1.  Ben fell into the_________(湖)when he was running along it.
2.  Don't_________ (忘記)your friends when you become rich.
3.  It's very_________(重要的)to teach children about road safely.
4.  My father was not_________(生氣的)with me at all.
5.  1 want to_________(喝)some coffee now.
6.  Though my brother is very young, he is an_________(工程師)now.
7.  I hope I can fly in the sky one day, s0 1 want to be a_________(宇航員).
8.  My house is not big, but it is_________(舒適的).
9.  Vivian likes to listen to the_________(收音機)in the evening.
10.  Many workers are_________(建造)a hospital.
11.  There are many_________(座位)in the theater.
12.  It was the _________(最差的)speech he had ever made.
13.  There are_________(超過)40 students in the library.
14.  We're going to learn_________(課)Six today.
15.  There's going to be a football_________(比賽)next week.
16.  Thank you very much for the_________(邀請).
17.  It rained three_________(整整)days.
18.  His father is leaving for Beijing_________(明天).
19.  _________(雖然)I may fail again,1 will try lt.
20.  "Calm" and "wild" have_________(相反的)meanings.
21.  We should never_________(笑)at others' mistakes.
22.  It is_________(需要)for older people to understand the young.
23.  We can get much more_________(信息)on the Internet.
24.     How much is this T-shirt?
25. The bus_________(車站)is on the left of this street.
26.  Miss Gao is our_________(化學(xué))teacher.  She is very kind.
27.  The library is on the _________(對面的)side of the road from the school.
28. After you take the_________(藥),you'll feel better soon.
29. The_________(讀者)want to get the writer's autograph.
30.  He wants to be a scientist in the_________(將來).
1. lake 2. forget  3. important 4. angry  5. drink
6. engineer  7. pilot 8. comfortable   9. radio 10. building  
11. seats 12. worst  13. over 14. Lesson  15. match
16. invitation   17. whole 18. tomorrow  19. Though 20. opposite  
21. laugh 22. necessary 23. information 24. eighty  25. station
26. chemistry  27. opposite 28. medicine  29. readers 30. future

科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省荊州市2011年初中升學(xué)考試英語試題 題型:022


This dress is so beautifulWhy don't you buy it?

I _________(已用完)my money(run)


科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省中考真題 題型:翻譯題

1.  I want ______ (參加)  the singing competition.  (take)
2.  Doctors are confident that the child ______ (將會健康成長). (grow)
3.  -This dress is so beautiful. Why don't you buy it??
     -I _____ (已用完) my money. (run)?
4. -When shall we have the sports shows??
   -Any day next week, ______ (因為它取決于)the weather. (depend)?
5. -What should we do about the trash??
   -It _____ (必須帶走) when you leave. (take)

