That boy is not           to go to school. He is only three years old.

A. young enough B. old enough                  C. enough young            D. enough old









科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

I’m a 12-year-old boy. I like traveling very much. How I wish to visit the moon some day!
Wu Dong, Guangdong 
I’m 15. Now I’m studying English in London. I want to invent(發(fā)明) a language (語言) machine (機(jī)器) that can help me understand many languages.
Li Ming, Hunan   
I’m 16. Before the earthquake (地震) on May 12, I wanted to be a news reporter. But now I want to be a doctor in the future. I’d like to help all the sick people.
Wang Hao, Sichuan   
I’m a 14-year-old girl in Tibet (西藏). The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built. I’ll be able to reach Beijing by train in about 48 hours. My dream is to take the train to Beijing.                                             Joma, Tibet  
I’m 13 years old. I want to invent a machine. It can send things or people from one place to another place far away in a minute.
Wei Hua, Beijing  
【小題1】What is Li Ming’s dream?
A.To invent a language machine.B.To visit the moon.
C.To be a doctor.D.To go to Beijing
【小題2】A bad earthquake happened in Sichuan on ______.
A.May 12B.May 22C.July 2D.June 12
【小題3】Who is from Tibet?
A.Wei Hua.B.Wang Hao.C.Joma.D.Wu Dong.
【小題4】People in Tibet can get to Beijing ______ in about 48 hours now. train plane D.on foot
【小題5】The best title(標(biāo)題) for these passages would be “______”.
A.A DoctorB.My Dream
C.An English TeacherD.Wenchuan Earthquake


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆湖南省岳陽開發(fā)區(qū)七校初三第一次模擬聯(lián)考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Bill is only fifteen years old, but he’s already very rich. Two years ago, Bill began a football website(網(wǎng)站) for young people. “I became interested in computers when I was 8 because my father’s job is with computers. As a little boy, I also loved football and so I decided to make a website, especially for people of my age.”
Bill started the “Football OK!” website two years ago, and now more than 20,000 people visit it every day.
Bill is a schoolboy and a businessman as well. He usually gets up at six o’clock and looks at his e-mails. Then he goes to school from nine to four. In the evenings, he always works for about four hours on his website.
Bill’s next plan is a new website:“At the moment I am thinking about a new website on American football, maybe for next year.”
And is Bill the same person that he was three years ago? “No, I am very different now. I have met a lot of interesting people on the website and I have traveled all over the world.” Bill doesn’t know about the future. “Maybe I will sell the websites. I really don’t know. I’ll just wait and see.”
【小題1】How old was Bill when he became interested in computers?
【小題2】What’s the name of Bill’s website?
【小題3】When does he usually get up?
【小題4】Is Bill the same person that he was three years ago?
【小題5】What is Bill’s next plan?


科目:初中英語 來源:2014屆江蘇省無錫市濱湖區(qū)初三上學(xué)期期末英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

My earliest memory of dad is grabbing (抓住) his hand while we walked together. As I ? ? older, I remembered my father and I listened to many basketball games on the radio. I always fell asleep ? ? the game was over. When I woke up in the morning, the score sheet (計(jì)分表) with the? ?? score on it would be lying next to me. I’ll always remember that.

On cold mornings my father would drive his bread truck by the house. I used to ride on the floor of that bread truck as he delivered (分送) the bread to the stores. The ? ? and the warmth from the bread made me hungry and kept me warm. I’ll always remember that.

My father would attend all my games. One night before an important game my father told me?? ? that he wouldn’t be able to watch the game because he had to deliver the bread and it was a three-hour?? ? from his route. The next day as the game time drew near, I thought about my dad. I happened to look across the field and?? ? saw his bread truck pulling into the stadium. He tried to make the game. I’ll always remember that.

Years later I became a teacher. I’ll never forget the voice on the phone early one morning telling me dad had just been killed in a traffic accident. I could hear my heart beat in my ears. I ? ? up the phone and went back to my bedroom. After that nothing was very important to me. One day I was on the playground when a little boy walked up to me and grabbed my hand. His hand held mine the? ?? ? way I used to hold my father’s by the last two fingers. At that moment I found my? ? in life again. You see even though my father was gone, he left something with me. He left me his smile, spirit and touch. My purpose was to use those gifts as he did. From that day I started. I’ll always remember that!

1.A. went????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? B. changed????????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. turned????????????? ????????????? ????????????? ????????????? D. grew

2.A. when                          ????????????? B. although                 ????????????? C. because                   ????????????? D. before

3.A. public                    ????????????? ??? B. final                       ????????????? C. official                    ????????????? D. lucky

4.A. smell                      ????????????? B. color                       ????????????? C. taste                        ????????????? D. shape

5.A. happily                       ????????????? B. sadly                       ????????????? C. slowly                     ????????????? D. simply

6.A. ride                         ????????????? B. walk                       ????????????? C. race                      ????????????? D. drive

7.A. successfully             ????????????? B. peacefully               ????????????? C. surprisingly              ????????????? D. unusually

8.A. set                       ? ????????????? B. picked               ????????????? C. put                  ????????????? ????????????? D. hung

9.A. strange????????? ????????????? B. safe????????? ????????????? ????????????? C. same?????? ????????????? ????????????? D. special

10.A. pleasure                     ????????????? B. purpose                   ????????????? C. problem                 ????????????? D. progress



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年福建省廈門市翔安區(qū)初三質(zhì)量檢測(cè)考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

A long time ago, there was a big apple tree. A little boy loved to come and play with it every day. But time went by, the little boy had    32    and he no longer played around the tree.

   One day, the boy came back to the tree. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a    33    I can’t play with you now.” The boy replied, “I need    34   .” “Sorry, I don’t have any. But you can pick all my apples and    35    them.” The boy picked all the apples on the tree and left happily. He didn’t come back. The tree was sad.

   The other day, the boy returned and the tree was so    36   . “Come and play with me.” The tree said. “I need a house for my family. Can you help me?” “You can cut off my branches(枝干)to build your house.”   37    the boy cut all the branches of the tree and left happily.

The tree was glad to see him happy, but the boy didn’t come since then. The tree was lonely again. One hot summer day, the boy came back again after he left for so many years. “Sorry, my boy. But I don’t have    38    for you anymore.

“I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am    39    after all these years.” The boy replied. “Good! Please sit down with me and have a rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears…

This is a story of everyone. The tree is like our parents. When we were young, we loved to play with them. But when we grow up, we    40    them, and only come to them when we are41    trouble. You may think that the boy is cruel(殘忍)to the tree, but that’s how many of us are treating to our parents.

1.A. grown up               B. dressed up               C. got up

2.A. tree                   B. child                    C. toy

3.A. money                  B. time                     C. help

4.A. eat                        B. sell                     C. buy

5.A. sad                        B. calm                     C. happy

6.A. So                     B. But                      C. Because

7.A. anything               B. something                C. nothing

8.A. angry                  B. tired                    C. shy

9.A. hate                   B. love                     C. leave

10.A. at                    B. for                      C. in



科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇省通州市中考網(wǎng)閱適應(yīng)性測(cè)試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:完型填空

Mark was walking home from school one day when he saw a boy in front of him. He had dropped all of the books he was   16  , along with two sweaters, a basketball and a walkman (隨身聽).

Mark stopped and helped the boy pick the things up.   17   they were going the same way, he helped to carry some of his things. As they walked, Mark   18   that the boy’s name was Bill. He loved computer games, basketball, music and history,   19   he was having trouble with some of his   20   in school.

They arrived at Bill’s home first and Mark was   21   in for a Coke and to watch some television. The afternoon passed   22   with a few laughs and some small talk, then Mark went home.

They continued to   23   each other at school, had lunch together once or twice a week, and then they   24   finished middle school. Three weeks before they left school, Bill asked Mark if they could talk.

Bill reminded Mark of the day years ago when they had first   25  . “Did you ever wonder   26   I was carrying so many things home that day?” asked Bill.

“You see, I cleaned out my locker (鎖柜) because I didn’t want to leave   27   for anyone else. I was going home to kill myself. But after we   28   some time together talking and laughing, I   29   that if I killed myself, I would have missed many good times. So you see, Mark, when you   30   those books that day, you actually saved my life.”

1.A. reading        B. buying           C. carrying         D. writing

2.A. Since      B. When             C. While            D. Before

3.A. asked      B. learned          C. believed         D. answered

4.A. and            B. or               C. so               D. but

5.A. books      B. teachers         C. subjects         D. games

6.A. introduced B. invited          C. noticed          D. pushed

7.A. happily        B. slowly           C. quietly          D. easily

8.A. help       B. accept           C. see              D. change

9.A. all            B. each             C. either           D. both

10.A. met           B. worked           C. appeared         D. arrived

11.A. what      B. when             C. why              D. how

12.A. something B. anything         C. everything       D. nothing

13.A. took      B. wasted           C. spent            D. found

14.A. remembered    B. wondered         C. checked          D. realized

15.A. threw away    B. picked up        C. gave out         D. looked for


