
  China's panda is famous in the world. In television programs we often see pandas p 1 funny games. Children have panda toys and beautiful cards with pictures of lovely pandas in them. They often visit the pandas in the zoo on their holiday and have a good time there. However, scientists are w 2 about the future of pandas. They know only about one thousand pandas are alive today. About one hundred and fifteen pandas live in zoos in China, but during the past ten years they p 3 only thirty-four young pandas. They are too w 4 to live. In the zoo, people can help the mother c 5 for the young pandas, but those living in the w 6 do not get enough help. It is very difficult for mother pandas to b 7 up their young pandas, things for the pandas have been w 8 in lately years. Sometimes pandas have n 9 to eat and die of hunger in the wild.

  Several years ago the Chinese government and the International Wild Life Organization agreed on a plan of protecting pandas in the wild. We hope it could be h 10 .

1.p   2.w   3.p   4.w   5.c  

6.w   7.b   8.w   9.n   10.h  


playing; worried; produced; weak; care; wild; bring; worse; nothing; helpful




  2.動詞短語be worried about意為擔心.

  7bring up意為帶大、撫養(yǎng)長大.


科目:初中英語 來源:牛津英語九年級下冊各單元考卷完整-牛津英語[整理] 牛津版 題型:051


International Classmates

  Hi, everyone.I’m Liu Wei and I’m a Chinese teacher at an international school in Beijing.We have kids from all over the world here.In some ways, our school is a little different from other schools in China.For example, the pupils don’t wear uniforms(校服).Let me tell you about my favourite junior high school students.

  Matt comes from New York.He loves pop music.When he walks between classes he always wears headphones.His classmates are afraid of him because he’s big for his age.And he’s really noisy!In his free time he watches action films and practices Kung Fu(功夫).Today he’s entering a Kung Fu competition.Good luck, Matt!

  Brad is one of Matt’s classmates.He was born in Sydney but his parents are from Poland(波蘭).He likes speaking Polish and English when he’s at home.Brad is a quiet boy, but he can be very funny.He likes speaking Polish to his classmates.Brad gets very angry when they can’t understand him!Brad’s favorite sport is swimming.He wakes up early and trains every day before school.

  Lucy is another of my favorite students.She’s a tall, beautiful girl from London.She’s a good student and she’s always studying.Sometimes she can’t sleep because she thinks too much about her lessons!Lucy loves Beijing but she doesn’t like the summer.She says it’s too hot!study, school, she, medicine, when, to, leaves, wants, she, I hope she will be successful!

1.What is Matt doing today?




3.How are Matt and Brad different in characters(性格)?


4.What problem does Lucy have?





科目:初中英語 來源:黃岡重點作業(yè)·初二英語(下) 題型:053


  A Chinese visitor called Wu Dong went for a walk one Friday evening in the m 1 of England. He was w 2 some friends. They went p 3 a busy restaurant called“TGIF”. “What does‘TGIF’mean?”He asked his friends.

  “‘TGIF’means ‘Thank goodness, its F 4 ’.” They laughed.

  “Most people feel very p 5 when the weekend comes, some of them enjoy g 6 to a restaurant on Friday evening.

  “Don't you have the s 7 thing in China?”asked one of them.

  “M 8 people in China are very hard-working,”Wu Dong answered ,“The w 9 are also Saturday and Sunday. We also h 10 a lot of‘TGIF’restaurants.”

1.m________  2.w________

3.p________  4.F________

5.p________  6.g________

7.s________  8.M________

9.w________  10.h________


科目:初中英語 來源:百分百學生作業(yè)本 課時3練1測 七年級英語下冊 人教目標版 題型:053


  I am a businessman.My job is to s   1   computers.I work very h   2  .Every morning I get up at seven.I do some e   3   and have a light breakfast.Then I d   4   to my office.It takes me forty minutes, so I usually get there e   5   than others.

  I am very busy.I think every minute c   6  , so I plan(計劃)my work very carefully.I k   7   a diary(日記)to help me remember things.I meet and t   8   with many people.I m   9   a lot of telephone calls.I often go out and visit people.I t   10   to cities in the USA and many foreign countries like China, Japan and India.

1.s ________ 2.h ________ 3.e ________ 4.d ________ 5.e ________

6.c ________ 7.k ________ 8.t ________ 9.m ________ 10.t ________


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:053


  Taiwan is in the southeast of China. It is the largest i (1) in China. It has an area of about 36,000 square kilometres and it has a p (2) of over 22,000,000. Taiwan is rich in natural resources(自然資源)and it's f (3) for its bananas, rice, tea and so on all over the world. Its scenery is so b (4) and the weather is so pleasant that a lot of travellers come for a v (5)

  Taiwan has been part of China since ancient times(自古以來). Most people of the island come from Fujian and Guangdong. The people on both sides of the strait(海峽)have a strong wish to unite our motherland.

