Collecting Barbie Dolls is a favorite hobby of many women and girls throughout the world. Since Barbie first appeared (出現(xiàn)) at the American International Toy Fair in 1959, she has become the most popular doll in the world.
Many collectors of Barbie Dolls collect the dolls just for fun. They often collect some dolls they like or think are special. However, there are some serious collectors. They have hundreds of dolls, and spend almost thousands of dollars each year.
Many Barbie collectors not only collect the dolls, but also collect items (部件) of the dolls. Many collections include different items of Barbie's fashion clothes. If you become a serious collector of Barbie Dolls, you will be likely to want to join a Barbie collectors’ club. The more you know about Barbie and her history, the more you want to grow your collections. 
No matter which kind of collector you are, casual (隨意的) or serious, Barbie dolls can be a fun and interesting hobby for girls and women of all ages.
【小題1】How many years of history do Barbie Dolls have?
A.More than eighty years.B.About one hundred years.
C.Less than ten years. D.About fifty years.
【小題2】What does the word “include” mean in Chinese?
【小題3】Which of the following is NOT right about the serious collectors of Barbie Dolls?
A.They have great interest in Barbie Dolls.
B.They sometimes even collect items of Barbie Dolls.
C.They spend much money on Barbie Dolls.
D.They don’t like Barbie Dolls from America.
【小題4】 What do we know from the passage?
A.Barbie Dolls first appeared in England.
B.Casual collectors may just collect Barbie Dolls for fun.
C.Collectors collect items in order to repair the dolls.
D.Old people didn’t like Barbie Dolls before 1959.
【小題5】What is the passage mainly about?
A.Barbie Dolls.B.Different hobbies.
C.How to repair a toy. D.How to be a collector.


科目:初中英語 來源: 題型:

The first telephone cards, produced in 1976, were Italian. Five years later the first British card appeared, and now you can buy cards in more than a hundred countries. People usually start collecting cards because they are small and light and you do not need much space for them. It is also a cheap hobby for beginners, although for some people it becomes a serious business. In Paris, for example, there is a market where you can only buy telephone cards, and some cards cost up to £4,000.The first Japanese card has a value of about £28,000. Most people only see cards with prices like these in their collectors’ magazine.
【小題1】When were the first Italian telephone cards produced?
【小題2】How many countries can produce telephone cards now?
【小題3】Where can we find a market to buy telephone cards?
【小題4】What is the price of the first Japanese telephone card?
【小題5】In which magazine do most people see cards with prices?


科目:初中英語 來源:2012-2013學(xué)年內(nèi)蒙古海拉爾第四中學(xué)初二上期期末考試英語卷(帶解析) 題型:寫作題

在一堂英語課上,老師組織全班同學(xué)開展有關(guān)“個(gè)人愛好”的討論。假如以下是你所在小組的記錄, 請根據(jù)這個(gè)記錄用英語向全班做一個(gè)匯報(bào)。

Wu Jun
 Collecting stamps
Jia Mei
Wang Peng
 Listening to the rock music
提示:1. 匯報(bào)內(nèi)容:小組每個(gè)人的愛好及你對愛好的看法。
2. 不少于60詞。開頭和結(jié)尾已給出, 不計(jì)入總詞數(shù)。
Dear class,
Good morning! Now let me report the discussion in our group.
That’s all. Thank you for listening.


科目:初中英語 來源:2012年初中畢業(yè)升學(xué)考試(湖北黃岡卷)英語(帶解析) 題型:補(bǔ)充句子

Larry: What beautiful pictures!
Tom: No, they’re not pictures. 【小題1】_________________.
Larry: Stamps ? 【小題2】________________________.
Tom: They are used for posting letters.
Larry: 【小題3】______________________________________?
Tom: I’ve got more than 700 of them.
Larry: 【小題4】______________________________________?
Tom: I’ve been collecting them since I was five years old.
Larry: what are you going to be when you grow up?
Tom: I’m going to be a stamp designer (設(shè)計(jì)師).
Larry: 【小題5】__________________________________________?
Tom: I’m going to study art really hard and go to an art college.
Larry: I hope your dream can come true.
Tom: Thank you.


科目:初中英語 來源:2011年寧夏銀川市初一上學(xué)期期末考試英語卷 題型:其他題


1. You must stop s____________, nicotine (尼古丁) is bad for your health.

2. The girl s____________ a lot of time collecting stamps last year.

3. We were glad to celebrate our motherland, China’s s__________ birthday on October 1st, 2009.

4. I like ____________ (土豆) a lot, and my mother usually cooks it in different ways.

5. Which are __________ (重的), elephants or sheep?



科目:初中英語 來源:2010-2011年度四川省七年級下學(xué)期月考英語卷 題型:單項(xiàng)填空

---What is your hobby?

   ---_______ collecting balls, I also like different kinds of CDs.

    A. Except    B. Besides     C. Beside      D. About



