Li Lei often ____ Lin Tao ____ his English.

A. help; to                  B. helps; with            C. helps; to       D. help; with





試題分析:根據(jù)題干可知李磊經(jīng)常幫助林濤學(xué)習(xí)英語(yǔ),故用句型結(jié)構(gòu)help sb with sth。故選B。


點(diǎn)評(píng):help sb with sth表示幫助某人做某物,其后跟名詞,表示事物;其相同的句型結(jié)構(gòu)為help sb (to) do sth,其中to可以省略。這是動(dòng)詞help的基本知識(shí),要學(xué)會(huì)靈活運(yùn)用他的基本結(jié)構(gòu)。



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:1+1輕巧奪冠·優(yōu)化訓(xùn)練 英語(yǔ) 七年級(jí)下冊(cè) (外研版)銀版 外研版 題型:050


  Next week, there aren't going to he any classes in Li Lei's class.They are going to work on a farm.They are going to help the farmers pick apples.Jim is very happy because he thinks picking(摘)apples is much better than having classes.After work they are going to swim in a small river near there.Some of them are going to fly kites on a hill.Then they are going to have a picnic there.

  They are going to leave at 7∶00 next Monday and meet on the road outside the school gate.The farm is far from them.How are they going there?They are going there by bus.


Li Lei and Jim are in the ________ class.

[  ]








Mr Hu's


Jim like picking apples than ________.

[  ]




flying kites


having classes




They are going to work on the farm for ________.

[  ]


one day


two davs


about a week


next week


They are going to swim ________ in a small river.

[  ]


before work


after work


when they came back


in the morning


They are going there ________.

[  ]


on foot


by bus


by bike


by plane


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆重慶市初二下學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


Dear Mr. Wise,

I’m a slow student. Most of my classmates are much better than me, so I usually get stressed out. Although I spend much time studying for the tests, I can’t get good grades. Sometimes my father gives me some help. He tells me not to worry about it, but it doesn’t work. What do you think I should do?

Li Lei


Dear Li Lei,

Many famous people were not so good when they were young. Edison, a famous scientist, did poorly in his studies when he was a young boy. But, as an adult, he made many inventions that helped a lot of people. When I was at young age, I didn’t do well at school. I just kept working hard, and at last, I succeed. You should take it easy and try your best. Tomorrow is another day. I believe you can do better.

Mr. Wise

1.Li Lei feels worried because ______________.

A.he doesn’t like going to school

B.he is not as good as most of his classmates

C.his father doesn’t like him

D.he doesn’t want to work hard

2.Li Lei writes this letter to ______________.

A.a(chǎn)sk for some help

B.find a pen pal

C.tell his father his problem

D.let all his classmates know it

3.In Mr. Wise’s letter, “Tomorrow is another day” means “____________”.

A.Tomorrow is the weekend

B.One can get good friends tomorrow

C.Tomorrow is the same as today

D.There are a lot of hopes in our lives



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆山東省淄博市臨淄區(qū)八年級(jí)下學(xué)期期末檢測(cè)英語(yǔ)卷 題型:其他題


( Li Lei is a Chinese exchange student in America. He is chatting with Jason in his host family. )

Jason : Hi, Li Lei! Here is your juice.

Li Lei: Thanks, Jason.

Jason : Not at all.   1.  

Li Lei; That's right. How time flies!

Jason :  2.

Li Lei; Yes, 1 do. The teachers are very helpful, and the students are active and confident.

Jason : It's kind of you to say so. And I hear you Chinese students are very hard-working.

Li Lei: We sure are.   3.

Jason : By the way, do you have any plans for this weekend?

Li Lei:   4.  How about you?

Jason : I want to do some volunteer work. Shall we go to the old people's home visit?

Li Lei; Sounds great!  5.  

Jason : I believe you will like it.

A. Nothing much. B. How long have you been here?

C. It'll be a new experience to me.        D. You have been here for months, right?

E. We are strict in our schoolwork.         F. Do you get used to the school life here?




科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012屆安徽省譙城區(qū)渦北片八年級(jí)下學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ)卷 題型:其他題


( Li Lei is a Chinese exchange student in America. He is chatting with Jason in his host family. )

Jason : Hi, Li Lei! Here is your juice.

Li Lei: Thanks, Jason.

Jason : Not at all.   1.  

Li Lei; That's right. How time flies!

Jason :  2.

Li Lei; Yes, 1 do. The teachers are very helpful, and the students are active and confident.

Jason : It's kind of you to say so. And I hear you Chinese students are very hard-working.

Li Lei: We sure are.   3.

Jason : By the way, do you have any plans for this weekend?

Li Lei:   4.  How about you?

Jason : I want to do some volunteer work. Shall we go to the old people's home visit?

Li Lei; Sounds great!  5.  

Jason : I believe you will like it.

A. Nothing much. B. How long have you been here?

C. It'll be a new experience to me.        D. You have been here for months, right?

E. We are strict in our schoolwork.         F. Do you get used to the school life here?



