Many _____ in ______ could hear no better than 65-year-old people, for they like pop music.

  1. A.
    adults, the USA
  2. B.
    adults; England
  3. C.
    teenagers: the USA
  4. D.
    teenagers: England
根據(jù)下文題意,聽說機幾乎和65歲的人們一樣,因為他們喜歡流行音樂?芍衔闹傅氖悄贻p人,因為65歲的 人也是成年人。根據(jù)常識美國是世界上流行音樂最發(fā)達的國家,也是流行音樂的主要發(fā)源地。所以選C,最為恰當。

科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學年江蘇省蘇州市工業(yè)園區(qū)九年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Napping(小睡) after learning something new could help improve your memory--- as long as you dream, scientists say.
They found people who dream about a new task do it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.
Volunteers were asked to learn the layout(布局,設計) of a 3D computer maze(迷宮) so they could find their way several hours later. Those allowed to take a pap and who also remembered dreaming of the task, found their way to a landmark quicker.
The researchers think the dreams are a sign that unconscious(無意識的) parts of the brain are working hard to process information about the task..
Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, said dreams may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem at many levels.
Study tips
Co-author Dr. Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deem(認為) are the most important.
“Every day we are gathering lots of information and new experiences,” she said. “It would seem that our dreams are asking the question, “How do I use this information to inform(影響) my life?”
The scientists say there may be ways to use this phenomenon(現(xiàn)象) for improving learning and memory. For example, students might be better studying hard before bedtime, or taking a nap after a period of afternoon study.
【小題1】 Scientists say ______ could help improve your memory.

A.dreamB.napC.nap and dreamD.nap without dream
【小題2】 What were volunteers asked to do?
A.Take a nap.B.Dream a task.C.Learn about 3D computer.D.Find their way out of a maze.
【小題3】Which is right about dreams?
A.They are a sign that parts of the brain is unconscious.
B.They can help us fall asleep and improve learning and memory.
C.They tell us how to use this information to inform our life.
D.They may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem.
【小題4】When is the best time for study?
A.Before bedtime.B.After bedtime.C.Before taking a nap.D.In the afternoon.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆四川省眉山市九年級中考適應性考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

The Diaoyu islands have a long history as part of China's territory(領土), belonging to the country since ancient times. They are located(位于) to the northeast of China's Taiwan Island, The total landmass of these islands (總面積) is about 5.69 square kilometers.
Since the Japanese government “bought” the Diaoyu Islands, the tension (緊張)between China and Japan about the islands has gone up. Several major Shanghai travel agencies have decided to stop organizing tours to Japan and advised Japan-bound (前往日本的) tourists to make other plans, becauese of the Diaoyu Islands issue(爭端).
The Shanghai China CYTS Outbound Travel Service Co. Ltd. (上海中青旅出境旅游服務有限公司)stopped the tour to Japan and will gradually stop receiving tourist bookings(預訂) to Japan after the National Day holiday, according to Liu Xin, the company’s manager. 
The Shanghai branch of the China Travel International Ltd. (中國國際旅行社有限公司上海分部) also said it was advising people who wanted to visit Japan to change their plans. 
In fact, tourists had already begun to ask for cancellation(取消) of their tours to Japan because they were worried about their safety.
Last year, more than 100,000 tourists from Shanghai went to Japan on organized tours. That made Japan the second most popular tour place for travelers from the city, only after Thailand.
【小題1】The Diaoyu Islands don’t belong to Japan, do they?

A.Yes, they do.B.Yes, they are.
C.No, they don’t. D.No, they aren’t.
【小題2】Why did several major Shanghai travel agencies stop organizing the tour to Japan?
A.Because it is far from China to Japan.
B.Because they think they couldn’t make more money by organizing the tour to Japan
C.Because it will cost too much money.
D.Becauese the Diaoyu Islands issue happened between China and Japan.
【小題3】According to the passage, which of the following statements is True?
A.China's Taiwan Island is located to the southwest of the Diaoyu Islands.
B.Japan is the most popular tour place for travelers from the city.
C.The Shanghai China CYTS Outbound Travel Service Co. Ltd. said it was advising people who wanted to visit Japan to change their plans.
D.The Shanghai branch of the China Travel International Ltd. stopped the tour to Japan
【小題4】This passage may be _____.
A.a(chǎn)n adB.a(chǎn) piece of newsC.a(chǎn) posterD.a(chǎn) survey
【小題5】What’s the main idea of the passage?
A.The Diaoyu Islands belong to China since ancient times.
B.The Japanese government “bought” the Diaoyu Islands.
C.Tourists canceled (取消) the tours to Japan becauese of the Diaoyu Islands issue.
D.Last year, many tourists went to Japan on organized tours.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013-2014學年四川省實驗學校九年級2月入學考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

If you are not in the USA,we help you buy American cars. We have been helping people to buy American cars for fifteen years and have made a lot of mistakes and learnt from them all.

It can be complicated(復雜的) to buy a car from a foreign country. The large amount of paperwork, the time spent on the phone to the USA, and all the forms to fill in may make you worried. But, with our help, this process(過程) will not be so complicated.

We will help you look for a car in which you are interested, contact the seller, discuss the price, and so on. In short, we will help you buy a car and save money.

What we are doing is giving people what we had wished for before we started the company.

Now go to the “How It’s Done” page and read the process very carefully.

If you have any questions, call us at 01797 224387 or email

1.The company, which helps people buy American cars, has fifteen years of history.

2.If you want to buy a car from a foreign country, you have to fill in many forms.

3.The company doesn’t help the buyers save money.

4.The “How It’s Done” page tells you how to buy American cars if you are in other countries.

5.You can write a letter to the company to get more information.



科目:初中英語 來源:2011年江蘇省鎮(zhèn)江市中考英語模擬試題 題型:閱讀理解

Who are the top students in the world, do you know? Last week the Organization for Economic Co-operation Development (經(jīng)濟合作與發(fā)展組織) picked the best students in the world. They are Finnish (芬蘭的). The OECD gave a test to 280 000 15-year-old students from more than 40 coun­tries and regions (地區(qū)) last year. The OECD wan­ted to know how well students were doing at school.

Finnish students were No. 1 in the reading test and second in maths after Hong Kong students. Those from Japan and Finland were top in science. In the problem solving, Finnish students came sec­ond to those from South Korea. The test also showed Finland had more top students than the other countries.

Finns (芬蘭人) of your age have done a really good job but don't have a sense of envy. You can learn from them. Most Finnish students make good use of the Internet. Of course not for computer games, but for doing more exercises and finding out more information.

Libraries are also important. Finland spends a lot of money on them. Many students have a free card. They read for at least one or two hours a day.

What do you usually do on the Internet? How often do you go to libraries?

1.Students from which country or region did best in the reading test?

A.South Korea.

B.Hong Kong.



2.Which of the following is NOT true?

A.Hong Kong students were No. 1 in maths.

B.Finnish students were the first of all the tests.

C.Finnish students did well in the problem sol­ving.

D.Japanese students were top in science.

3.From this passage we know that_________.

A.the test can make the students lose their in­terest in learning

B.the test is designed to find out good ways to use the Internet's hard to tell who the best students in the world are

D.Finnish students make better use of the In­ternet and libraries



科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆江蘇省蘇州市工業(yè)園區(qū)九年級上學期期中考試英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

Napping(小睡) after learning something new could help improve your memory--- as long as you dream, scientists say.

   They found people who dream about a new task do it better on waking than those who do not sleep or do not dream.

Volunteers were asked to learn the layout(布局,設計) of a 3D computer maze(迷宮) so they could find their way several hours later. Those allowed to take a pap and who also remembered dreaming of the task, found their way to a landmark quicker.

   The researchers think the dreams are a sign that unconscious(無意識的) parts of the brain are working hard to process information about the task..

   Dr. Robert Stickgold of Harvard Medical School, said dreams may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem at many levels.

   Study tips

   Co-author Dr. Erin Wamsley said the study suggests our non-conscious brain works on the things that it deem(認為) are the most important.

   “Every day we are gathering lots of information and new experiences,” she said. “It would seem that our dreams are asking the question, “How do I use this information to inform(影響) my life?”

   The scientists say there may be ways to use this phenomenon(現(xiàn)象) for improving learning and memory. For example, students might be better studying hard before bedtime, or taking a nap after a period of afternoon study.


1. Scientists say ______ could help improve your memory.

   A. dream     B. nap          C. nap and dream       D. nap without dream

2. What were volunteers asked to do?

  A. Take a nap.   B. Dream a task.   C. Learn about 3D computer.    D. Find their way out of a maze.

3.Which is right about dreams?

   A. They are a sign that parts of the brain is unconscious.

   B. They can help us fall asleep and improve learning and memory.

C. They tell us how to use this information to inform our life.

D. They may be a marker that the brain is working on the same problem.

4.When is the best time for study?

   A. Before bedtime.    B. After bedtime.    C. Before taking a nap.   D. In the afternoon.


