Cyber Café (網(wǎng)吧) or computer centers are found in many cities around world.Now,a few American high schools are opening these centers.For example,a high school in the state of Maryland began operating a Cyber Café last March.All students at Bethesde­Chevy Chase High School in Bethesda can use the Cyber Café.But school officials say it’s set especially to help students who have no computer or cannot use the Internet at home.

The officials say thirteen percent of the students at the school are from poor families.Many students have arrived in the United States from other countries recently.Students in the school’s program for learning English speak twenty­three languages.

The idea for a Cyber Café at Bethesda­Chevy Chase High School began three years ago.At that time officials were planning to restore the school building.Parents interested in technology proposed (建議) to build a Cyber Café.

Over two years,money for a Cyber Café and other new computers was collected.It received more than one hundred seventy thousand dollars.The Café now has sixteen computers,a printer and a scanner (掃描儀).School official Ann Hengerer says students use the Internet to complete research.They also write homework and required papers on the computer.In addition,they can send and receive electronic mails.That is especially helpful for many students who have family members in other nations.

The Cyber Café also serves a social purpose.Visitors can stop by for a drink of coffee,tea or hot chocolate.

5.According to the passage,who do you think can use the Cyber Café at Bethesda­Chevy Chose High School?

A.Only the students from foreign countries.

B.Only the students who have no computer at home.

C.All the teachers at school.                      D.All the students at school.

6.What does the underlined word “purpose” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Function.                                           B.Committee.

C.Attitude.                                             D.Organization.

7.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A.Students can write homework on line in the Cyber Café.

B.Students can send and receive electronic mails in the Cyber Café.

C.Students can play some computer games in the Cyber Café.

D.The Cyber Cafe also provides some drinks for students.

8.What column may the passage be taken from in the newspaper?

A.Travel.                                               B.Business.

C.Education.                                          D.Entertainment.

9.What is the best title for the passage?

A.Cyber Café at High Schools                   B.How to Use Computers

C.How to Surf the Internet                       D.Cyber Café in America

解析: 根據(jù)第一段第三句可知D項正確。

答案: D

解析: 根據(jù)上下文,可以猜出purpose的含義是function。

答案: A

解析: 文章并沒有提到學(xué)生可以在學(xué)校網(wǎng)吧玩游戲,因此選C項。

答案: C

解析: 文章主要介紹了學(xué)校里面發(fā)生的事情,因此屬于教育(education)部分。

答案: C

解析: 文章介紹了學(xué)校里面網(wǎng)吧的情況。

