching or staying at a healthy weight are regular exercise and good eating habits. Teens should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity a day. Note the word “activity”. As long as you’re getting your body moving, it doesn’t have to mean doing difficult exercise or going to the sports hall every day. All that matters is that each week you get the right balance of activity, including aerobics (有氧運(yùn)動), strength building, and flexibility (柔韌) exercise. Make exercise a habit by arranging some time every day.
On days when you have soccer practice or an aerobics class, you may have no trouble exercising for an hour or more. But most of us are busy, and 60 minutes a day for exercise seems like a lot of time. The good news is that it’s OK to divide it into shorter exercise breaks throughout the day.
Just as you might have a healthy snack to stop yourself from getting hungry, exercise snacks can keep energy levels high. So get up 15 minutes early and do some stretching (伸展) activity. Walk fast or run slowly for 15 minutes after lunch. Do the same thing after school — or walk or bike home. Add to that taking the stairs, PE class, and walking between classes during the day, and you’ve probably reached your 60 minutes.
Here are five simple ways to make an exercise lifestyle change:
【小題1】The writer thinks many people probably misunderstand the word“activity” to be “_______”.  

A.physical activityB.body movement
C.sports hall exerciseD.outdoor exercise
【小題2】When exercising, the most important fact is ________.
A.the time spent on exercise
B.the intensity of activity
C.the difficulty of exercise
D.the right balance of activity
【小題3】The author advises dividing activity into shorter exercise breaks because ___.
A.exercising for a long time is bad for people’s health has the same effect as soccer practice
C.people usually haven’t much time to exercise one can spare lots of time to exercise
【小題4】What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Regular exercise.B.School exercise.
C.Indoor exercise.D.Difficult exercise


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆青海民和回族土族自治縣五校九年級下期期中聯(lián)考英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

To the students of Class3
◆Examinations start on June22nd and end on June23.
◆For the PE test, go to the gym. For the music test, go to the Piano Room.  All else are written tests. They will be held in classroom3.
English    June22         8:30 A.M. – 10:00 A.M.   
Math           June22         10:30 A.M.—12:00 A.M.
History    June22         2:30P.M.—3:30 P.M.    
PE         June23         8:00A.M.—10:00A.M.
Music      June23         1:00P.M.—3:00P.M.
◆If you have questions, go to the Teachers’ Office before the test.
Hand-foot-mouth disease (HFMD), characterized by fever, sores in the mouth and rashes(疹) on hands and feet, is not a new infection(傳染) and is common among(在……之間)infants(幼兒)and children. It is caused by up to 20 types of virus(病毒)but has similar symptoms(癥狀). But it usually does not lead to death. Many kindergartens(幼兒園) have to be shut because of it.
When you have completed a writing task, allow 5-10 minutes to read it and check for mistakes. In particular, look for:
◆incorrect agreement(不正確的搭配)of subject and verb: My friend likes…  NOT My friend like…
◆ incorrect use of tenses(時態(tài))
◆ wrong expressions
The 2008 Olympic torch which was named “l(fā)ucky cloud” was lighted on Monday in Ancient Olympia, marking the start of the domestic(國內(nèi)的) and international torch relay(火炬?zhèn)鬟f) that will end on August8 with the Games’ opening ceremony(儀式).
The Beijing Games relay is the longest ever planned, lasting 130 days and covering 137,000 kilometers worldwide, traveling to 20 countries.
【小題1】When were the written tests held?

A.Only on the morning of June22.B.Only on the morning of June23.
C.On the morning and afternoon of June22.D.On the morning and afternoon of June23.
【小題2】Tom still has some questions about the exams, he can_____.
A.a(chǎn)sk his teacher at any timeB.find his teacher on the playground
C.a(chǎn)sk his teacher on June 22 or June23D.go to the teachers’ office on June21 and ask about them
【小題3】Which of the following is true according to the second news ?
A. If a middle school student Tom has a fever, he must get HFMD.
B. HFMD is only caused by a new type of virus.
C. Everyone will die if he gets HFMD.
D. All the children should keep their hands and feet clean to stop HFMD.
【小題4】The third news mainly tells us _______.
A.the incorrect agreement of subject and verbB.the incorrect use of tense
C.the wrong expressionsD.we should check our writing tasks after we have finished them
【小題5】Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the last news?
A.Who will be the first Chinese torchbearer (火炬手)B.When the torch relay will end
C.How many countries the torch will travel toD.The name of the torch


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學(xué)年重慶市九年級下學(xué)期入學(xué)考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Have you ever watched the big parade(游行) on Tian’anmen Square on October 1? Some students performed in the big parade. In order to get ready for(準(zhǔn)備) it, this summer, many Beijing middle school students had a different kind of vacation. Instead of hanging out with friends or traveling, they trained(訓(xùn)練) hard for the 60th birthday of China this year.

Students trained from 7:30 am to around 10:00 am or from 4 pm to 6:30 pm, because it was very hot this summer. They wore white hats, T-shirts and blue trousers. The hats and T-shirts were printed with a red logo, the number "60".

??? The first week of training was PE. Students practiced standing and squatting. Then they moved on to practice the group show. When we watched the parade on TV we saw them making colorful pictures.

??? What did the students think of their unusual summer? "Sometimes we find it a bit tiring." said Lu Wenqi, 13. "But most of us think it's a great honor to take part in such an important show." Li Hui, 15, thought the same as Lu. She said her classmates were hardly late for training. "It's a wonderful chance for us," said Li. "When my parents were in college, they also took part in a national day parade. Now it's my turn!"

1.The students performed a group show for the 60th birthday of China on _________.

A. September 1st???? B. October 1st????? C. October 60th????? D. November 1st

2.The first week of training was _________.

A. to watch the parade on TV?????? B. to make colorful pictures

C. to practice the group show?????? D. to practice standing and squatting

3.The underline word “honor” means __________.

A. 興奮????????? B.勞累???????? C. 榮譽(yù)????? D. 機(jī)會

4.What is Not True according to the passage?

A. Students wore the same clothes with a red logo.

B. Students hardly went to the training late.

C. Students only practiced standing and squatting every day.

D. Students thought this summer a bit tiring but very meaningful.


