精英家教網 > 初中英語 > 題目詳情
1. 當志愿者使我的生活充滿歡樂。 
    ________ a volunteer ________my life _______ _______
2. 堅持你的夢想,總有一天會實現(xiàn)的。 
    _____ ______ to your dream, one day they may just ______ ______.
3. 學校已經我們提供良好的學習環(huán)境。 
    Our school _____ ______ ______ ______ good study environment already.
4. 我們正在考慮推遲參觀歷史博物觀。 
    We are _______ _____ ______ ______ the History Museum.
   Tea, one of the _____ ______ ______ ______ was discovered in this way.
6. 我將幫助打掃城市公園。__________________________.
7. 他的錢都已花光了。 ___________________________.
8. 你認為他愿意到哪參觀? ___________________________?
        More and more blogs (博客) are created to talk about news events and certain topics, such as spots
(帖子), classical books, pop music, and so on. (9) People read these blogs so they can find out the latest
news about a subject they are interested in.
        I'm particularly interested in news about technology (技術), and my two favorite blogs are OhGizmo.
com and WorseThanFailure.com which are two blogs about technology.
        (10)There are usually quite a number of posts which give advice every day. Sometimes the posts are
boring, but there are also some very interesting ones. 
 9  _______________________________________________.
10 _______________________________________________.

1. Being / Becoming fills with pleasure
2. Hold on come true
3. has provided us with 
4. considering putting off visiting
5. world's most popular drinks
6. I'll help clean up the city parks
7. All his money has run out / He has run out of all his money
8. Where do you think he would like to visit
9. 人們看這些博客以便能了解他們感興趣話題的最新消息。
10. 通常每天都有相當多的提出見解的帖子。


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市部分學校八年級上學期聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:單詞拼寫

The old man ____________ (刷) his dog’s fur every day.
2.  Bill is very smart and he can always answer questions ______(正確地).
3.  The girl is very young, but she can speak some foreign           (語言).
4.  Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the h_____ we admire very much.
5.  Don’t tell anyone about our plan. Keep it a s      .
B.用所給詞的適當形式填空: (10分)
6.He then decided _______(have ) a great day out by motorbike.
7.Why not             now? (decide)
8.           (luck),he hurt himself in the accident..
9.The trip to the hill was really            . (bore)
10.We are cheering for our school basketball team. They are the            of the final. (win)


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇省八年級上學期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Self—service libraries(自助圖書館) are becoming more and more popular in Beijing. A self—service library is about the size of three cars. It usually has more than 400 books. And it is       all day. There have already been 50 libraries like this across Beijing. It allows (允許)users to borrow and        books 24 hours a day. Users can keep five books for up to four weeks a time.

  There have already been 50 libraries like this across BeiJing.100 more are expected to open in the coming months.

Many users said the Self—service libraries were very convenient(方便的) and easy to use. “I can return or borrow a book at any time of a day, even early in the morning before I go for a walk in the garden,”said an old man.



3.回答問題  How many libraries like this are there across Beijing now?                     

4.寫出同義句 People hope that 100 more libraries like this will be opened in the future.





科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年廣東省九年級9月月考英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題


Skipping rope is a great way for kids to exercise while they have fun. As a student, you can jump alone or with your classmates. You can also help turn a long rope for many others to jump over, one at a time. If you jump alone, you will need a short rope and it should be just long enough for your height. Try ropes of different lengths until you find a right one for our height.

A rope should be turned slowly. It must also be turned high enough to let you jump freely and safely. Turning the rope freely and safely needs careful timing(時間的選擇). In rope jumping, timing means turning the rope slowly enough for you to jump over at the right time without striking(碰撞) your feet.

When you jump rope, your heart beats faster and your face has a healthy color. But if you jump too many times at first, you will get tired. You must learn when to stop for a rest before you jump again. If you practice, you can increase the number of times you jump without resting.


1.___________ is a great way for exercise.

2.We can jump __________ or with classmates.

3.We need a short rope that is long enough for our ___________ if we jump alone.

4.In rope jumping, timing means ________________________________ at the right time.

5.Don’t jump too many times at first. You must learn __________before you jump again..

6.Find the topic sentence of the passage and copy it down. (找出文章的主題句并抄寫下來)  ______________________________________________________________________ 

7.Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese. (將劃線的句子翻譯成中文)


8.The underlined words "have fun" in the passage means “____________” in English.



科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆江蘇省八年級上學期聯(lián)考英語卷 題型:單詞拼寫


1、 The old man ____________ (刷) his dog’s fur every day.

2.  Bill is very smart and he can always answer questions ______(正確地).

3.  The girl is very young, but she can speak some foreign           (語言).

4.  Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng are the h_____ we admire very much.

5.  Don’t tell anyone about our plan. Keep it a s       .

B.用所給詞的適當形式填空: (10分)

6.He then decided _______(have ) a great day out by motorbike.

7.Why not             now? (decide)

8.            (luck),he hurt himself in the accident..

9.The trip to the hill was really            . (bore)

10.We are cheering for our school basketball team. They are the            of the final. (win)



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:翻譯題

1. 這些天布什正忙著競選美國總統(tǒng)呢。
Bush is very _____ _____ _____ the president of America these days.
2. 上周六小布什花了一整個下午做海報。
Little Bush _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ the poster _____ _____.
3. 去年我花了四萬多塊錢買這輛汽車。
I _____ _____ _____ 40000 yuan _____ this car _____ _____.
4. 昨天漁民們用木頭做了一條船。
The fishermen _____ a boat _____ _____ wood yesterday.
5. 他讓老師信任他,他向老師保證以后再也不犯那樣的錯誤了。
He _____ the teacher _____ _____ him. He _____ the teacher that he wouldn't make such a mistake later on.
 6. 剛才他站在班級前邊的時候覺得有點緊張。
Just now he_____ _____ _____ _____ while he was standing in front of the class.
7. 杰克這次中文考試不及格,他的父母為他非常擔心。
Jack _____ _____ the Chinese exam this time, his parents _____ _____ _____ him.
8. 看! 比爾正在那邊忙著拉選票呢。
Look!Bill _____ _____ _____ _____ his classmates' votes over there.
9. 勞駕!我可以借用一下你的電子辭典嗎? 我的壞了。
Excuse me! _____ I _____ _____ electronic dictionary?  _____ is broken.
10. 你一定要自信,否則你會在競選中輸?shù)舻摹?/div>
You must _____ _____ _____ yourself, or you will _____ _____ the campaign.

