The well-mannered Englishman at table holds and keeps his knife in his right hand, his fork in his left, cuts his meat and presses his vegetables into his fork.The well-mannered American first cuts up all his meat, then places his knife down on the right of his plate, takes his fork in his right hand and with his fork lifts the food to his mouth.He will have coffee half way through his dinner before the pudding.The Englishman drinks his coffee after the dinner.And, of course, Americans are coffee-drinkers rather than tea-drinkers.The Englishman would be surprised at the American’s idea of how tea should be made.
The popular method to make tea is to take a cup or a pot of hot water and drop inte it a cotton bag with tea leaves in it.For a change they will sometimes put a can of water on the electric stove and then pour the mixture into a teapot, pour it into a cup and drink it without turning a hair.