Mary: Excuse me, but 1_____? I haven't seen him for weeks.
Bill: Jim's gone to England.
Mary: Really? 2_____?
Bill: He went there last week.
Mary: 3_____?
Bill: Yes. He had lived there for 15 years before he came to China.
Mary: 4_____?
Bill: He traveled with his friends.
Mary: 5_____?
Bill: He'll be away for about two weeks.
Mary: Oh, thank you. I'll phone him this evening.
1. Where is Jim
2. When did he go there
3. Has he ever been there before
4. Who did he travel with
5. How long will he be away

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


Mary: Lucy, look. I have got a book about Shakespeare's life. He (1) _______(生)and (2) _______(死)on the same day, (3)_______(在4月)23rd.

Lucy: So he (4) ________(死)at the (5) ________(年齡)of 52. Did he (6) ________(完成)school when he was fourteen?

Mary: Yes, and at school he (7) ________(喜歡看)plays, so he (8) ________(決定成為)an actor when he left school.

Lucy: When did he (9) ________(結(jié)婚)?

Mary: In 1582, and he (10) ________(有)three children.

Lucy: Did he become a (11) ________ actor?(成功的)

Mary: Yes, after that he (12) ________(開始寫)plays... At last, as we know, he (13) ________(成為)one of the most (14) ________(著名的)writers in the (15) ________(世界).


科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省中考真題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Mary: Hello, this is Mary.
Mr White: Hello, this is Mr White, Peter's father.
Mary: Hello, may I speak to Peter?
Mr White: Sorry, (1)________________.
Mary: Could you tell me when he'll come back?
Mr White: (2)________________. Can I take a message for him?
Mary: Please tell him that I hope he will come to my birthday party next Sunday.
Mr White: Thank you for inviting Peter to your party. By the way, (3)________________?
Mary: It will start at half past five.
Mr White: (4) ________________?
Mary: I am going to have it at Sichuan Restaurant near his office.
Mr White: OK. (5)________________.
Mary: Thank you. Good-bye. Mr White: Good-bye.


科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Mary: (1) ___________ you like carrots?
Tom: Yes, I (2) ___________. I like all vegetables.
Mary: How about broccoli? (3) ___________ you like broccoli?
Tom: Yes, I (4) ___________. (5) ___________ great! (6) ___________ you like vegetables?
Mary: No, I (7) ___________. Well, only salad.  But I (8) ___________ fruit.
Tom: How about apples?
Mary: (9) ___________, I like apples. And you know what I really like?
Tom: (10) ___________?
Mary: Ice cream.


科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:補全對話,情景問答

Mary: Hi, Tom. How nice to see you here!
Tom: Hello, Mary. How are you?
Mary: 1           , thank you.
Tom: What are you going to buy?
Mary: You know I'm preparing a party at home, so I'll buy some vegetables and fruits.
          Oh, yes. 2            
Tom: 3           
Mary: You don't have to bring anything. As long as you come and join us, 4           
Tom: Thank you, Mary.
Mary: 5            Bye!
Tom: Bye-bye!

A.What shall I bring then?
B.You are welcome.
C.You're invited, too.
D.Not too bad.
E.I like parties.
F.That will be fine.

