What has two legs but can not walk?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a ¥100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this ¥100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.
Then he said, “I am going to give this ¥100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.
“Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.
“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valuable lesson today. No matter (無論) what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value (價值)。 It was still worth ¥ l00!”
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn’t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.
You are special and valuable. Don’t ever forget it!
【小題1】Even though it was dirty, the money _______.
A.still went up in value
B.was worth nothing
C.didn‘t go down in value
D.was still ours
【小題2】We are always valuable to the people _______.
A.who pay us B.who call us
C.who hate us D.who love us
【小題3】Your value doesn‘t come from what you do but _______.
A.who you know B.who made you
C.who you remember D.who you are
【小題4】The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_______”。
A.the students put up their hands again
B.the students put down their hands
C.the students put their hands behind their backs again
D.the students put their hands in front of them
【小題5】Why did the famous teacher use a ¥100 bill at his lesson?
A.Because he wanted to make the bill into a ball.
B.Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it.
C.Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students.
D.Because he wanted to make the students know what value was.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年秋湖北省黃岡市浠水縣清泉鎮(zhèn)中九年級第一次月考英語卷 題型:閱讀理解

A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school. He began his lesson by holding up a ¥100 bill. Then he said to the three hundred students, “Who would like this ¥100 bill?” The students began to put up their hands at once.
Then he said, “I am going to give this ¥100 to one of you, but first, let me do this.” He then made the bill into a ball. Then he said, “Who wants it now?” The hands went back into the air.
“Well,” he said, “What if I do this?” and he dropped it on the floor and stepped on it. He picked up the dirty, crumpled bill and said, “Who still wants it?” Hands went back into the air.
“My friends,” he said, “you have learned a valua-ble lesson today. No matter  what I did to the money, you still wanted it because it did not go down in value (價值)。 It was still worth ¥ l00!”
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crum-pled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn‘t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE.
You are special and valuable. Don‘t ever forget it!
【小題1】Even though it was dirty, the money _______.

A.still went up in valueB.was worth nothing
C.didn‘t go down in valueD.was still ours
【小題2】We are always valuable to the people _______.
A.who pay usB.who call us
C.who hate usD.who love us
【小題3】The sentence “Hands went back into the air” means “_______”。
A.the students put up their hands again
B.the students put down their hands
C.the students put their hands behind their backs again
D.the students put their hands in front of them
【小題4】 Why did the famous teacher use a ¥100 bill at his lesson?
A.Because he wanted to make the bill into a ball.
B.Because he used to drop a bill on the floor and stepped on it.
C.Because he was going to give the bill to one of his students.
D.Because he wanted to make the students know what value was.


科目:初中英語 來源:2013屆廣西桂林市初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)模擬考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解


Guitar Lessons
A very good musician. Doing well in teaching kids for six years. Your home or mine.
Call Miss Li at 7328059.
For Sale
Coat for man, size 42, 1 year old, $85, after 6 p. m, call 8830553.
Color TV, size 21, $150; Mp3 player, $45; Recorder, $25.  Call 6963749.
Help Wanted
If you can find a few hours during the day to look after 2 school children, please call 3133696.
A magazine needs a reporter. He or she should do well in writing in Chinese.
Experience needed. Call 5201318.
A yellow bag with a mobile phone and some books was left in the reading-room.
Will the finder come to Class 7, Grade 7?
【小題1】If you want a musician to teach your kid to play the guitar, which number will you call?
【小題2】If a person has $110, he can buy___________.
A.a(chǎn) TV and a recorderB.a(chǎn) coat and a recorder
C.a(chǎn) coat and an Mp3 playerD.a(chǎn) TV and an Mp3 player
【小題3】What can’t you buy in the second advertisement?
A.TV.B.Computer.C.Recorder.D.Mp3 player.
【小題4】If you want to find a part-time job, you’ll read___________. 
A.Help WantedB.For SaleC.Guitar LessonsD.Lost
【小題5】What’s in the lost yellow bag?
A.A mobile phone and a wallet.B.A mobile phone and some books.
C.Some books and an ID card.D.Some books and a wallet.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011-2012學(xué)年江蘇丹陽司徒中學(xué)初二下學(xué)期第一次質(zhì)量檢測英語試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Jack went to a barber's shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result(結(jié)果). When his friend Bob saw him, he laughed and said, "What has happened to your hair, Jack?"
Jack said, "I tried a new barber's shop today, because I wasn't quite satisfied with my old one, but this one seems even worse."
Bob agreed(同意). "Yes, I think you're right, Jack. Now I'll tell you what to do when you go into a barber's shop next time: look at all the barber's hair, find out whose hair looks worst, and then go straight to him."
"Why shall I go to him?" Jack asked. "But that would be foolish!"
"Oh, no, it wouldn't," answered Bob. "Who cut that man's hair? Just think it. He couldn't cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he can't be the worst barber."
【小題1】When Jack went out of the barber's shop, he was not happy because                      ____.

A.nobody had cut his hair
B.the barber hadn't cut his hair well
C.the barber had cut his hair carefully
D.he was not satisfied with his old barber
【小題2】"I tried a new barber's shop today." means ____.
A.this barber's shop was a new one
B.this was the only barber's shop in this town
C.Jack often went to this barber's shop
D.Jack had not been to this barber's shop before
【小題3】After Jack had his hair cut, he thought ____.
A.the new barber's shop was the best one
B.the old barber's shop wasn't so good as the new one
C.the new barber's shop was worse than the old one
D.the old barber's shop was the worst one
【小題4】Bob told Jack to find out which barber's hair looked the worst and then go straight to him. Why?
A.Because he was certainly the best barber.
B.Because he was free all the time.
C.Because he was the worst barber.
D.Because he wasn't the worst barber.
【小題5】From the story we know that ____.
A.it's foolish to have one's hair cut at a barber's shop
B.barbers cut each other's hair
C.barbers never have their hair cut
D.a(chǎn) barber always cuts his hair by himself


科目:初中英語 來源:2013年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(湖北黃岡卷)英語(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

The American book Who Moved My Cheese has been a best seller all over the world. It teaches people how to face changes in their lives. It is just for teens. The book tells us that when facing change in our life, like a new school or new friends, don’t be afraid. Use this change to make a better life.

The book gives an example of a change at school. A school is changing from having two terms to three terms because there are too many students. Several teens are talking about this. Most of them are unhappy and worried. But Chris is not. He laughs and tells a story about two mice, two“l(fā)ittle people”and some cheese.

The four are in a maze(迷宮)looking for  The cheese. Here, cheese means some thing important in life. But they find the cheese is gone. The mice realize that they can’t change what has happened and have to find more cheese. This means finding different dreams. The little people can’t do this. They are afraid of change so they find no cheese.

After Chris finishes the story, the friends understand one thing:to get more cheese, move in a new direction quickly. His friends understand how this can be used in the changes all teens face, such as doing well at school or feeling good about yourself.

1.The book Who Moved My Cheese wants  to teach us_______.

A.how to find the cheese                 B.how to face changes

C.how to make a better life                D.how to do well in our study

2.From the story, we can know that finding more cheese means_______.

A.finding more food                     B.finding more friends

C.finding different dreams                D.feeling good about ourselves

3.Why does Chris tell the story to his friends?

A.He wants to help his friends out.          B.He likes telling stories.

C.His friends like listening to stories.           D.His teacher asks him to do so.


