假如你就讀于一所雙語學(xué)校。在母親節(jié)來臨之際,你們班組織了一次“How to Show Love for Your Mother on Mother’s Day”的主題班會(huì)。其中的三位同學(xué)發(fā)言如下:

Tom: I have made it a rule to send an e-card to my mother on Mother’s Day. I will continue to do so this year.

Susan: I think I will buy my mother a silk scarf with the pocket money I have saved. Gifts don’t need to be expensive, but always from the heart.

Jennifer: I will help out around the house, such as cleaning the rooms and washing the dishes.


Boys and girls,

I’m very happy that many of you have shared your thoughts with the class. Tom will send his mother    1   . Susan will buy    2    as a Mother’s Day gift for her mother. Jennifer will help her mother do some    3   . Mother’s Day is a special day to mothers. Though it’s hard to show our mum just how much we love her in only one day, we should try to     4                 .

Thank you.

(1)an e-card (2) a silk scarf (3) housework/cleaning/washing (4) 略

