
reply, pay attention to, lift, realize, not waste, face, belong to, experience, catch, hurt

1.It’s true that Diaoyu Island _________________ China.

2.Mary’s parents would like her ________________ the joy (喜悅) in helping others.

3.What he said _________________  me.

4.The boy got very bad grades and he was afraid _________________  his father.

5.When I walked past his room, I saw him _________________  a big stone over his head.

6._________________ our health is very important for everyone.

7.The other day, my classmates and I _________________ the early bus. How lucky!

8._________________ food. Many people are hungry in today’s world.

9.I_________________  to him twice since I received his last letter.

10.I hope the Japanese _________________  their mistakes as soon as possible.




1.belongs to

2.to experience

3.hurt / has hurt / has been hurting / is hurting

4.to face


6.Paying attention to


8.Don’t waste

9.have replied

10.will realize / realize



1.考查動詞短語。句意:釣魚島是中國的是事實。belong to屬于。釣魚島與中國是歸屬關系,是一個不爭的事實,用一般現(xiàn)在時,故答案填belongs  to。


like sbto do想讓某人做某事,the joy  in helping others.幫助別人的喜悅,是一種感受,故答案填to

experience 。

3.考查動詞時態(tài)。句意:他說的話傷到我了。hurt傷害。what he said他說的話,主語從句。根據(jù)語境用選擇一般過去時、現(xiàn)在完成進行時和現(xiàn)在進行時, 可知答案填hurt / has hurt / has been hurting / is hurting。

4.考查動詞不定式。句意:那個男孩得了很低的分數(shù)不敢面對他的爸爸。face 面對。 be afraid to do害怕做某事,根據(jù)語境可知答案填to face。

5.考查動詞現(xiàn)在分詞。句意:當我走過他的房間時,我看到他正把一塊大石頭舉過頭頂。lift舉。根據(jù)a big stone over his head一塊大石頭高過頭頂,可知是舉,根據(jù)I saw him我看到他,可知是正在舉,現(xiàn)在分詞做賓補, 故答案填lifting。

6.考查動名詞。句意:對于所有人來說關注我們的健康都是非常重要的。pay attention to 關注。根據(jù)語境可知是關注我們的健康,根據(jù) is very important 可知是動名詞做主語,故答案填Paying attention to。

7.考查動詞。句意:那天,我和我的同學趕上了早班車。多幸運!catch趕上。根據(jù) the early bus.早班車,可知是趕上車,根據(jù)the other day那天,可知是一般過去時,故答案填caught。

8.考查祈使句。句意不要浪費食物,如今的世界上還有許多人在挨餓。waste浪費。根據(jù)語境可知是不要浪費食物,故答案填Don’t waste。

9.考查動詞短語。句意:自從我收到他的最后一封信,我已經(jīng)回了兩次信了。reply to回復。根據(jù)since I received his last letter自從我收到他的最后一封信,可知是回復收到的信,since自從,現(xiàn)在完成時的標志,故答案填have replied 。

10.考查動詞時態(tài)。句意:我希望日本人能盡早地認識到錯誤。realize認識到。根據(jù)語境可知賓語從句可用一般將來時或一般現(xiàn)在時,故答案will realize / realize。



