After my teacher gave me a lesson, I didn’t do that ________.

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
    any more
  4. D.
    no more

科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:人教新課標(biāo)初一上冊(cè)練習(xí) 人教新課標(biāo) 題型:052


  Hello, my name is Linda. I am from England. Now I am in China with my parents. I like Chinese. They are very friendly to us. I like Chinese food, too. There are many different kinds of food. They are delicious. My father is Mr. Green. He works in a big company(公司) here. My mother is at home. She looks after my father and me. I have breakfast at home. My mother cooks it for me. I usually. have an egg, a piece of bread and porridge for breakfast. I don't like milk. I have four lessons in the morning. My school is far from my home. So I have no time to go home for lunch. I just have snacks at school. The snacks are very good in two boxes. One has different food, the other has some rice in it.

  In the afternoon, I only have two lessons. After the lessons, I usually go home. My father takes me home in his car.

  I have supper at home with my parents. Sometimes we go out to have dinner with our friends. We have fish, meat, vegetables, soup,rice and fruit for supper. I like Chinese dumplings very much.

  I like Chinese food. I also like Chinese people, too.

(1) Linda is from England, but she is in China now.

(  )

(2) Linda goes to school by bus.

(  )

(3) Linda's mother doesn't go to work, she just stays at home.

(  )

(4) Linda likes Chinese food and Chinese people very much.

(  )

(5) Linda has snacks at home every day.

(  )


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源: 題型:

Dr. Brown liked reading in bed when he was at school. But it was ___41___ for his eyes and now he is near-sighted. He doesn’t want ___42___ to know about it and he never wears ___43___. It often___44___ him some trouble.
One day he was invited to a village school. He took a bus to a small town. Then he had to __45__ to the village school. The road to the village was very bad. He fell over(摔倒) some times and it __46___ his clothes dirty. ___47___ he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow(刮風(fēng)) heavily and his hat was off. He felt his hat run into a fence(籬笆). So he ran __48__ it into the house, too. An old woman __49___ him angrily and shouted(喊叫),” ___50___ are you running after my little duck?”
A.worse B.good C.bad D.better
A.somebody B.nobody C.everybody D.a(chǎn)nybody else
A.a(chǎn) hat B.a(chǎn) glasses C.sunglasses D.glasses
A.took B.brought C.takes D.brings
【小題5】 B.ride C.walk
A.let B.made C.gave
A.At first B.At last C.At times D.At once
A.with B.before C.a(chǎn)fter D.a(chǎn)long
A.stopped B.took C.invited D.made
A.What B.Why C.Who D.Where


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013屆江蘇省揚(yáng)州市江都區(qū)宜陵中學(xué)九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期末考試英語(yǔ)試卷(帶解析) 題型:閱讀理解

Mrs Elise was my teacher in the fourth grade. One day at lunch time, I was getting ready to eat my tuna fish (金槍魚(yú)) sandwich and suddenly Mrs Elise asked me if she could buy my sandwich from me. She explained that I could use the money to buy a hot hunch from the cafeteria (食堂).
I was excited. I never bought my lunch at the cafeteria. It was too expensive for my family, and I always carried my lunch and took the bag back home to use it again the next day. So you could understand my happiness when I had the chance to buy a hot lunch.
When we finished lunch that day, Mrs Elise took me aside and said she wanted to explain why she had bought my sandwich. I really didn’t care why, but it gave me a few minutes of her special attention, so I was quiet as she explained. She told me that she was a Catholic(天主教徒) and Catholics didn’t eat red meat on Fridays, they ate fish on Fridays.
Oh, I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my mother that from then on I wanted a tuna fish sandwich on Fridays. After my mother understood why, she gladly made tuna fish sandwiches for me on Fridays. She even made it with brown bread because she knew Mrs Elise liked brown bread. From then on, every Friday I could get in line with other kids for a hot lunch. I didn’t care how many of the kids complained about cafeteria food. It tasted divine to me!
I realize now that Mrs Elise could have made herself tuna fish sandwiches on Fridays. But she bought mine because she saw a little girl who was excited at the simple act of having a hot lunch.
I will never forget Mrs Elise for her pity for me and generosity (慷慨) and what I should do is to follow her example.
【小題1】 From this passage we know_______.

A.Mrs Elise was the best friend of the writer
B.the writer came from a poor family
C.many or the writer’s classmates liked cafeteria food
D.the writer like to eat tuna fish sandwiches on Fridays
【小題2】 Mrs Elise bought the writer’s sandwiches because_______.
A.she was tired of cafeteria food
B.she hated getting in line with kids
C.she liked the tuna fish sand writer’s made by the writer’s mother
D.she wanted to show care to the writer
【小題3】 The underlined word“divine”means“_____”.
【小題4】 Which of the following can we learn from this passage?
A.It is hard to please all.
B.Better to give than to receive.
C.Love makes the world go around.
D.The more you offer, the more you get.


科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2013-2014學(xué)年江西省九年級(jí)上學(xué)期期中考試英語(yǔ)試卷(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解

Dear Mrs. Smith,

I was a student of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. I’m writing this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me. It made a great contribution(貢獻(xiàn)) to my life.

I know I was very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my first years in schools. I hated to read. Books were just words that had very little to do with me, and I was bored by them. I’ll never forget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. Your voice seemed to change with the people in the story, and you drew pictures in my mind as you read aloud. Since that day, I couldn’t wait until after lunch when you would read to the class. You read us all kinds of wonderful books.

During the summer after my year in your class, I missed hearing the stories you would read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all on my own. I found out that I could make the words interesting, too. Now, I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.



1.This letter is about a girl saying “      ” to a teacher.

A. Happy Teachers’ Day                                 B. Thank you

C. Goodbye                             D. Sorry

2.Linda was not sure if Mrs. Smith could remember her because     at school

A. she wasn’t a good student.                B. she wasn’t good at all her lessons

C. she had few words             D. she liked reading

3.Mrs. Smith got Linda        .

A. to enjoy reading     B. to enjoy drawing pictures

C. to write books       D. to read aloud

4.Which is not true in the story?

A. The teacher often said much to Linda.

B. The teacher did something important in Linda’s life.

C. The teacher opened the world of books for Linda.

D. The teacher read them all kinds of wonderful books.



科目:初中英語(yǔ) 來(lái)源:2012年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(山西卷)英語(yǔ)(解析版) 題型:閱讀理解


      Welcome to Youth Radio, your radio.  Here we're proud to introduce three Amazing Kids.

     Gina, who is thirteen years old, got first prize in the "Young Cook of the Year" competition and she wants to write a recipe book for kids. "I want it to be fun to read and easy enough for children to use," she says. Gina learned by watching her father, who's also good at cooking, in the kitchen.  She wants to encourage other children to cook because "everyone needs to eat so it's a skill that will always be useful!"

     Seventeen-year-old Brian used to love running until he was hurt in a serious accident three years ago. He lost part of one leg and didn't even expect to walk again. Now he's an athlete who has recently taken part in a long race.  "After my accident I wanted to give up," he says. "But now I'm happy to be alive and able to continue running."

     Helen has always been good at science, but she thought it was too difficult to become an inventor. Then she heard about an accident that had happened when a car hit a train in her town.  "That gave me an idea," says the clever sixteen-year-old. It took her over a year to invent a small special machine that tells car .drivers when a train is coming. One company is already interested in selling it, so it may be in he shops soon!

      Do you know a child like them? Please e-mail us at amaxingkids@ mail. com and tell us why he or she should be on our radio. Thank you.

1.What was Gina the winner of?

2.Does Gina want to write a children's recipe book? Why?

3.Why is it surprising that Brian is an athlete?

4.What is Helen's new invention used for?

5.What do you think the three Amazing Kids are like?


