When I returned to my hometown, I was nearly lost.Almost_______ had changed.

A.nothing       B.a(chǎn)nything             C.something           D.everything


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

閱讀下面短文,用括號內(nèi)所給動詞的適當形式填空 (必要時可加情態(tài)動詞或助動詞)。

    A long time ago a monkey lived in a big tree.He grew big and strong eating tree’s fruit.

A lot of crocodiles lived in the river and one of them watched the monkey for a long time.

   “That monkey’s heart(1)______(taste)so sweet from all the fruit he eats”,the crocodile thought to herself.“I want to eat it”.So she asked her husband(2)______(bring)the monkey’s heart for her.

    Her husband looked up at the monkey in the tree and then(3)_______(look)at his wife.“But the monkey(4)________(1ive)high in the tree and I’m here in the river.How can I catch him?”

   “I don’t care how you do it,just bring me his heart,”shouted his wife.

    Her husband knew there was no way of(5)________(talk)her out of something.

   “OK,OK,calm down,I’ll think of something,dearest,”he said.

    On the next day, the crocodile swam closer to the tree when the monkey(6)_______(play).

   “Mr. Monkey, why don’t you go and eat juicy mangoes(芒果)on trees on the island in the middle of the river?” he called out,smiling and trying to sound friendly.

    “But I can’t get across the river, the water is too deep,”answered the monkey.

    “No problem,you can ride on my back and I(7)_______(take)you over there,”said the crocodile.

    “OK.thank you.Let’s go!” answered the monkey.

    When they swam a little way, the crocodile dived(潛水)under the water and wanted to kill the monkey for his heart.

    When the monkey knew the crocodile’s meaning,he said,“I didn’t bring my heart with me.Take me over to the island and after I(8)______(eat)some mangoes,we’ll go back and I’ll get my heart for you”. 

“No way, monkey”,said the crocodile.“We(9)______(go)back for your heart first and then we’ll see about the mangoes.” 

    “Fair enough.you’re the boss,”said the monkey.

    When they got back to the tree,the monkey jumped off the crocodile’s back and ran up high into the tree.

So at last the monkey(10)_________(not kilt)by the crocodile.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

改革開放三十年,很多外商來中國投資,為我國的經(jīng)濟騰飛做出了巨大貢獻。表中信息是關(guān)于一位來濱州投資的澳大利亞商人的情況。請你根據(jù)以下表格的信息用英語寫一篇介紹Bill Smith 的短文。



姓    名

Bill Smith

性    別


年    齡


職    業(yè)


愛    好






其    他


參考詞匯:start (開辦), finish one’s studies, the Garden City, live a better life

In the past thirty years, many foreigners have come to China to build factories._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

Our grandparents live on a farm in the countryside and during summer vacations my sister,Ginny,and I like to visit them.①他們住的離這里相當遠,but we don't mind traveling a long way to see them.

To go there,we can take a bus or a train.②We like traveling by bus,but we prefer going by train (a it's cheap and comfortable.

There is a small lake near the farm,and in summer we enjoy swimming in the lake.

Our grandparents have some horses on their farm.We love to (b them with our grandpa early in the morning.

Sometimes we help grandparents with some jobs on the farm,but if we don't feel like doing anything,that's okay with him!

I really like staying on the farm.I want to have my own farm one day.

The last time we saw our grandparents was about two months ago.④We hope we can see them again this summer




3.請就下劃線句子②中的by bus進行提問。


Our grandparents _________ _________ _________ horses on their farm.


We hope _________ _________ them again this summer.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

--Is your cold getting     ?

--No, the medicine I took to have no effect(作用)。

A.bad                 B.less                 C.well                 D.better


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—You are always talking about your pet dog.What’s it like?


A.It likes meat                         B.It’s three years old

C.It’s small and white                   D.It likes playing with me


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

_______ hamburgers are junk food, many children like them.

A.If         B.Unless             C.Because                    D.Although


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

—Must I finish my home work today?

—No, you _____. You may finish it tomorrow.

A.mustn’t              B.shouldn’t              C.needn’t              D.couldn’t


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:閱讀理解

Tom was a good boy. He was seven years old, and he was going to school soon.

    But Tom had a shortcoming(缺點). He couldn't get up early. He often slept until nine or ten o' clock in the morning.

    His mother didn't want him to be late for school. So she bought him an alarm clock. She said to him, "You must get up when you hear the clock ring."

    "Yes, Mum. "Tom said, and from then on, Tom got up when he heard the clock ring at six in the morning.

    One day, his mother forgot to wind up the clock. And the next morning Tom didn't get up at six thirty. It was time for breakfast. Mother went to wake him up. Tom was in bed and his eyes were open. He said to his mother," I woke up very early."

    "Then why didn't you get up?" Mother asked. "You told me to get up when I heard the dock ring. So I am now waiting for the clock ring."

1.Tom couldn't get up early in the morning, _________.

    A.but he was still a good boy                     B.but he went to school on time

    C.so he was a bad boy                  D.so he was often late for school

2.Before Tom's mother bought a clock for him, he always ________.

     A.got up late                         B.went to bed early

     C.got up early                        D.went to bed late

3.Tom usually got up_________ after he had a clock.

     A.a(chǎn)t six thirty           B.a(chǎn)t nine         C.late            D.early

4.One day, the clock didn't ring,________.

     A.so Tom didn't wake up early           B. but Tom still woke up early

     C.but Tom still got up early             D.so Tom slept late

5.Tom didn't get up early one day, because______.

    A.he went to bed too late                  B.he didn't want to go to school

    C.the dock didn't ring                     D.his mother didn't go to wake him up

