精英家教網 > 初中英語 > 題目詳情

In Britain, people have different attitudes(態(tài)度)to the police. Most people generally   1  them and the job they do, but some people said that the police shouldn’t    have special   2 .

What does a policeman actually do? It is not a(n)  3  job to describe. After all,a policeman has a number of jobs to do. A policeman often has to   4  traffic, either on foot in the centre of a town, or in a police car on the roads. Indeed,in Britain, he might be in the Traffic Police and spend a lot of time  5  up and down main roads. A traffic policeman has to help keep the traffic moving,stop speeding cars and help when there is a(n)  6  .

A policeman has to help keep the  7 ,too. If there is a fight, we  8  the police to come immediately. And they often have to deal with situation at great risk of their own  9 .

We want the police to solve crimes,of course,so an ordinary(普通) policeman,    10  he is not a detective,he will often have to help   11  criminals. And   12  do we call when there is an emergency—an air crash,a fire or an earthquake?Of course the police. So a policeman has to  13  to face any terrible emergency that may happen in the modern world.

The police do a  14  job,they do it so well that I support them. But I do not envy policemen. I do not think that I could   15  do the job of a policeman.

1.                A.dislike       B.protect         C.admire     D.suspect


2.                A.power        B.thoughts        C.knowledge    D.abilities


3.                A.funny        B.difficult       C.attractive   D.easy


4.                A.control         B.stop         C.remove       D.break


5.                A.walking       B.driving       C.marching    D.searching


6.                A.murder         B.robbery        C.accident  D.theft


7.                A.peace       B.balance         C.situation    D.rule


8.                A.order        B.encourage      C.allow      D.expect


9.                A.family         B.safety        C.future     D.work


10.               A.only if        B.as           C.since   D.even if


11.               A.interview    B.notice          C.arrest      D.warn


12.               A.how        B.where         C.what       D.who


13.               A.hope        B.promise      C.prepare     D.decide


14.               A.comfortable     B.hopeless        C.necessary  D.meaningless


15.               A.hardly        B.ever         C.forever    D.never





















1.動詞辨析。A.不喜歡;B. 保護;C.欽佩,贊美;D.懷疑,猜想。聯系后半句描述,可知此處指的是大部分人普遍的羨慕他們的和他們做的工作。故選C。

2.名詞辨析。A.權力;B.思想;C.知識;D. 能力。結合語境可知一些人認為警察不應該享有特權。故選A。


4.動詞辨析。A. 控制,管理;B. 停止,阻止;C.移動;D. 打破,弄壞。聯系下文描述,可知警察必須得管理交通問題。故選A。

5.聯系下文up and down main roads.描述,可知此處指的是他們在主要公路上來來回回的巡視。警察的主要交通工具就是汽車,故選B,駕車。



8.動詞辨析。A.命令,訂貨;B.鼓勵,允許;C. 允許,認可;D. 期望,指望。結合語境可知此處指的是我們盼望警察立即到來。故選D。


10.連詞辨析。A. 只要……就;B. 因為,隨著;C.由于,自從……以來;D. 即使,雖然。聯系上下文,可知此處指的是,即使他不是一個偵探,他也要嘗嘗幫助逮捕罪犯。故選D。

11.動詞辨析。A.采訪,接見;B.注意;  C. 逮捕,阻止;D. 警告。聯系下文,可知此處指的是逮捕罪犯。故選C。


13.動詞辨析。A. 希望;B. 允諾,許諾;C. 準備;D. 決定。結合語境可知此處指的是警察必須要準備面對任何可怕的緊急情況。故選C。

14.形容詞辨析。A. 舒服的;B. 絕望的;C. 必要的;D. 無意義的。聯系上下文,可知此處指的是,警察做的是必要的工作。故選C。

15.副詞辨析。A. 幾乎,很難;B. 永遠,曾經;C. 永遠,常常;D. 從來不。聯系前文描述,可知此處指的是,我認為我很難做一個警察的工作。故選B。





科目:初中英語 來源:2011年海南省三亞市中考英語試卷 題型:閱讀理解

Most people in Britain live in small family groups. More than a quarter of houses in Britain have only got one person in them. Some of these are old people but some are people of twenty to thir­ty who choose to live alone. 35% of houses have two people in them, and another 17% have three people. 15% have four people in them, and the other homes have five or more.
The families in Britain are small. It is unusual for parents to have more than two children. When children are about eighteen or nineteen, they leave their parents’ home, and they often go to a different city. Sometimes they only visit their parents two or three times a year.
【小題1】  How many houses in Britain have 3 people living in them?

A.8% of houses.B. 15% of houses.C.17% of houses.D.35% of houses.
【小題2】   At what age do children in Britain usually leave their parents’ home?
A. About 18 or 19.B. About 20 or 21.
C. About 25 or 26.D. About 30 or 31.
【小題3】   What do you think the passage is?
A. An instruction.B. A report.C. A play.D. A joke.
【小題4】   What does the passage mainly tell us?
A. Young people in Britain.B. Old people in Britain.
C. Families in Britain.D. The population in Britain.
【小題5】   According to the passage, which of the diagrams is right?


科目:初中英語 來源:2012屆安徽省皖東南初中三校九年級上學期第一次聯考英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

A man once had a dream about the Black Forest in Germany. In his dream he was walking in the forest when two men ran out and tried to throw him to the ground. He ran off as fast as he could, but they followed him. He reached a place where he saw two roads in front of him, one to the right and the other to the left. Which road should he take? He heard the two men behind him, getting nearer, and at the same time he heard a voice in his ear. It told him to go to the right, and he did so. He ran on and soon came to a small hotel. He was received there kindly and given a room, and he was saved from the two men. That was the dream.
Twenty years later he was really in the Black Forest and, as happened in the dream long ago, two men ran out and tried to throw him down. He ran off, and came to a place with two roads, like in the dream. He remembered the dream and took the road to the right. He soon reached a small hotel, was taken in, and so was safe. His dream of twenty years before had saved his life.
【小題1】The Black Forest is __________.

A.a place in GermanyB.not a real place
C.invented by the writerD.a place in Britain
【小題2】When he was walking in the forest, _______ ran after him.
A.two dogsB.two tigersC.two menD.two women
【小題3】Finally he came to __________.
A.a forestB.another roadC.another dream D.a small hotel
【小題4】It was _________ that saved the man’s life 20 years later.
A.a voiceB.the dreamC.someone elseD.God
【小題5】The story tells us that _________.
A.a dream may come true some time later
B.a dream is always a dream
C.people should not believe their dreams
D.people should always believe their dreams


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆重慶市萬州三中九年級下學期期中考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

People eat different things in different parts of the world. In the south of China people eat rice every day. Sometimes they eat it two or three times a day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. They usually eat it with fish, meat and vegetables.
In Africa, maize(玉米) is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉). From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western(西方) countries, such as in Britain, and in the USA, the most important food is bread and potatoes. People there usually make bread from wheat flour. They cook potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. They eat it at their workplace, in the park or even on the road. People call it “take-away” food.
【小題1】What do people in the south of China eat every day?
【小題2】Do the people in Africa make bread and cakes from maize flour?
【小題3】What is the most important food in western countries?


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學年四川省遂寧中學八年級第二學段考試英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago. There are some traditions that you can find almost anywhere, anytime, such as sending birthday cards, blowing out the candles(吹熄蠟燭) on a birthday cake and singing the ‘Happy Birthday’ song. Others are only found for certain ages and in certain countries.
In China, on a child’s second birthday, family members put many things on the floor around the child. According to Chinese tradition, the first thing that the child picks up tells you what job the child will choose later in life.
For Japanese children, the third, fifth and seventh birthdays are especially important. At this age, there is a special celebration(慶祝) Shichi-Go-San (seven, five, three in Japanese) when children go to the temple wearing a new kimono (和服). The priest (僧侶) gives them special sweets, and the parents usually organize a party for their friends in their home.
In Argentina, Mexico and several other Latin American countries, girls have a special birthday celebration when they reach the age of fifteen. After a special ceremony (儀式), the girls dance a waltz with their father and other boys.
Eighteen is the traditional ‘coming of age’— the age when (in many countries) you have the right to vote (選舉權), join the army (參軍)and (in Britain) drink alcohol (酒)or buy a house.
In many English-speaking countries, a twenty-first birthday cake often has a key on top, or the cake itself is sometimes in the shape of a key. The key means that the young person is now old enough to leave and enter the family home at any time they want to! 
【小題1】Which of the following birthday traditions can you find almost anywhere, anytime?
A. Putting many things on the floor.
B. Sending birthday cards.
C. Dancing a waltz.                         
【小題2】Mexican girls have a special birthday celebration at the age of       .
A. five           B. seven              C. fifteen 
【小題3】In many countries you can ___ when you reach the age of eighteen.
A. join the army    B. have a key    C. have a special ceremony  
【小題4】Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A. The tradition of birthday parties started a long time ago.
B. Some birthday traditions are only found in certain countries.
C. You become the owner of your house at the age of fifteen.
【小題5】Which is the best title of this passage?
A. Birthday Traditions around the World 
B. The Drinking Age in Many Countries
C. Japanese Special Celebration


科目:初中英語 來源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學考試(江蘇鹽城卷)英語(解析版) 題型:單項填空

Many children in Britain _______ to have their own bank cards these days.

A. allow         B. allowed         C. are allowed          D. were allowed


