                                            The Timetable of Alice on Monday
Time Teacher Subject What Alicia Feels
8:30 to 9:30 Helen Smith History Easy(容易的)
9: 40 to 10: 40 Dale Green Math
10: 50 t0 11: 50 Julia Hand Art Interesting
                                                                 Lunch time
1: 30 to 2: 30 Liu Wei            Chinese          Difficult
2: 40 t0 3: 40 LiTao English Funny
3: 50 t0 4: 50 Mona Miller P. E. Exciting
1. What time does Alic have math?      
A.  From 8 :30 t0 9:30.            
B.  From 9 :40 t0 10 :40.      
C.  From 10:50 t0 11 :50.        
D.  From l:30 t0 2:30.
2. What subject does Julia Hand teach?      
A. English.    
B. Math.        
C. History.      
D. Art.
3. Alicia doesn't like math because it's_________.      
A. boring      
B. difficult    
C. funny          
D. easy
4. ___________ is Alicia's P. E. teacher.      
A. Helen Smith    
B. Dale Green    
C. Mona Miller    
D. Liu Wei
5. Which of the following is WRONG(錯(cuò)誤的) ?      
A. Li Tao is an English teacher.      
B. Julia Hand thinks art is interesting.      
C. Alicia likes P. E.      
D. Alicia has six classes on Monday.

科目:初中英語 來源:1+1輕巧奪冠·優(yōu)化訓(xùn)練 八年級(jí)英語(下) 題型:050


The Classmates

  Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor.So he went to see one.He sat down in the waiting-room and looked round.The doctor's degrees were on the wall.Suddenly Mr Smith remembered.There had been a classmate with the same name in his class at the school, and he had become a doctor!As he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young, handsome student, and was sad to see how old and grey this man looked.

  He said to him.“Good morning, Doctor.Did you go to King High School?”

  The doctor answered,“Yes, I did.”

  “Were you there from 1942 to 1946?”Mr Smith asked.

  “Yes, I was,”the doctor answered.“How did you know?”Mr Smith laughed and said.“You were in my class”“Oh?”the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few minutes.“What were you teaching?”

Choose the right answer for each blank:


Mr smith ________, so he needed a new doctor.

[  ]


visited a town


went to live in another town


went away from a town


arrived in a town


Mr Smith saw the doctor's degrees ________.

[  ]


on the wall of the doctor's office


on the doctor's desk


on the wall of the waiting room


on the desk in the waiting-room


Mr Smith suddenly found the doctor's name was the same as one of his ________.

[  ]










When Mr Smith met the doctor, he asked him if he once ________.

[  ]


visited King High School


studied in King High School


taught in King High School


worked in King High School


Who were in King High School from 1942 to 1946?

[  ]


Only the doctor


Only Mr Smith


Both Mr Smith and the doctor


Neither of them


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級(jí)下Module 5 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


The train I was traveling on was already half an hour late. I had to arrive in Vienna at 7:15 to catch it. He advised me to get off two stops before Vienna station and take a taxi. When the time came, the conductor even helped me with my bags. He wished me good luck as I jumped off. And a few minutes later, I was racing towards the centre of the city in a taxi. It was almost 7:25 when we stopped outside the station. I paid the driver quickly, took hold of my bags quickly and hurried inside. “Pairs train” was all I had time to say to the official I saw. You can guess how I feel when he pointed to a man that the train was just moving out of the station.

1.The writer arrived at Vienna station at ______.

A.7: 15

B.7: 25



2. Why did the writer get off the train two stops before Vienna station?

A.He wanted to have a rest

B.He wanted to catch the 7:25 Paris train.

C.He wanted to go to Paris by taxi.

D.He wanted to meet the official.

3. How did the writer feel at Vienna station?

A.He felt lonely.

B.He felt angry.

C.He felt surprised.

D.He felt sad.



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語九年級(jí)上Module 7 練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


The seasons in Australia are not like ours. When it is winter in China, it is summer there. Australia is a southern country. It is in the south of the world. June, July and August are the winter months; September, October and November are spring; the summer is in December, January and February; and March, April and May are the autumn months. The north of the country is hotter than the south.

A very large part of this country has no rain at all. The east coast has rain all year, and there are no dry months. The southeast winds blow the whole year. They bring rain from the sea. There is not much rain on the west side. The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds. They only blow here in summer.

The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain. The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only. In summer, the southwest of the country has no rain. In the north of Australia, there is no rain in winter. The rain comes in summer. The northwest winds bring it.

1.It is ____ in Australia in November.





2. In Australia, it is ____ in the south than in the north.





3.The ____ of Australia has the most rain.

A.eastern part

B.southeastern part

C.southern part

D.northern part

4. The southwest of the country has no rain in summer because ____.

A.it is dry there

B.the west winds never blow

C.the northwest winds blow

D.the west winds blow only in winter

5. There is no rain in winter ____ of Australia.

A.in the southeast

B.in the north

C.in the southwest

D.in the south



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年外研版初中英語七年級(jí)下冊(cè)Module 1練習(xí)卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


The Turners are American. They are now in Beijing. This is their first visit to China.

They are going to stay in China for three months. They want to visit some big cities and villages. They hope to learn some Chinese, too.

Mr Turner is a driver. He likes to drive in Beijing. Mrs Turner is a school teacher. She is visiting a city school and a village school. Their daughter is a middle-school student. She meets some Chinese students.

They take a lot of pictures in China. When they are back in America, they are going to show the pictures to their friends. They want the American people to know more about China.


1.Where are the Turners from?

2.What is Mr Turner?

3.Is Mrs Turner’s daughter a middle-school student?

4.How many people are there in Mr Turner’s family?

5.Why do they take a lot of pictures in China?



科目:初中英語 來源:2012年人教版初中英語八年級(jí)上冊(cè)第十單元練習(xí)卷 題型:閱讀理解


The best thing about going to school is learning how to read. Books are great friends. They can help you to learn about anything you want to know. They can go anywhere with you. You can read about animals, faraway places, people, and anything else.

Books are written by people called authors(作者). Authors think of things they want to write about. They make a plan for a book and start to write .Some authors write books that give us information(信息)and teach us things. Authors are very important people because they help us learn. Find a good book to read and read every day ,You will enjoy your time with a good book.

1.What can you read about in books?




D.All of the above

2.What is the best part about going to school?


B.Having lunch.

C.Learning to read.

D.Seeing friends.

3.What are authors?

A.They are people who drive cars.

B.They are people who live in big houses.

C.They are people who write books.

D.They are people who have animals.

4.What do authors do before they write a book?

A. They think about what they want to write about.                        

B. They eat lunch.

C. They make a plan for the book.                                                

D. Both A and C.

5..Authors are important people because     .

A.they sing great songs

B.they help us learn

C.they take time to play

D.they have animals


