Please ___________ during the tour.

A. have a fun         B. have fun           C. have funs


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:







學(xué)習(xí)努力;與同學(xué)友好相處(get on well with…)……


幫助王明解決難題(work out problems);使他對學(xué)習(xí)產(chǎn)生興趣(become interested in…)……


1、  表格中的信息要全部用上,也可進(jìn)行適當(dāng)發(fā)揮。

2、  根據(jù)需要使用恰當(dāng)?shù)臅r(shí)態(tài)。

3、  語言通順,意思連貫,書寫規(guī)范。

4、  詞數(shù)60詞左右,文章的開頭已給出,不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。

We are very glad that Wang Ming has made great progress(取得了很大進(jìn)步).                     








科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Suppose you are going to Boston, and you have never visited the city before. If someone tells you about the interesting places in the city, you   15  to get some ideas of what you will see, but don’t have a   16  idea of where these places are or of how to find them. However   17  someone has a map of the city and   18  you the main roads and buildings, you may say, “Oh, now I see. I can find my way with   19  trouble at all”. Working in math is somewhat(有點(diǎn)兒) like trying to find your way   20  a new city. Perhaps the words may tell you some information and you have  21  it, but you can’t see any clear road   22   the answers.

Maybe you need to have a kind of map of the main roads in maths   23  you find your way. Explore what lies in maths, and try your best to find the main roads. They will   24

you to the answer. If you can find the “map”, the maths problems will be easily worked out.

15. A. begin          B. like          C. learn         D. decide

16. A. clever         B. clear         C. strange        D. wrong

17. A. if             B. though        C. whether       D. since

18. A. helps          B. gives         C. passes        D. shows

19. A. not           B. no           C. some         D. much

20. A. of            B. to            C. in            D around

21. A. thought about   B. heard about    C. written down   D talked with

22. A. with           B. for           C. of           D to

23. A. help           B. to help        C. helps         D help with

24. A. keep          B. send          C. lead          D. ask


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

        Lily good at          pictures?

A.Do, draw        B.Is, draw       C.Do, drawing     D.Is, drawing


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

We each have a memory. That’s why we can still remember things after a long time. Some people have very good memories and they can easily learn many things by heart, but some people can only remember things when they say or do them again and again. Many of the great men of the world have got surprising memories.

A good memory is a great help in learning languages. Everybody learns his mother language when he is a small child. He hears the sounds, remembers them and then he learns to speak. Some children are living with their parents in foreign countries. They can learn two languages as easily as one because they hear and speak two languages every day. In school it is not so easy to learn a foreign language because the pupils have so little time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too.

51. Some people can easily learn many things by heart because       

   A. they always sleep well        B. they often eat good food

   C. they read a lot of books       D. they have very good memory

52. Everybody learns his mother language       .

   A. at the age of six           B. when he is a small child

   C. after he goes to school      D. when he can read and write

53. Before a child can speak, he must       .

   A. read and write                 B. make sentences

   C. hear and remember the sounds    D. think hard

54. In school the pupils can’t learn a foreign language easily because       .

   A. they have no good memories       B. they have no good teachers

   C. they don’t like it                 D. they are busy with other subjects

55. Your memory will become better and better       .

   A. if you have a lot of good food           B. if you do more and more exercises

   C. if you do morning exercises every day    D. if you get up early


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 _____ there a post office and a bank near here?

A. Are  B. Is  C. Be


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--- What _____ do you like?

--- I like elephants.  

A. animals B. sports  C. books 


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

 Did you do well              English writing?

         A. at            B. with                 C. on             D. in


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:


  A. We will study at home on computes.

  B. And there will be more trees and less pollution.

  C. Everyone will have a credit card(信用卡).

  D. I think people will have robots in their homes.

  E. And I hope we will travel by spaceship.

A:What do you think life will be like in 100 years?


A:Great. Then we don't have to do any housework. The robots will help us. Will there be any paper money?

B:No,there won't.(93)                                 

A:And I think we won't have to go to school for lessons. (94)                         

B:I agree. Do you like traveling?

A:Of course. I love traveling. (95)                                 

B:You will see a more beautiful world in 100 years because the cities will be like gardens.


A:Wow,I can't wait.


92.     93.     94.     95.     96.    

