 provide    care    take     visit     not support
Dear Editor,
       I visited our zoo yesterday and I was very surprised to find hardly anyone there. Zoos are very 
important places they are like living textbooks for young people. They __1__ homes for many endangered animals and help to educate the public about __2__ for them. If we __3__ our zoos, they won't have
enough money __4__ care of so many fine animals. I urge all of your readers __5__ our wonderful zoo
                                                                                                                                           Animal Friend
1. provide     2. caring    3. don't support      4. to take      5. to visit

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:期末題 題型:閱讀理解

        Paul is a fourteen-year-old boy. His parents are both doctors. They are very busy. They have no
time to spend weekends with Paul, so Paul spends lots of time on the Internet, chatting(聊天) with
others on QQ. Of course, he doesn't use his real name on QQ.
       Last year Paul made a special friend on QQ. His name is Mike. He lives in New York Mike likes
to tell jokes and stories. So they always spent hours talking happily on QQ. Two months later, Mike
sent Paul a photo of himself. Oh, he is about fifteen years old. He has long curly hair. Paul likes him
very much.
       Last month Paul's father went to New York to have a meeting. So Paul went there with him He
wanted to visit Mike. When he saw him, he found his special friend was only a ten-year-old boy. Mike
is his real name. But the boy in the photo isn't him. It is his cousin Jack.
1. What does Paul's mother do?
2. Where does Mike live?
3. What did Paul's father do last month?
4. Who has long curly hair?
5. How old is Mike?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:填空題

Mum: So many clothes 1_____ (be) on the floor.
Nancy: But I 2_____ (not like) them. Can you 3_____ (buy) me some new clothes, Mum?
Mum: 4_____ (forget) it. Let me 5_____ (see). 6_____ (be not) this skirt nice?
Nancy: Yes, but Kate 7_____ (have) the same one.
Mum: OK. And this?
Nancy: Do you think yellow 8_____ (be) a nice colour?


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     Do you dream of having beautiful hair like a model? Well, you can have it if you look after your hair
in the right way. To get beautiful hair, you first need to get healthy. So start eating good food, and start
exercising. This will make your hair look healthy and full of life. You also need to keep your hair clean
to make it look nice. But not many people know how to wash their hair in the right way. Many people
wash their hair too much. This dries out their hair. You should only wash your hair every day if you have
oily (油性的) hair. If you have normal(中性的) or dry hair, you should wash it every two or three days.
1. According to the passage, a model has ______ hair.
A. cool      
B. beautiful      
C. long        
D. colorful
2. What is the right way to look after our hair?
A. To get healthy.            
B. To keep the hair clean.
C. Both A and B.              
D. Wash the hair every day.
3. How often should you wash your hair if your hair is normal?
A. Every day.                  
B. Three times  a  week.
C. Twice a month.              
D. Once a week.
4. How can we get healthy?
A. To eat a lot of meat.      
B. To exercise.  
C. To eat healthily.          
D. Both B and C.
5. What does "full of life" mean?
A. 充滿活力  
B. 活動(dòng)的        
C. 充滿生命  
D. 生命的


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

  Mr and Mrs Smith have just opened a small restaurant. In order to attract
customers (吸引顧客),, they put a notice(布告)  in front of the restaurant, which
said "Meals on the House for Three Days."
  A foreign student who didn't know much English happened to pass by the
restaurant on the second day.  It was lunchtime and he felt very hungry. "Well,
here is a restaurant.  I am going to have something to eat."   He, walked to the
restaurant when he  saw the  notice. "American people are really s tr4nge. They
even eat meals on the house!  But how can I get up to the top of the house?"  he
said to himself.
  He looked around and found a ladder against a tree nearby.  He was very
glad. But as he reached the top,   he heard someone shouting at him, "Hey, what
are you doing up there?"   Mr Smith was looking at him angrily, and beside him
was a policeman. "Doesn't your notice say 'Meals on the House for Three Days'?
Is it just a joke?" the foreign student answered.
  On hearing this,  both Mr Smith and the policeman laughed.   Do you know
what's the meaning of MEALS ON THE HOUSE? Look it up in the dictionary.
1. Mr and Mrs Smith were the _____ of the small restaurant.
A. waiters                      
B. owners
C. cooks.                      
D. neighbours
2. The student was _____.
A. an American                
B. a Chinese
C. a Japanese                  
D. a foreigner
3. The student passed by the restaurant which was opened the day before _____.
A. when he went to school
B. when he arrived in America
C. when he learned some English
D. when he felt very hungry.
4. The story happened in _____.
A. England                    
B. Australia
C. the USA                    
D. Canada
5. "Meals in the house" here means _____.
A. "eating in the house"
B. "serving meals at the house"
C. "you can eat meals in the house"
D. "you can eat without paying"


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     It is well-known that the English go out with an umbrella or a raincoat. Why? Because the weather
in Britain often changes quickly. It is not very usual for the same kind of weather to stay long.
     Spring can be rainy or windy, but the weather is getting warmer and you can hope more sunny days.
In fact there can be as much sunshine in spring as in summer. Summer in the best time for visitors to go
to the seaside and other places of interest. The weather can sunny and nice. People often go out to have
a walk or swim. Autumn is a beautiful season, with trees in the woods and parks changing colour. During
autumn it is still nice to be outside, too. In winter, it gets colder. It might snow, especially on high land
and in the north. There are also very high winds in this season.
     January and February are the coldest months of the year, while the warmest are often July and
August. The difference in temperature between winter and summer is not so great in Britain. The average
temperature for winter is about 4.5℃, and for summer about 15.5℃.
1._________, so the English often go out with an umbrella or a raincoat.
A. There's much fog in Britain
B. There's many places of interest in Britain
C. The weather in Britain often changes
D. It often blows in Britain
2. In spring, it's often _________ in Britain.
A. rainy      
B. windy    
C. sunny    
D. all above
3. For the visitors, _________ is the best season of the year in Britain.
A. spring    
B. summer    
C. autumn    
D. winter
4. There's much _________ in Britain in winter.
A. snow and wind          
B. fog and snow  
C. rain and wind            
D. fog and wind
5. Which of the following is true?
A. In Britain, there is little few differences between summer and winter.
B. In Britain, summer is not too hot and winter is not too cold.
C. The weather in Britain is nice all the time.
D. The English are interested in the weather in their country.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

     My name is Jim. I am eleven. I have got a small family. There are three people in it, my father, my
mother and I.
     My father is a teacher of Chinese. He goes to work at 7:30 in the morning and comes back at 5:00
in the afternoon. My mother is a doctor. I am a student.
1. How old is Jim? He is _______.
A. Three        
B. Ten        
C. Eleven      
D. Twelve
2. Jim hasn't got a _______.
A. brother      
B. teacher      
C. father        
D. mother
3. His father teaches _______.
A. English      
B. Japanese    
C. me          
D. Chinese
4. Jim's mother is a _______.
A. a policewoman    
B. teacher    
C. doctor      
D. manager
5. Jim is a  _______.
A. middle school student  
B. friend    
C. student    
D. doctor


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

       This is one of the most favorite games among children. To play this game we should make 26 cards. On
  each of these cards we write an English letter. And here is an example to show you how we play it:
       First, before we start to play,  we decide what the game will be about. For example , we choose to play
       Next, one of us will mix the cards and turn over the one on top of them. If the letter on the card happens
  to be R, we will try to think of a flower which begins with R, like rose, as  quickly as we can.
  Then the one who first gives the name of the flower will win the card with R on it. This is done with each of
  twenty-six cards.
       In the end the person who has more cards wins the game.
Please put the pictures above in the right order.
1. __________        2. __________
3. __________        4. __________
5. Now let's play this game. If we choose to play colors, and you happen to get the card with B on it,
what word can you think of?
A. Beautiful
B. Color
C. Brown
D. Bread


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

  A: Hi, my name is Sam. I live in New York. I have a dog named Blackie. I'm blind ( 瞎的) but 
  Blackie is my eyes. He's my hero.
  B: My name is Sonia. I'm from Brazil( 巴西). I live in the exciting city of Rio de Janeiro (里約熱內(nèi)盧).
  Many people think we speak Spanish( 西班牙語(yǔ)), but we don't.
  C: Hello. I'm Chen Qingyuan. I live in Shanghai with my parents and my sister. I can speak Mandarin
  (普通話)and Shanghaiese.
  D: I'm Lisa. I Iive in Moscow. I speak Russian very well. I want to go to Beijing, but I can't speak
  E: Hi, I'm Su Lin. I'm from Hong Kong. I speak English. I like sports, and Yao Ming is my favorite
  basketball player.
(     )1. People speak Spanish in Brazil.    
(     )2. Su Lin speaks the same kind of Chinese as Chen  Qingyuan.
(     )3. Sam is from the United States.  
(     )4. Chen Qingyuan and Su Lin are from China.    
(     )5. Lisa thinks Russian is difficult.    

