
1. It's              (不大可能) that people can find South China tigers in the wilds of China.
2. The boy plays the guitar quite well. But he said he              (更喜愛) violin to guitar.
3. The twins look alike but have very different              (性格).
4. He's a shy boy who can't              (溝通) very well.
5. My father              (代表) my family to make a speech at my sister's wedding yesterday.
6. Soon the fire              (散播) to the edge of the forest.
7. Can you tell me the exact              (長) of the Great wall?
8. The              (辯論) lasted until late into the night.
9. She looks              (昏昏欲睡). Where did she go last night?
10. The small house was badly              (損害) in the heavy rain.

1. unlikely  2. preferred  3. characters  4. communicate  5. represented
6. spread  7. length  8. debate  9. sleepy  10. damaged
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    科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:句型轉(zhuǎn)換

    1. The twin brother does well in math. (寫出同義句)
       The twin brother _________ __________ at math.
    2. She wants to see him as soon as possible. (寫出同義句)
       She __________ ___________ to see him at once.
    3. Sue is 15 years old. Lucy is 15 years old, too. (合并成一句)
        Sue and Lucy are _________ __________ age.
    4. I always get up before six o'clock in my school days. (寫出同義句)
        I __________ get up _________ six o'clock in my school days.
    5. People are stressed out and angry. They might have too much yang in their lives. (用定語從句合并成一句)
        People ________ are stressed out and angry ________ have too much yang in their lives.


    科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇期末題 題型:單選題

    Simon is ______ to make us all ______.
    [     ]
    A. enough funny; laugh
    B. enough funny; to laugh
    C. funny enough; laugh
    D. funny enough; to laugh


    科目:初中英語 來源:北京市期末題 題型:單選題

    Tom's pet is _____. It _____ three weeks ago. 
    [     ]
    A. in death; dies
    B. dead; died
    C. dead; has died
    D. dying; died


    科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省期末題 題型:單選題

    Lucy found it ________ to get on well with these friends. They're friendly to her.

    [     ]

    A. hard
    B. hardly
    C. easy
    D. easily


    科目:初中英語 來源:期中題 題型:單選題

    The doctor says I eat _____ meat.

    [     ]

    A. much too
    B. too much
    C. too many
    D. very much


    科目:初中英語 來源:0110 期中題 題型:單選題

    It's too late now. I think the shop is _______.

    [     ]

    A. open
    B. closed
    C. opens
    D. close


    科目:初中英語 來源:湖北省中考真題 題型:單選題

    — Why don't you do it yourself?
    — Sorry, I don't think I'm _____ to. I need someone's help.

    [     ]

    A. possible
    B. ready
    C. afraid
    D. able


    科目:初中英語 來源:江蘇中考真題 題型:單選題

    When the fire broke out, many people were so _____ that they ran _____.
    [     ]
    A. frightening; wild
    B. frightened; wild
    C. frightened; wildly
    D. frightening; wildly

