
This is a        girl.       name is Wu Yan.       is twelve. She is            No. 8 Middle School . She is in      .Bill is          American boy.         eleven . He is in No.8 Middle School,          . Miss Gao is          English teacher. She is a         teacher.

1.A. Chinese                        B. English           C. American                D. Japanese

2.A. His                            B. She’s                         C. He’s                          D. Her

3.A. She                           B. He                    C. I                                D. We

4.A. /                                     B. on                            C. in                        D. a

5.A. Grade Two, Class One                            B. grade two, class one

C. Class one , grade two                           D. Class One , Grade Two

6.A. a                                     B. an                   C. the                           D. /

7.A. His                            B. Her                            C. He’s                          D. She’s

8.A. and                           B. too                            C. student          D. teacher

9.A. they                     B. their                   C. your               D. my

10.A. very good                  B. very                    C. old                   D. right
















1.考查形容詞及語境的理解。句意:這是個(gè)中國的女孩。Chinese中國人English英國人American美國人Japanese日本人。根據(jù)名字Wu Yan可以看出她是一個(gè)中國女孩,故選A。









10.考查形容詞及語境的理解。句意:她是一個(gè)非常好的英語老師。very good非常好very非常old年老的right正確的。very是副詞,修飾形容詞。old、right的意思與句意不符,故選A。




科目:初中英語 來源:我愛學(xué)習(xí) 八年級(jí)英語(上) 題型:050


  “You will have to take care of the baby today.”a woman tells her husband. “I am not feeling well.”

  “Then you must stay in bed and rest, dear,” her husband says, “I will be pleased to look after our baby.”

  “Thank you, I will have a quiet day and I will soon get better,” his wife tells him.

“Shall I go shopping for you, too?” her husband says.

  She is very pleased and says, “That will help me a lot, I will give you a list of things to buy.”

  She writes out the list and gives it to him.

  “You can get all the things at the supermarket.” She says.

  “You can put the baby in the shopping cart(手推車), so you won't have to leave him outside.”

  The man takes the baby to the supermarket and puts him in the shopping cart. Then he pushes the shopping cart along the rows of things to buy and looks for those that are on his list.

  At first all are well, but then the baby begins to cry.

  Then he starts to scream (大聲喊叫).

  And scream! And scream!

  “Keep quiet, Tom.” The man says.“Don't get excited. Don't shout, Tom. Don't lose your temper, Tom.”

  A woman in the supermarket hears him saying these things. She walks up to him. “I think you are wonderful,” she says,“You are so patient (有耐心的) with your little Tom.”

  “Madam,”the man says,“I'm Tom. He is Edward.”

(1)Why does the man take care of the baby?

[  ]

A.It's his turn.

B.His wife isn't well.

C.His wife isn't at home.

D.He always looks after the baby.

(2)Why does the man take the baby to the supermarket? Because ________.

[  ]

A.he has to go shopping

B.he wants to show the baby to his friends.

C.he wants to give the baby a ride in a shopping cart.

D.the baby likes to go to the supermarket.

(3)What does the baby do in the supermarket? He ________.

[  ]

A.pushes the shopping cart

B.loses his temper

C.makes a lot of noise

D.helps his father

(4)Who is the man telling to keep quiet? ________.

[  ]

A.The baby
C.The woman

(5)Tom's wife isn't feeling very ________.

[  ]



科目:初中英語 來源:我愛學(xué)習(xí) 八年級(jí)英語(上) 題型:050


  When you are ill, you should go to see a doctor. After the doctor look you over, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctor's notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.

  One day a woman wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner with her family in the restaurant, The doctor wrote an answer, but he wrote too badly and the woman could not read it.

  “What shall I do?” she asked her husband, “I don't know if he is going to come. I don't want to call him and say that I don't understand him.”

  Her husband thought for a few minutes and then had an idea.“Take it to the chemist,” he said, “He can read it for us.”

  “Thank you,” the woman said,“That's a good idea.”

  She went to the chemist's shop and gave the doctor's note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time.

  “Could you wait a moment, Miss?” he said. Then he went to the back of his shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the woman.

  “Take one spoonful (一匙) every day.” he told the woman.

(1)What did the doctor do when the woman invited him to have dinner in the restaurant?

[  ]

A.He said he could come on time

B.He was glad to come

C.He wrote a note to the chemist

D.He wrote a note to the woman

(2)Why couldn't the woman understand the “note”? Because ________.

[  ]

A.the woman didn't know much about medicine

B.the doctor wrote badly

C.the doctor didn't like to go

D.the woman never went to school

(3)The husband wanted his wife to ________.

A.call the doctor to have dinner with them

B.go to the chemist and get some medicine

C.take the reply to the chemist for help

D.read it again

(4)In this story, the word“chemist” means ________ in Chinese.

[  ]


(5)What did the man in the chemist's shop give the woman at last?

He gave her ________.

[  ]

A.one cup
B.one bowl
C.one plate
D.one bottle


科目:初中英語 來源:我愛學(xué)習(xí) 八年級(jí)英語(上) 題型:050



May 20

  Dear Miss Gao,

  I'm sorry to tlee you that I'm not feeling well today. I have a bad cold. The doctor told me to stay in bed for two days. So I can't go to school today and tomorrow. I hope to get well very soon.

  Thank you.



(1)The note was from ________ to________.

[  ]

A.Miss Gao, the doctor

B.the doctor, Miss Gao

C.Jane, the doctor

D.Jane, Miss Gao

(2)The note was written ________.

[  ]

A.on May 20
B.a(chǎn)t school
C.by the doctor
D.in Chinese

(3)Jane was not feeling well that day because ________.

[  ]

A.she saw a doctor

B.she had a cold

C.she stayed in bed

D.she couldn't go to school

(4)The doctor told Jane ________.

[  ]

A.to stay in bed for one day

B.to stay in bed for two days

C.to go to school that day

D.to go to school the next day

(5)Jane hoped to go to school on May ________.

[  ]



科目:初中英語 來源:同步題 題型:閱讀理解

閱讀下面的短文,選出適當(dāng)?shù)木渥印?BR>     Peter always liked swimming.  He wanted to be a big man like Michael Phelps.  At the Beijing Olympic
 Games, Michael Phelps won eight gold medals.
     It was the last day of school. Peter was happy. He would like to have a pool party. All his friends
 wanted to come. He could hardly wait. __1__ He wanted the party to be just right.
     Mom made sandwiches.  She also had a big jug of juice.  Peter nodded (點(diǎn)頭).  Soon the doorbell
     "__2__ " said Peter.
     Alan and James were there. They were ready to swim. "Hi!" said Peter. "We are almost ready to start.
     Come in. " The two boys came in. __3__ Then they played in the pool.
     The pool deck was hot. The water was cool. __4__ Mom put food and drinks on the table. It was
 near the pool. She took photos for them. __5__ 
Let me answer it.
They had a good time.
After school, he rushed home.
They had great fun playing in the water.
They played a game until the other three came.

