________ time is spent on entertainments nowadays than before.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語(yǔ) 同步練習(xí)第四冊(cè) 題型:026


1.He is t________ll, but his son is sh________ ________t.

2.She is a cl________v________ ________ girl.

3.Do you often take pictures in your sp________ ________ ________ time?

4.Li Ying is qu________ck in doing things.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:北京市九年義務(wù)教育初中英語(yǔ) 同步練習(xí)第四冊(cè) 題型:026


1.Some foreign friends want to visit the Great Wall. They need a tour g________ ________ d________.

2.Ben has a week holiday in Beijing. He p________ ________ n________ to visit some other interesting places in China.

3.A:I'd like to go to Shanghai. What about you?

B:I'm t________ ________ ________ k________ ________ ________ about going to Kunming.

4.I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Wish you a p________ ________ ________ s________ ________ ________ journey.

5.Our teacher is going to sp________ ________ ________ his holidays in Beijing.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:026


1.He is t________ll, but his son is sh________ ________t.

2.She is a cl________v________ ________ girl.

3.Do you often take pictures in your sp________ ________ ________ time?

4.Li Ying is qu________ck in doing things.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:026


1.Some foreign friends want to visit the Great Wall. They need a tour g________ ________ d________.

2.Ben has a week holiday in Beijing. He p________ ________ n________ to visit some other interesting places in China.

3.A:I'd like to go to Shanghai. What about you?

B:I'm t________ ________ ________ k________ ________ ________ about going to Kunming.

4.I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Wish you a p________ ________ ________ s________ ________ ________ journey.

5.Our teacher is going to sp________ ________ ________ his holidays in Beijing.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:英語(yǔ)教研室 題型:054

Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time ____1____ did not like their students to ____2____ with them. Perhaps it was too easy. Pens can leak and it is ____3____ to spill the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.

Ladislao Brio ____4____ for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day ____5____ his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected ____6____ of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to ____7____ his pen and it did not write ____8____ on the thin paper. He and his brother George  ____9____ some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not ____10____ a little ball at the end?

Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Fredrick Miles, liked the ____11____. It was the ____12____of the Second World War. The Air-Forced ____13____ a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to write with in ____14____. Martin and Miles made and ____15____ many thousands of Biro “writing-sticks” to the Air-Force.

1 ( )Afactories    Bschools     Cshops     Drestaurants

2 ( )Aplay      Bwrite     Ccome      Dmeet

3 ( )Aeasy       Bhard      Cfree       Dpopular

4 ( )Aleft      Bwaited     Clooked      Dworked

5 ( )Aon        Bnear     Cat       Din

6 ( )Amistakes     Bbooks     Cpages        Ddiaries

7 ( )Amend     Bfill      Cbrush        Dchange

8 ( )Awell        Bdown    Cout        Dup

9 ( )Akept      Bfinished    Cbegan        Dstudied

10 ( )Afind     Bwear     Cgrow        Duse

11 ( )Amatter      Bresult     Cmeaning      Didea

12 ( )Aday        Btime     Cbreak       Dyear

13 ( )Abought      Btook      Cneeded     Dpreferred

14 ( )Aplanes      Bships     Ctrains      Dbuses

15 ( )Asold       Blent     Cmoved      Dpassed


