      根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容, 在空白處填寫適當(dāng)?shù)脑捳Z (話語可能是一個句子, 也可能是一個短語或
一個詞), 使對話完整.
 ( Li Lei and his classmates are in a museum. Now he is introducing an invention to a foreign student.) 

Melissa: Look! This looks so interesting. There are dragons (龍) and frogs on it.
   Li Lei: Ah, it's a great __1__ of ancient China.
Melissa: Really? __2__?
   Li Lei: I think it was invented in Han Dynasty (漢朝).
Melissa: __3__?             
   Li Lei: Guess!
Melissa: Was it used for holding water?
   Li Lei: No. It was used or testing earthquakes.
Melissa: Really? But how?
   Li Lei: Read this instruction, and __4__.
Melissa: Wow, it's really __5__. The Chinese are great.

1.  invention
2. When was it invented
3. What was it used for
4. you'll understand / you'll know everything
5.  amazing / great / wonderful/useful / interesting

科目:初中英語 來源:2006年四川省瀘州市初中畢業(yè)暨高中階段學(xué)校招生考試英語試卷 題型:030



A:Hi, Kate.

B:Hi, Bill.

A:What are you going to   1   next Sunday?

B:Nothing much.What   2   you?

A:  3   go to the zoo.I hear there’s a dolphin show in the zoo.

B:A dolphin show?  4   idea!How can we   5   there?

A:By bus   6   by bike?

B:OK.Let’s go by bike.  7   shall we meet?

A:What about nine-thirty?

B:  8   OK.

A:  9   shall we meet then?

B:At the zoo gate, OK?

A:OK.See you   10  

1.d________ 2.a(chǎn)________ 3.L________ 4.G________ 5.g________ 6.o________ 7.W________ 8.T________ 9.W________ 10.t________


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:030



Mr. Yong: Rafael, how do you get to school? Do you walk there?

Rafael: No, I (1)________ the bus and the subway. and then I take a bus to the 4th Street and then I (2)________ to school.

Mr. Yong: What? How (3)________ does it take?

Rafael: The first bus takes ten (4)________ , the subway takes twenty minutes, and the (5)________ bus takes ten minutes. And then I walk. So, (6)________(7)________about an hour.

Mr. Yong: An hour? How far (8)________ school to your home?

Rafael: About five(9)________, I think.

Mr. Yong: Well, you (10)________ get up at five-thirty then.

Rafael: Five-thirty! I'm sorry, but I can't.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

完成對話.根據(jù)語境,用恰當(dāng)?shù)恼Z言完成對話(共5小題;每小題2分,滿分10分)A:I had never been late for school, but yesterday morning……
A:I overslept. I had watched a football match between China and brazil the night before last. When I went to bad, it was 1:00 am already.
B:【小題2】____________________________________________ ?
A: Yes, I have one . But it didn’t go off.
B: You had to rush, didn’t you?
A: Yes, of course. I took a quick shower and ran off to the bus stop without breakfast.
A:I know it’s bad, but I had to.  And 【小題4】__________________________.
B: So you took a taxi, didn’t you?
A: Yes. When I got on the taxi, I suddenly found I had left my purse at home. So I had to ring my English teacher to meet me at the school gate and paid instead of me.
B: So did you get to class on time?
A: No , I didn’t . It was rush hour and the taxi move too slowly.
B: Bad luck . So I think 【小題5】_______________________________.
A: Thank you for your advice. I’ll do that.


科目:初中英語 來源:2015屆江蘇省揚州市邗江區(qū)七年級下學(xué)期期中考試英語試卷(解析版) 題型:其他題



Alice :  I have a photo of my cousin Lucy .

Allan :   1.  

Alice :  Yes , you can .

Allan :  En , she is pretty . 2.  

Alice :  Yes , she is .

Allan :  Is she from America ?

Alice :  No ,    3. 

Allan :  Is she polite and helpful ?

Alice :     4. 

Allan :   5.  

Alice :  She is a nurse.

Allan :  She looks very happy in the photo .

Alice :  Yes , all the patients(病人)like her very much .

Allan :  Really ? I look forward to meeting her soon.

A.What is she?

B.Of course she is.

C.Is she tall and slim?

D.Can I have a look?

E. she is English.


